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File: web/bundles/extjs/resources/theme-bootstrap/theme/stylesheets/bootstrap/default/widgets/form/_htmleditor.scss

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  Classes of william amed   Raptor 2   web/bundles/extjs/resources/theme-bootstrap/theme/stylesheets/bootstrap/default/widgets/form/_htmleditor.scss   Download  
File: web/bundles/extjs/resources/theme-bootstrap/theme/stylesheets/bootstrap/default/widgets/form/_htmleditor.scss
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Raptor 2
Framework that takes routes from annotations
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 8 years ago
Size: 3,083 bytes


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/** * Creates the base structure of HtmlEditor field. * @member Ext.form.field.HtmlEditor */ @mixin extjs-form-htmleditor { .#{$prefix}html-editor-wrap { border: 1px solid $html-editor-border-color; .#{$prefix}toolbar { border-top-width: 0; border-left-width: 0; border-right-width: 0; } textarea { background-color: $html-editor-background-color; } } .#{$prefix}html-editor-tb .#{$prefix}btn-text { //background:transparent no-repeat; //background-image: theme-background-image($theme-name, 'glyphicons/glyphicons-halflings.png'); } .#{$prefix}menu-item, .#{$prefix}html-editor-tb { span.#{$prefix}btn-icon { background-image: theme-background-image($theme-name, 'glyphicons/glyphicons-halflings.png'); } .#{$prefix}edit-bold { // icon-bold background-position: -166px -47px; } .#{$prefix}edit-italic { // icon-italic background-position: -191px -47px; } // TODO: Find suitable icon .#{$prefix}edit-underline { // icon-text-width background-position: -239px -47px; } // TODO: Find icon .#{$prefix}edit-forecolor { background-position:-160px 0; } // TODO: Find icon .#{$prefix}edit-backcolor { background-position:-176px 0; } .#{$prefix}edit-justifyleft { // icon-align-left background-position: -263px -47px; } .#{$prefix}edit-justifycenter { // icon-align-center background-position: -287px -47px; } .#{$prefix}edit-justifyright { // icon-align-right background-position: -311px -47px; } .#{$prefix}edit-insertorderedlist { // icon-list background-position: -359px -47px; } .#{$prefix}edit-insertunorderedlist { // icon-list-alt background-position: -263px -23px; } .#{$prefix}edit-increasefontsize { // icon-arrow-up background-position: -288px -95px; } .#{$prefix}edit-decreasefontsize { // icon-arrow-down background-position: -311px -95px; } .#{$prefix}edit-sourceedit { // icon-edit background-position: -95px -71px; } .#{$prefix}edit-createlink { // icon-globe background-position: -335px -143px; } } .#{$prefix}html-editor-tip .#{$prefix}tip-bd .#{$prefix}tip-bd-inner { padding: 5px; padding-bottom: 1px; } .#{$prefix}html-editor-tb { .#{$prefix}toolbar { position: static !important; } .#{$prefix}font-select { font-size: 11px; } } .#{$prefix}html-editor-wrap textarea { border: 0; padding: 3px 2px; overflow: auto; } }