See the source code, demo test files, and sparse comments for usage
information. I haven't done any documentation for this class as yet. I'm
sure I'll get around to it "Real Soon Now".
test2.phtml is a good example of using all the current features of this
Remember, this class is designed to only *parse* the RSS data file and set
up the resulting information in a format you can use programmatically. Do
not send me questions about what you're supposed to do with the data after
it's parsed - that's your job, not mine. See the included rss-0.91.dtd file
to see what kind of values can be found within an RSS file.
This class should be able to handle anything you find out there without a
hitch, but I'm not claiming it's perfect, or even heavily tested. If you
find something the class doesn't work well with, then by all means make the
needed changes and send me the patch. I'll be overjoyed with you, mention
you prominently in my Oscar award acceptance speech, and name my first born
after you. Don't just send me an email saying only that "it doesn't work
with this RSS file".