use Airship\Engine\State;
use ParagonIE\Halite\Halite;
* This is loaded before everything else in the bootstrapping process.
if (PHP_VERSION_ID < 70200) {
die("Airship requires PHP 7.2.0 or newer. You are running PHP " . PHP_VERSION);
if (!extension_loaded('sodium')) {
die("Airship requires Libsodium.");
// This is set to FALSE. It allows us to give IDEs hints that should never be executed.
define('IDE_HACKS', false);
* 1. Define come constants
if (!\defined('ROOT')) {
define('ROOT', __DIR__);
define('AIRSHIP_UPLOADS', ROOT . '/files/uploaded/');
if (!\defined('ISCLI')) {
define('ISCLI', PHP_SAPI === 'cli');
if (!\defined('CURLPROXY_SOCKS5_HOSTNAME')) {
if (!\is_dir(ROOT . '/tmp')) {
// Load the sanity check script that makes sure the necessary
// tmp/* directories exist and are writable.
require_once ROOT . '/tmp_dirs.php';
if (ISCLI) {
if (isset($argc)) {
$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = $argc > 1
? $argv[1]
: '/';
} elseif(empty($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) {
} elseif (\file_exists(ROOT . '/tmp/site_down.txt')) {
// There might be an automatic update in progress!
// Let's give it up to 15 seconds, but only as much time as is needed.
$iter = 0;
do {
if (!\file_exists(ROOT . '/tmp/site_down.txt')) {
} while ($iter < 15000);
// If we're still in the middle of that process, let's not load anything else:
if (\file_exists(ROOT . '/tmp/site_down.txt')) {
echo 'This Airship is currently being upgraded. Please try again later.', "\n";
if (!isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) {
* 2. Load the Airship functions
require_once ROOT . '/Airship.php';
* 3. Let's autoload the composer packages
require_once \dirname(ROOT) . '/vendor/autoload.php';
// Let's also make sure we're using a good version of libsodium
if (!Halite::isLibsodiumSetupCorrectly()) {
die("Airship requires libsodium 1.0.9 or newer (with a stable version of the PHP bindings).");
* 4. Autoload the Engine files
\Airship\autoload('Airship\\Alerts', '~/Alerts');
\Airship\autoload('Airship\\Engine', '~/Engine');
* 5. Load up the registry singleton for latest types
$state = State::instance();
// 5a. Initialize the Gears.
require_once ROOT.'/gear_init.php';
* 6. Load the global functions
require_once ROOT.'/global_functions.php';
require_once ROOT.'/view_functions.php';
* 7. Load all of the cryptography keys
require_once ROOT.'/keys.php';