// Sample script for FiForms
// This php script illustrates how to make a web form
// based on a MySQL database table. Look through this script
// to get an idea how to use FiForms.
// To start with, you may want to just copy this file and
// modify its contents to generate your own forms. Or just
// get some ideas from it and then write your own FiForms.
// First off, we need to include the main FiForms PHP file
require_once("FiForms_FiForm.inc.php"); // call the include file
// Then we need to declare a new form, give it a
// name (for the HTML form), and tell it how to
// connect with the database
$frm = new FiForm(
"SampleForm", // Form Name
"FiForms_sample", // Database
"addressbook" // Table Name
// There are a lot of options on the form we can change
// e.g. we can specify the exact SQL query used in the form
// like this:
// $frm->dataQuery = "SELECT FirstName, LastName, City from addressbook";
// We can change the caption at the top of the page like this:
$frm->caption = "FiForms Sample Data Entry Form";
// Or we can disable navigation on the form like this:
// $frm->noNavigation = TRUE;
// Now we need to put input boxes onto the form. We need to create
// iInputs as elements of the inputs[] array. There are several ways
// to do this, depending on the amount of control we need to have
// over the appearance of the form.
// If we want, we can just tell FiForms to generate
// inputs for all the fields in the table. This is the
// quickest way to generate a form.
// Of course, there's always at least one field we'd rather
// the user didn't see, so we hide it like this.
// Now we'll change the caption on one of the boxes
$frm->renameIn('SSNo','Social Security #');
// Actually, we'll just erase this one, on second thought
// If you don't want to automatically generate iInputs, or you want to
// override the automatic settings, you can declare them individually,
// like this:
$frm->inputs["Birthday"] =
new iDateText // override an existing iText input with an
// iDateText input
("Birthday", // Field Name
"Birthday"); // Caption
// A shorthand way to do this would be to use the addIn function, like this:
// $frm->addIn('iDateText','Birthday','Birthday');
// The first parameter is the class of the input. The remaining parameters
// are passed to the constructor of that input. The Field Name is used as
// the array key.
// There are a number of different types of iInput. Here is an
// example using the iDBSelect, and html select or drop-down
// box filled with data from an SQL query
$frm->addIn('iDBSelect','State','','SELECT * FROM states;');
// We only want to show the following controls in normal view
// (hide them in sheetView)
if($frm->sheetView == FALSE)
// Here is an example of an iTextArea. This is similar to iText,
// only it uses a <textarea> tag to specify a block of text input
// Link to a subform
'sample_subform.php', // PHP Script File
'Family Members', // Caption
'addrid=%addressID%', // criteria
600, // width
230 // height
// enable Sheet View in subform
$frm->inputs["sample_subform.php"]->params = "sheetView=YES";
// Note in the above example that, even though we used the addIn function
// to create the subform, we can still reference it as an element
// of the inputs[] array. The array index is always the second parameter
// passed to the addIn function
// Now just for fun, let's add a button link back to the index page
// that opens in a popup window
'Home Page',
'Go To Home...'
// Add a link to allow the user to view the report.
$frm->addIn('iLink','sample_FiReport.xml','Preview Report');
} // if sheetView == FALSE
// The following line insures that the user can click back to normal view
// after entering SheetView mode
// At this point, all of the inputs are defined. If we need to do more
// server-side checking or processing of the data, this is the place
// to do it.
if($frm->inputs['Name']->valueToSave == "John Doe")
'John Doe, can\'t you think of a better name?');
// Finally, output the entire page to the client
echo $frm->drawFormPage(); // output the form