class html_template {
var $file_name = ''; // name of file containing template(s).
var $data = array(); // array of data to be substituted into top level template.
var $source = '';
var $template = array();
var $repeat = array(); // holds <REPEAT> segments of template. includes source, data, and substituted html.
var $html = ''; // holds completed substituted HTML.
var $default_data = ' '; // data to be displayed when nothing is found in $data array.
// each occurence of (* ~ *) is replaced by alternating values of this array.
var $toggle = array('Dark', 'Lite');
// each occurence of (*+*) is replaced by an incrementing number starting at $count.
var $count = 0; // starting value for counter. value stays the same across a row.
var $counter = 0; // internal counter. this gets reset for every new section.
var $error = ''; // holds error messages.
function display() {
if (empty($this->html)) $this->code();
print $this->html;
function initialise() {
$this->source = join('', file($this->file_name));
if (empty($this->source)) {
$this->error = 'empty template file';
return false;
} else $this->template['source'] = $this->source;
$matches = array();
if (preg_match_all('/\<REPEAT\s+ID="(.*)"\>(.*)\<\/REPEAT\>/sUi', $this->template['source'], $match)) {
while (list($key, $val) = each($match[0])) {
$name = $match[1][$key];
$this->repeat[$name]['source'] = $match[2][$key];
$regex_repeat = '/'.str_replace('/', '\/', preg_quote($match[0][$key])).'/sUi';
$this->template['source'] = preg_replace($regex_repeat, "(* $name *)", $this->template['source']); // replace <REPEAT> segment with ID.
$this->repeat[$name]['data'] = array(); // initialise data array for this <REPEAT> segment.
} //else $this->html = $this->source;
return true;
} //end of function initialise.
function code() {
//cycle through <REPEATS> sustituting data from array.
while (list($name, $repeat) = each($this->repeat)) {
$this->data[$name] = $this->code_repeat($name, $repeat['source'], $this->repeat[$name]['data']);
// substitute values into top level template.
$this->html = $this->replace($this->template['source'], $this->data);
} // end of code().
function code_repeat($name, $source, $data) { // generate HTML code for <REPEAT> segments.
$html = '';
$row = '';
$i= 0;
$rows = sizeof($data);
reset($this->toggle); // start toggle at first element.
$this->counter = $this->count; // start counter at count.
for ($row = 0; $row < $rows; $row++) {
$data_row = $data[$row];
$data_row['~'] = current($this->toggle);
$data_row['+'] = $this->counter;
next($this->toggle) or reset($this->toggle);
$html .= $this->replace($source, $data_row);
return $html;
} // end of code_repeat().
function replace($source, $data) { // replace (* ... *) in source with items in data array.
$sprintf_search = '/(\(\*\s*(\w+)\s+(%.+)\s*\*\))/Ue';
$numberformat_search = '/(\(\*\s*(\w+)\s+#\.*(\d+)\s*\*\))/Ue';
$default_search = '/(\(\*\s*([~\+\w]+)\s*\*\))/Ue';
$sprintf_replace = 'sprintf("\\3", $data["\\2"])';
$numberformat_replace = 'number_format($data["\\2"], \\3)';
$default_replace = '$data["\\2"]';
$search = array($default_search, $sprintf_search, $numberformat_search);
$replace = array($default_replace, $sprintf_replace, $numberformat_replace);
return @preg_replace($search, $replace, $source);
} // end of class html_template.