/* PHPalm - Calendar
* Example 3 : Display a calendar with specific year and month and with monday as the first day and let you change the month.
* 02/12/2005
* Author : Rémy Salettes
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation.
//We include the class
require_once ("calendar.class.php");
//We create an instance of the class, specifying the date : July 1988
$MyCal = new calendar('07', '1988');
//We indicate to the class we want monday as the first day. Note that we could also speicfy it by writing :
//$MyCal->monday_1st = 'y';
//$MyCal->monday_1st = 'yes';
//$MyCal->monday_1st = 'oui';
$MyCal->monday_1st = '1';
//We call the generate() function, all is in its name
//We call the draw() function which allow you to display the calendar generated before