<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="autoformBQ.css">
<div align="center">
function print_flags( $flag ) // to show the flags after a submit-button "safe"
// print flags
echo " value = $flag: --> ";
if ($flag & 1)
echo "not_null, ";
if ($flag & 2)
echo "primary_key, ";
if ($flag & 16)
echo "auto-increment, ";
if ($flag & 4)
echo "unsigned, ";
if ($flag & 8)
echo "zerofill, ";
if ($flag & 32)
echo "multiple_key, ";
if ($flag & 64)
echo "enum, ";
if ($flag & 128)
echo "set, ";
if ($flag & 256)
echo "blob/text, ";
if ($flag & 512)
echo "binary, ";
// on button "save", show the params
if (isset($_POST["submit"]) && $_POST["submit"] == "Save")
{ // nothing to do in case of a restore-button
// The form ist shown again as before
echo "</div>"; // no centered output after submit
foreach ($_POST as $k => $v)
echo ,"<br><br>Name: $k<br>Content: ";
if ( is_array($v))
$content = implode(",",$v);
$content = $v;
echo $content;
if ($c) // not the first arg ( The form-type )
echo ,"<br>the field-flags: ";
// get the flag from field-name
$arr = explode(",",$k);
// a button
echo "<br>";
echo " <form >
<input type=\"button\" value = \"Back to the forms\" onclick=\"history.back()\">
/* Add your values here */
$db_server = "localhost";
$db_database = "serv";
$db_user = "root";
$db_password = "";
$conn = @mysql_connect($db_server,$db_user,$db_password);
if (!$conn)
die("no DB-connection");
// define your query here
// $sql = 'SELECT test.* , test2.* FROM test , test2 WHERE test.id = test2.id2';
$sql = "select * from test where 1";
// execute it
$result = mysql_query($sql);
if (!$result)
die("<br>oops, an error occured<br>");
// create the form-object
$form = new autoformBQ($conn,$result,$PHP_SELF);
echo "<h2>\"new\"-form with default settings: </h2>";
// print the standard-form
echo "<br>";
// define a Headline and a footline
$form->headline("<font color=\"#1A9302\"><h3>This is the form with Headline</h3>because it is a \"edit\"-form now, it shows the current record-content</font>");
$form->footline("and a footline");
// change to edit-mode
$form->bFormEdit = TRUE;
echo "<br>";
// check the layout with showPatternAsDefault and showPatternAsHint
$form->headline("Form with real-column patterns as default value and as hint");
$form->bFormEdit = FALSE;
echo "<br>";
// dont show patterns again
// tell your user, which input is required ( not_null columns )
$hl = "In this form you show your user which columns require input<br>"
."you can change the appearance by altering \"strSignInputRequired\" at the lang-file";
echo "<br>";
// example form with css
$hl = "Here you see the same form using CSS<br>"
."I know, the colors arent everyone's favor, it is only a example";
$fl = "Thats enough, try to edit some input-tags in a form and press \"Save\", \"Reset\", or \"Restore\""
."<br>No need to be afraid about save, only the current tag-content will be shown";
I hope, the autoformBQ-Class is useful to you. Bugreport, hints and suggestions are welcome.