This file is part of Ext JS 4.2
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Build date: 2013-05-16 14:36:50 (f9be68accb407158ba2b1be2c226a6ce1f649314)
* This feature is used to place a summary row at the bottom of the grid. If using a grouping,
* see {@link Ext.grid.feature.GroupingSummary}. There are 2 aspects to calculating the summaries,
* calculation and rendering.
* ## Calculation
* The summary value needs to be calculated for each column in the grid. This is controlled
* by the summaryType option specified on the column. There are several built in summary types,
* which can be specified as a string on the column configuration. These call underlying methods
* on the store:
* - {@link Ext.data.Store#count count}
* - {@link Ext.data.Store#sum sum}
* - {@link Ext.data.Store#min min}
* - {@link Ext.data.Store#max max}
* - {@link Ext.data.Store#average average}
* Alternatively, the summaryType can be a function definition. If this is the case,
* the function is called with an array of records to calculate the summary value.
* ## Rendering
* Similar to a column, the summary also supports a summaryRenderer function. This
* summaryRenderer is called before displaying a value. The function is optional, if
* not specified the default calculated value is shown. The summaryRenderer is called with:
* - value {Object} - The calculated value.
* - summaryData {Object} - Contains all raw summary values for the row.
* - field {String} - The name of the field we are calculating
* ## Example Usage
* @example
* Ext.define('TestResult', {
* extend: 'Ext.data.Model',
* fields: ['student', {
* name: 'mark',
* type: 'int'
* }]
* });
* Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', {
* width: 400,
* height: 200,
* title: 'Summary Test',
* style: 'padding: 20px',
* renderTo: document.body,
* features: [{
* ftype: 'summary'
* }],
* store: {
* model: 'TestResult',
* data: [{
* student: 'Student 1',
* mark: 84
* },{
* student: 'Student 2',
* mark: 72
* },{
* student: 'Student 3',
* mark: 96
* },{
* student: 'Student 4',
* mark: 68
* }]
* },
* columns: [{
* dataIndex: 'student',
* text: 'Name',
* summaryType: 'count',
* summaryRenderer: function(value, summaryData, dataIndex) {
* return Ext.String.format('{0} student{1}', value, value !== 1 ? 's' : '');
* }
* }, {
* dataIndex: 'mark',
* text: 'Mark',
* summaryType: 'average'
* }]
* });
Ext.define('Ext.grid.feature.Summary', {
/* Begin Definitions */
extend: 'Ext.grid.feature.AbstractSummary',
alias: 'feature.summary',
* @cfg {String} dock
* Configure `'top'` or `'bottom'` top create a fixed summary row either above or below the scrollable table.
dock: undefined,
dockedSummaryCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'docked-summary',
panelBodyCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'summary-',
init: function(grid) {
var me = this,
view = me.view;
if (me.dock) {
afterlayout: me.onStoreUpdate,
scope: me
beforerender: function() {
var tableCls = [me.summaryTableCls];
if (view.columnLines) {
tableCls[tableCls.length] = view.ownerCt.colLinesCls;
me.summaryBar = grid.addDocked({
childEls: ['innerCt'],
renderTpl: [
'<div id="{id}-innerCt">',
'<table cellPadding="0" cellSpacing="0" class="' + tableCls.join(' ') + '">',
'<tr class="' + me.summaryRowCls + '"></tr>',
style: 'overflow:hidden',
itemId: 'summaryBar',
cls: [ me.dockedSummaryCls, me.dockedSummaryCls + '-' + me.dock ],
xtype: 'component',
dock: me.dock,
weight: 10000000
afterrender: function() {
grid.body.addCls(me.panelBodyCls + me.dock);
view.mon(view.el, {
scroll: me.onViewScroll,
scope: me
single: true
// Stretch the innerCt of the summary bar upon headerCt layout
grid.headerCt.afterComponentLayout = Ext.Function.createSequence(grid.headerCt.afterComponentLayout, function() {
me.summaryBar.innerCt.setWidth(this.getFullWidth() + Ext.getScrollbarSize().width);
} else {
columnmove: me.onStoreUpdate,
scope: me
// On change of data, we have to update the docked summary.
view.mon(view.store, {
update: me.onStoreUpdate,
datachanged: me.onStoreUpdate,
scope: me
renderTFoot: function(values, out) {
var view = values.view,
me = view.findFeature('summary');
if (me.showSummaryRow) {
me.outputSummaryRecord(me.createSummaryRecord(view), values, out);
vetoEvent: function(record, row, rowIndex, e) {
return !e.getTarget(this.summaryRowSelector);
onViewScroll: function() {
this.summaryBar.el.dom.scrollLeft = this.view.el.dom.scrollLeft;
createSummaryRecord: function(view) {
var columns = view.headerCt.getVisibleGridColumns(),
info = {
records: view.store.getRange()
colCount = columns.length, i, column,
summaryRecord = this.summaryRecord || (this.summaryRecord = new view.store.model(null, view.id + '-summary-record'));
// Set the summary field values
for (i = 0; i < colCount; i++) {
column = columns[i];
// In summary records, if there's no dataIndex, then the value in regular rows must come from a renderer.
// We set the data value in using the column ID.
if (!column.dataIndex) {
column.dataIndex = column.id;
summaryRecord.set(column.dataIndex, this.getSummary(view.store, column.summaryType, column.dataIndex, info));
// It's not dirty
summaryRecord.isSummary = true;
return summaryRecord;
onStoreUpdate: function() {
var me = this,
view = me.view,
record = me.createSummaryRecord(view),
newRowDom = view.createRowElement(record, -1),
oldRowDom, partner,
if (!view.rendered) {
// Summary row is inside the docked summaryBar Component
if (me.dock) {
oldRowDom = me.summaryBar.el.down('.' + me.summaryRowCls, true);
// Summary row is a regular row in a THEAD inside the View.
// Downlinked through the summary record's ID'
else {
oldRowDom = me.view.getNode(record);
if (oldRowDom) {
p = oldRowDom.parentNode;
p.insertBefore(newRowDom, oldRowDom);
partner = me.lockingPartner;
// For locking grids...
// Update summary on other side (unless we have been called from the other side)
if (partner && partner.grid.rendered && !me.calledFromLockingPartner) {
partner.calledFromLockingPartner = true;
partner.calledFromLockingPartner = false;
// If docked, the updated row will need sizing because it's outside the View
if (me.dock) {
// Synchronize column widths in the docked summary Component
onColumnHeaderLayout: function() {
var view = this.view,
columns = view.headerCt.getVisibleGridColumns(),
len = columns.length, i,
summaryEl = this.summaryBar.el,
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
column = columns[i];
el = summaryEl.down(view.getCellSelector(column));
if (el) {
if (column.hidden) {
} else {
el.setWidth(column.width || (column.lastBox ? column.lastBox.width : 100));