"default" is (appropriately) the default database.
If no database is labeled "default", then the first one will be used.
Each database supports an array of possible connection points
(for horizontal scaling).
{% for key, dbs in databases %}
{{ key|je }}: [
{% for i, db in dbs %}
"driver": {{ db.driver|je }},
"host": {{ db.host|je }},
"port": {% if port %}{{ db.port|je }}{% elseif db.driver == "pgsql" %}5432{% endif%},
"database": {{ db.database|je }},
"username": {{ db.username|je }},
"password": {{ db.password|je }},
"options": {{ db.options|default([])|je }}
}{% if i < dbs.length %},{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}