This file is part of Ext JS 4.2
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Build date: 2013-05-16 14:36:50 (f9be68accb407158ba2b1be2c226a6ce1f649314)
* A display-only text field which is not validated and not submitted. This is useful for when you want to display a
* value from a form's {@link Ext.form.Basic#load loaded data} but do not want to allow the user to edit or submit that
* value. The value can be optionally {@link #htmlEncode HTML encoded} if it contains HTML markup that you do not want
* to be rendered.
* If you have more complex content, or need to include components within the displayed content, also consider using a
* {@link Ext.form.FieldContainer} instead.
* Example:
* @example
* Ext.create('Ext.form.Panel', {
* renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
* width: 175,
* height: 120,
* bodyPadding: 10,
* title: 'Final Score',
* items: [{
* xtype: 'displayfield',
* fieldLabel: 'Home',
* name: 'home_score',
* value: '10'
* }, {
* xtype: 'displayfield',
* fieldLabel: 'Visitor',
* name: 'visitor_score',
* value: '11'
* }],
* buttons: [{
* text: 'Update'
* }]
* });
Ext.define('Ext.form.field.Display', {
alias: 'widget.displayfield',
requires: ['Ext.util.Format', 'Ext.XTemplate'],
alternateClassName: ['Ext.form.DisplayField', 'Ext.form.Display'],
fieldSubTpl: [
'<div id="{id}" role="input" ',
'<tpl if="fieldStyle"> style="{fieldStyle}"</tpl>',
' class="{fieldCls}">{value}</div>',
compiled: true,
disableFormats: true
* @cfg {Boolean} readOnly
* @private
readOnly: true,
* @cfg {String} [fieldCls="x-form-display-field"]
* The default CSS class for the field.
fieldCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'form-display-field',
fieldBodyCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'form-display-field-body',
* @cfg {Boolean} htmlEncode
* True to escape HTML in text when rendering it.
htmlEncode: false,
* @cfg {Function} renderer
* A function to transform the raw value for display in the field. The function will receive 2 arguments, the raw value
* and the {@link Ext.form.field.Display} object.
* @cfg {Object} scope
* The scope to execute the {@link #renderer} function. Defaults to this.
noWrap: false,
* @cfg {Boolean} validateOnChange
* @private
validateOnChange: false,
initEvents: Ext.emptyFn,
submitValue: false,
isDirty: function(){
return false;
isValid: function() {
return true;
validate: function() {
return true;
getRawValue: function() {
return this.rawValue;
setRawValue: function(value) {
var me = this;
value = Ext.value(value, '');
me.rawValue = value;
if (me.rendered) {
me.inputEl.dom.innerHTML = me.getDisplayValue();
return value;
* @private
* Format the value to display.
getDisplayValue: function() {
var me = this,
value = this.getRawValue(),
if (me.renderer) {
display = me.renderer.call(me.scope || me, value, me);
} else {
display = me.htmlEncode ? Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode(value) : value;
return display;
getSubTplData: function() {
var ret = this.callParent(arguments);
ret.value = this.getDisplayValue();
return ret;
* @cfg {String} inputType
* @private
* @cfg {Boolean} disabled
* @private
* @cfg {Number} checkChangeEvents
* @private
* @cfg {Number} checkChangeBuffer
* @private