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File: Web/scripts/roxy/js/directory.js

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File: Web/scripts/roxy/js/directory.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Burge CMF
Framework to publish managed content
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 7 years ago
Size: 16,143 bytes


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/* RoxyFileman - web based file manager. Ready to use with CKEditor, TinyMCE. Can be easily integrated with any other WYSIWYG editor or CMS. Copyright (C) 2013, - Lyubomir Arsov. All rights reserved. For licensing, see LICENSE.txt or This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. Contact: Lyubomir Arsov, liubo (at) */ function Directory(fullPath, numDirs, numFiles){ if(!fullPath) fullPath = ''; this.fullPath = fullPath; = RoxyUtils.GetFilename(fullPath); if(! = 'My files'; this.path = RoxyUtils.GetPath(fullPath); this.dirs = (numDirs?numDirs:0); this.files = (numFiles?numFiles:0); this.filesList = new Array(); this.Show = function(){ var html = this.GetHtml(); var el = null; el = $('li[data-path="'+this.path+'"]'); if(el.length == 0) el = $('#pnlDirList'); else{ if(el.children('ul').length == 0) el.append('<ul></ul>'); el = el.children('ul'); } if(el){ el.append(html); this.SetEvents(); } }; this.SetEvents = function(){ var el = this.GetElement(); if(RoxyFilemanConf.MOVEDIR){ el.draggable({helper:makeDragDir,start:startDragDir,cursorAt: { left: 10 ,top:10},delay:200}); } el = el.children('div');{ selectDir(this); }); el.bind('contextmenu', function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); closeMenus('file'); selectDir(this); var t = e.pageY - $('#menuDir').height(); if(t < 0) t = 0; $('#menuDir').css({ top: t+'px', left: e.pageX+'px' }).show(); return false; }); el.droppable({drop:moveObject,over:dragFileOver,out:dragFileOut}); el = el.children('.dirPlus');{ e.stopPropagation(); var d = Directory.Parse($(this).closest('li').attr('data-path')); d.Expand(); }); }; this.GetHtml = function(){ var html = '<li data-path="'+this.fullPath+'" data-dirs="'+this.dirs+'" data-files="'+this.files+'" class="directory">'; html += '<div><img src="'+roxyScriptsDirectory+'/images/'+(this.dirs > 0?'dir-plus.png':'blank.gif')+'" class="dirPlus" width="9" height="9">'; html += '<img src="'+roxyScriptsDirectory+'/images/folder.png" class="dir"><span class="name">'' ('+this.files+')</span></div>'; html += '</li>'; return html; }; this.SetStatusBar = function(){ $('#pnlStatus').html(this.files+' '+(this.files == 1?t('file'):t('files'))); }; this.SetSelectedFile = function(path){ if(path){ var f = File.Parse(path); if(f){ selectFile(f.GetElement()); } } }; this.Select = function(selectedFile){ var el = this.GetElement(); el.children('div').addClass('selected'); $('#pnlDirList li[data-path!="'+this.fullPath+'"] > div').removeClass('selected'); el.children('img.dir').prop('src', roxyScriptsDirectory+'/images/folder.png'); this.SetStatusBar(); var p = this.GetParent(); while(p){ p.Expand(true); p = p.GetParent(); } this.Expand(true); this.ListFiles(true, selectedFile); setLastDir(this.fullPath); }; this.GetElement = function(){ return $('li[data-path="'+this.fullPath+'"]'); }; this.IsExpanded = function(){ var el = this.GetElement().children('ul'); return (el &&":visible")); }; this.IsListed = function(){ if($('#hdDir').val() == this.fullPath) return true; return false; }; this.GetExpanded = function(el){ var ret = new Array(); if(!el) el = $('#pnlDirList'); el.children('li').each(function(){ var path = $(this).attr('data-path'); var d = new Directory(path); if(d){ if(d.IsExpanded() && path) ret.push(path); ret = ret.concat(d.GetExpanded(d.GetElement().children('ul'))); } }); return ret; }; this.RestoreExpanded = function(expandedDirs){ for(i = 0; i < expandedDirs.length; i++){ var d = Directory.Parse(expandedDirs[i]); if(d) d.Expand(true); } }; this.GetParent = function(){ return Directory.Parse(this.path); }; this.SetOpened = function(){ var li = this.GetElement(); if(li.find('li').length < 1) li.children('div').children('.dirPlus').prop('src', roxyScriptsDirectory+'/images/blank.gif'); else if(this.IsExpanded()) li.children('div').children('.dirPlus').prop('src', roxyScriptsDirectory+'/images/dir-minus.png'); else li.children('div').children('.dirPlus').prop('src', roxyScriptsDirectory+'/images/dir-plus.png'); }; this.Update = function(newPath){ var el = this.GetElement(); if(newPath){ this.fullPath = newPath; = RoxyUtils.GetFilename(newPath); if(! = 'My files'; this.path = RoxyUtils.GetPath(newPath); } el.attr('data-path', this.fullPath); el.attr('data-dirs', this.dirs); el.attr('data-files', this.files); el.children('div').children('.name').html(' ('+this.files+')'); this.SetOpened(); }; this.LoadAll = function(selectedDir){ var expanded = this.GetExpanded(); var dirListURL = RoxyFilemanConf.DIRLIST; if(!dirListURL){ alert(t('E_ActionDisabled')); return; } $('#pnlLoadingDirs').show(); $('#pnlDirList').hide(); dirListURL = RoxyUtils.AddParam(dirListURL, 'type', RoxyUtils.GetUrlParam('type')); var dir = this; $.ajax({ url: dirListURL, type:'POST', dataType: 'json', async: false, cache: false, success: function(dirs){ $('#pnlDirList').children('li').remove(); for(i = 0; i < dirs.length; i++){ var d = new Directory(dirs[i].p, dirs[i].d, dirs[i].f); d.Show(); } $('#pnlLoadingDirs').hide(); $('#pnlDirList').show(); dir.RestoreExpanded(expanded); var d = Directory.Parse(selectedDir); if(d) d.Select(); }, error: function(data){ $('#pnlLoadingDirs').hide(); $('#pnlDirList').show(); alert(t('E_LoadingAjax')+' '+RoxyFilemanConf.DIRLIST); } }); }; this.Expand = function(show){ var li = this.GetElement(); var el = li.children('ul'); if(this.IsExpanded() && !show) el.hide(); else; this.SetOpened(); }; this.Create = function(newName){ if(!newName) return false; else if(!RoxyFilemanConf.CREATEDIR){ alert(t('E_ActionDisabled')); return; } var url = RoxyUtils.AddParam(RoxyFilemanConf.CREATEDIR, 'd', this.fullPath); url = RoxyUtils.AddParam(url, 'n', newName); var item = this; var ret = false; $.ajax({ url: url, type: 'POST', data: {d: this.fullPath, n: newName}, dataType: 'json', async:false, cache: false, success: function(data){ if(data.res.toLowerCase() == 'ok'){ item.LoadAll(RoxyUtils.MakePath(item.fullPath, newName)); ret = true; } else{ alert(data.msg); } }, error: function(data){ alert(t('E_LoadingAjax')+' '; } }); return ret; }; this.Delete = function(){ if(!RoxyFilemanConf.DELETEDIR){ alert(t('E_ActionDisabled')); return; } var url = RoxyUtils.AddParam(RoxyFilemanConf.DELETEDIR, 'd', this.fullPath); var item = this; var ret = false; $.ajax({ url: url, type: 'POST', data: {d: this.fullPath}, dataType: 'json', async:false, cache: false, success: function(data){ if(data.res.toLowerCase() == 'ok'){ var parent = item.GetParent(); parent.dirs--; parent.Update(); parent.Select(); item.GetElement().remove(); ret = true; } if(data.msg) alert(data.msg); }, error: function(data){ alert(t('E_LoadingAjax')+' '; } }); return ret; }; this.Rename = function(newName){ if(!newName) return false; else if(!RoxyFilemanConf.RENAMEDIR){ alert(t('E_ActionDisabled')); return; } var url = RoxyUtils.AddParam(RoxyFilemanConf.RENAMEDIR, 'd', this.fullPath); url = RoxyUtils.AddParam(url, 'n', newName); var item = this; var ret = false; $.ajax({ url: url, type: 'POST', data: {d: this.fullPath, n: newName}, dataType: 'json', async:false, cache: false, success: function(data){ if(data.res.toLowerCase() == 'ok'){ var newPath = RoxyUtils.MakePath(item.path, newName); item.Update(newPath); item.Select(); ret = true; } if(data.msg) alert(data.msg); }, error: function(data){ alert(t('E_LoadingAjax')+' '; } }); return ret; }; this.Copy = function(newPath){ if(!RoxyFilemanConf.COPYDIR){ alert(t('E_ActionDisabled')); return; } var url = RoxyUtils.AddParam(RoxyFilemanConf.COPYDIR, 'd', this.fullPath); url = RoxyUtils.AddParam(url, 'n', newPath); var item = this; var ret = false; $.ajax({ url: url, type: 'POST', data: {d: this.fullPath, n: newPath}, dataType: 'json', async:false, cache: false, success: function(data){ if(data.res.toLowerCase() == 'ok'){ var d = Directory.Parse(newPath); if(d){ d.LoadAll(d.fullPath); } ret = true; } if(data.msg) alert(data.msg); }, error: function(data){ alert(t('E_LoadingAjax')+' '+url); } }); return ret; }; this.Move = function(newPath){ if(!newPath) return false; else if(!RoxyFilemanConf.MOVEDIR){ alert(t('E_ActionDisabled')); return; } var url = RoxyUtils.AddParam(RoxyFilemanConf.MOVEDIR, 'd', this.fullPath); url = RoxyUtils.AddParam(url, 'n', newPath); var item = this; var ret = false; $.ajax({ url: url, type: 'POST', data: {d: this.fullPath, n: newPath}, dataType: 'json', async:false, cache: false, success: function(data){ if(data.res.toLowerCase() == 'ok'){ item.LoadAll(RoxyUtils.MakePath(newPath,; ret = true; } if(data.msg) alert(data.msg); }, error: function(data){ alert(t('E_LoadingAjax')+' '; } }); return ret; }; this.ListFiles = function(refresh, selectedFile){ $('#pnlLoading').show(); $('#pnlEmptyDir').hide(); $('#pnlFileList').hide(); $('#pnlSearchNoFiles').hide(); this.LoadFiles(refresh, selectedFile); }; this.FilesLoaded = function(filesList, selectedFile){ filesList = this.SortFiles(filesList); $('#pnlFileList').html(''); for(i = 0; i < filesList.length; i++){ var f = filesList[i]; f.Show(); } $('#hdDir').val(this.fullPath); $('#pnlLoading').hide(); if($('#pnlFileList').children('li').length == 0) $('#pnlEmptyDir').show(); this.files = $('#pnlFileList').children('li').length; this.Update(); this.SetStatusBar(); filterFiles(); switchView(); $('#pnlFileList').show(); this.SetSelectedFile(selectedFile); }; this.LoadFiles = function(refresh, selectedFile){ if(!RoxyFilemanConf.FILESLIST){ alert(t('E_ActionDisabled')); return; } var ret = new Array(); var fileURL = RoxyFilemanConf.FILESLIST; fileURL = RoxyUtils.AddParam(fileURL, 'd', this.fullPath); fileURL = RoxyUtils.AddParam(fileURL, 'type', RoxyUtils.GetUrlParam('type')); var item = this; if(!this.IsListed() || refresh){ $.ajax({ url: fileURL, type: 'POST', data: {d: this.fullPath, type: RoxyUtils.GetUrlParam('type')}, dataType: 'json', async:true, cache: false, success: function(files){ for(i = 0; i < files.length; i++){ ret.push(new File(files[i].p, files[i].s, files[i].t, files[i].w, files[i].h)); } item.FilesLoaded(ret, selectedFile); }, error: function(data){ alert(t('E_LoadingAjax')+' '+fileURL); } }); } else{ $('#pnlFileList li').each(function(){ ret.push(new File($(this).attr('data-path'), $(this).attr('data-size'), $(this).attr('data-time'), $(this).attr('data-w'), $(this).attr('data-h'))); }); item.FilesLoaded(ret, selectedFile); } return ret; }; this.SortByName = function(files, order){ files.sort(function(a, b){ var x = (order == 'desc'?0:2) a =; b =; if(a > b) return -1 + x; else if(a < b) return 1 - x; else return 0; }); return files; }; this.SortBySize = function(files, order){ files.sort(function(a, b){ var x = (order == 'desc'?0:2) a = parseInt(a.size); b = parseInt(b.size); if(a > b) return -1 + x; else if(a < b) return 1 - x; else return 0; }); return files; }; this.SortByTime = function(files, order){ files.sort(function(a, b){ var x = (order == 'desc'?0:2) a = parseInt(a.time); b = parseInt(b.time); if(a > b) return -1 + x; else if(a < b) return 1 - x; else return 0; }); return files; }; this.SortFiles = function(files){ var order = $('#ddlOrder').val(); if(!order) order = 'name'; switch(order){ case 'size': files = this.SortBySize(files, 'asc'); break; case 'size_desc': files = this.SortBySize(files, 'desc'); break; case 'time': files = this.SortByTime(files, 'asc'); break; case 'time_desc': files = this.SortByTime(files, 'desc'); break; case 'name_desc': files = this.SortByName(files, 'desc'); break; default: files = this.SortByName(files, 'asc'); } return files; }; } Directory.Parse = function(path){ var ret = false; var li = $('#pnlDirList').find('li[data-path="'+path+'"]'); if(li.length > 0) ret = new Directory(li.attr('data-path'), li.attr('data-dirs'), li.attr('data-files')); return ret; };