Date: 17 March 2005
Change 1:
The File example.php works very well.
I had to add a line $password = ''; to function PassGen.
I ran it under Apache 1.3.27 (win32) PHP/4.3.8
With that line added, example.php ran very well.
Also, I changed the line: $num = rand() % 50; to: $num = rand() % strlen($this->vals);
With the value of 50, no numerals were included in the password.
This makes it very easy to add special characters to $this->vals.
Change 2:
Add an inbuilt Function, in line number 34 to get Maximum of the Randomly Generated Number.
Few Comments For User Referance
Change 3:
A condition has been add to check for Password Lenght
Change 4:
Bug Fixing was done. Based on the mail send by Balis Hans. This is the mail
My code :
$pass=new rndPass(7);
this generates a random pasword with mostly a length between 6 and 8,
sometimes a length of 5.
How is this possible if you specify rndPass(7).
So i have testing the code and even i got the same problem not all the times but some times.
Since that was serious bug i have fixed it. Thanks to Balis.
change 5:
* Added a New File which will Randomly Generate Password taking some Conditions when generating the Password. based on the Inputs and Comments for Mr.Peter
* Thanks to Peter for the suggestion
* The idea is to have some requirements on passwords users can type-in.Now I want to allow them only very strong passwords. So I allow only pwd with (at least X caps chars AND at least Y small chars AND at least Z numbers AND at least V nonalfabet chars)
change 6:
* The latest Modification was made on the comments given by Kevin Wood from Belgium. Thanks to him. The New Addition makes the create password more random