header("Content-type: text/plain");
print "Grabbing channel data\n";
$file = 'technology.rss';
$data = implode("",file($file));
$size = strlen($data);
print "Searching [$size] bytes of data.\n";
$rss = new RSS($data);
$count = $rss->getCount();
print "Class parsed [$count] channels\n";
for ($x=0;$x<$count;$x++)
$info = $rss->getChannelInfo($x);
while ( list ($tagName,$tagVal) = each ($info) )
print "Channel [$x] [$tagName]: [$tagVal]\n";
print "\nItem information\n";
$allItems = $rss->getAllItems();
$itemCount = count($allItems);
print "All channels combined have [$itemCount] items\n\n";
print "If you're using the default iSyndicate 'technology.rss' file\n";
print "for this demo, don't bother looking for the descriptions, as\n";
print "iSyndicate doesn't use them. They are, after all, optional.\n";
print "\n\nItem [$y]:\n";
print "[$y]: Title: " . $allItems[$y]['TITLE'];
print "\n[$y]: Link : " . $allItems[$y]['LINK'];
print "\n[$y]: Desc : " . $allItems[$y]['DESCRIPTION'];