* AuriumForm Smarty Integration
* usage:
* {auriumform type='type' attributes..}
* - If called before {auriumform_config ...}
* all the fields will have the config no_template=true
* - If called after {auriumform_config ...}
* all the fields will use the given template
* Especial Cases:
* TEXTAREA - in place of using size=array(COLS, ROWS), use cols=X rows=Y, e.g.:
* {auriumform type='textarea' cols=10 rows=10}
* - Set attribute strip=true if you want to stripslashes of the value
* - htmlentities will be called for the values of this type of fields
* - Use the attribute n as an alias for no_template
* @since Feb 17, 2005
* @author Alfred Reinold Baudisch <alfred@auriumsoft.com.br>
function smarty_function_auriumform($params, &$smarty)
* There is no AuriumForm class created yet, then import it
require_once 'auriumform/class.auriumform.php';
$smarty->_AuriumForm =& new AuriumForm(array('no_template' => true));
// Initiate field array
$Field = array();
* If is textarea, create an array for the size with the attributes cols and rows
if($params['type'] == 'textarea' && isset($params['cols']) && isset($params['rows']))
$Field['size'] = array($params['cols'], $params['rows']);
// To not go through this data again
* Set field attributes
foreach($params as $_key => $_val)
* If attribute is value, do special things
if($_key == 'value')
* If is to stripslashes from data, e.g.: data obtained from BD
$_val = stripslashes($_val);
* If is a box or something like this, escape characters like
* ' " & to the html respective entity to avoid things like:
* <input type="text" value="My name is "">
* In the example, the value is My name is ", but it will be shown wrong,
* there is a unexpected ", so htmlentities will transtale "
* in " and the value will be show correctly
if(eregi('^(text|textarea|password)$', $params['type']))
$_val = htmlentities($_val, ENT_QUOTES);
// If is 'no' (alias for 'no_template'), set it to no_template
elseif($_key == 'no')
$_key = 'no_template';
// Send data to field array
$Field[$_key] = $_val;
// Create and return the field
return $smarty->_AuriumForm->OneField($Field);