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File: web/bundles/extjs/src/draw/engine/Svg.js

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File: web/bundles/extjs/src/draw/engine/Svg.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Raptor 2
Framework that takes routes from annotations
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Date: 8 years ago
Size: 24,895 bytes


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/* This file is part of Ext JS 4.2 Copyright (c) 2011-2013 Sencha Inc Contact: GNU General Public License Usage This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following information to ensure the GNU General Public License version 3.0 requirements will be met: If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please contact the sales department at Build date: 2013-05-16 14:36:50 (f9be68accb407158ba2b1be2c226a6ce1f649314) */ /** * Provides specific methods to draw with SVG. */ Ext.define('Ext.draw.engine.Svg', { /* Begin Definitions */ extend: 'Ext.draw.Surface', requires: ['Ext.draw.Draw', 'Ext.draw.Sprite', 'Ext.draw.Matrix', 'Ext.Element'], /* End Definitions */ engine: 'Svg', trimRe: /^\s+|\s+$/g, spacesRe: /\s+/, xlink: "http:/" + "/", translateAttrs: { radius: "r", radiusX: "rx", radiusY: "ry", path: "d", lineWidth: "stroke-width", fillOpacity: "fill-opacity", strokeOpacity: "stroke-opacity", strokeLinejoin: "stroke-linejoin" }, parsers: {}, minDefaults: { circle: { cx: 0, cy: 0, r: 0, fill: "none", stroke: null, "stroke-width": null, opacity: null, "fill-opacity": null, "stroke-opacity": null }, ellipse: { cx: 0, cy: 0, rx: 0, ry: 0, fill: "none", stroke: null, "stroke-width": null, opacity: null, "fill-opacity": null, "stroke-opacity": null }, rect: { x: 0, y: 0, width: 0, height: 0, rx: 0, ry: 0, fill: "none", stroke: null, "stroke-width": null, opacity: null, "fill-opacity": null, "stroke-opacity": null }, text: { x: 0, y: 0, "text-anchor": "start", "font-family": null, "font-size": null, "font-weight": null, "font-style": null, fill: "#000", stroke: null, "stroke-width": null, opacity: null, "fill-opacity": null, "stroke-opacity": null }, path: { d: "M0,0", fill: "none", stroke: null, "stroke-width": null, opacity: null, "fill-opacity": null, "stroke-opacity": null }, image: { x: 0, y: 0, width: 0, height: 0, preserveAspectRatio: "none", opacity: null } }, createSvgElement: function(type, attrs) { var el = this.domRef.createElementNS("http:/" + "/", type), key; if (attrs) { for (key in attrs) { el.setAttribute(key, String(attrs[key])); } } return el; }, createSpriteElement: function(sprite) { // Create svg element and append to the DOM. var el = this.createSvgElement(sprite.type); =; if ( { = "rgba(0,0,0,0)"; } sprite.el = Ext.get(el); this.applyZIndex(sprite); //performs the insertion sprite.matrix = new Ext.draw.Matrix(); sprite.bbox = { plain: 0, transform: 0 }; this.applyAttrs(sprite); this.applyTransformations(sprite); sprite.fireEvent("render", sprite); return el; }, getBBoxText: function (sprite) { var bbox = {}, bb, height, width, i, ln, el; if (sprite && sprite.el) { el = sprite.el.dom; try { bbox = el.getBBox(); return bbox; } catch(e) { // Firefox 3.0.x plays badly here } bbox = {x: bbox.x, y: Infinity, width: 0, height: 0}; ln = el.getNumberOfChars(); for (i = 0; i < ln; i++) { bb = el.getExtentOfChar(i); bbox.y = Math.min(bb.y, bbox.y); height = bb.y + bb.height - bbox.y; bbox.height = Math.max(bbox.height, height); width = bb.x + bb.width - bbox.x; bbox.width = Math.max(bbox.width, width); } return bbox; } }, hide: function() { Ext.get(this.el).hide(); }, show: function() { Ext.get(this.el).show(); }, hidePrim: function(sprite) { this.addCls(sprite, Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'hide-visibility'); }, showPrim: function(sprite) { this.removeCls(sprite, Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'hide-visibility'); }, getDefs: function() { return this._defs || (this._defs = this.createSvgElement("defs")); }, transform: function(sprite, matrixOnly) { var me = this, matrix = new Ext.draw.Matrix(), transforms = sprite.transformations, transformsLength = transforms.length, i = 0, transform, type; for (; i < transformsLength; i++) { transform = transforms[i]; type = transform.type; if (type == "translate") { matrix.translate(transform.x, transform.y); } else if (type == "rotate") { matrix.rotate(transform.degrees, transform.x, transform.y); } else if (type == "scale") { matrix.scale(transform.x, transform.y, transform.centerX, transform.centerY); } } sprite.matrix = matrix; if (!matrixOnly) { sprite.el.set({transform: matrix.toSvg()}); } }, setSize: function(width, height) { var me = this, el = me.el; width = +width || me.width; height = +height || me.height; me.width = width; me.height = height; el.setSize(width, height); el.set({ width: width, height: height }); me.callParent([width, height]); }, /** * Get the region for the surface's canvas area * @returns {Ext.util.Region} */ getRegion: function() { // Mozilla requires using the background rect because the svg element returns an // incorrect region. Webkit gives no region for the rect and must use the svg element. var svgXY = this.el.getXY(), rectXY = this.bgRect.getXY(), max = Math.max, x = max(svgXY[0], rectXY[0]), y = max(svgXY[1], rectXY[1]); return { left: x, top: y, right: x + this.width, bottom: y + this.height }; }, onRemove: function(sprite) { if (sprite.el) { sprite.el.destroy(); delete sprite.el; } this.callParent(arguments); }, setViewBox: function(x, y, width, height) { if (isFinite(x) && isFinite(y) && isFinite(width) && isFinite(height)) { this.callParent(arguments); this.el.dom.setAttribute("viewBox", [x, y, width, height].join(" ")); } }, render: function (container) { var me = this, width, height, el, defs, bgRect, webkitRect; if (!me.el) { width = me.width || 0; height = me.height || 0; el = me.createSvgElement('svg', { xmlns: "http:/" + "/", version: 1.1, width: width, height: height }); defs = me.getDefs(); // Create a rect that is always the same size as the svg root; this serves 2 purposes: // (1) It allows mouse events to be fired over empty areas in Webkit, and (2) we can // use it rather than the svg element for retrieving the correct client rect of the // surface in Mozilla (see bgRect = me.createSvgElement("rect", { width: "100%", height: "100%", fill: "#000", stroke: "none", opacity: 0 }); if (Ext.isSafari3) { // Rect that we will show/hide to fix old WebKit bug with rendering issues. webkitRect = me.createSvgElement("rect", { x: -10, y: -10, width: "110%", height: "110%", fill: "none", stroke: "#000" }); } el.appendChild(defs); if (Ext.isSafari3) { el.appendChild(webkitRect); } el.appendChild(bgRect); container.appendChild(el); me.el = Ext.get(el); me.bgRect = Ext.get(bgRect); if (Ext.isSafari3) { me.webkitRect = Ext.get(webkitRect); me.webkitRect.hide(); } me.el.on({ scope: me, mouseup: me.onMouseUp, mousedown: me.onMouseDown, mouseover: me.onMouseOver, mouseout: me.onMouseOut, mousemove: me.onMouseMove, mouseenter: me.onMouseEnter, mouseleave: me.onMouseLeave, click: me.onClick, dblclick: me.onDblClick }); } me.renderAll(); }, // private onMouseEnter: function(e) { if (this.el.parent().getRegion().contains(e.getPoint())) { this.fireEvent('mouseenter', e); } }, // private onMouseLeave: function(e) { if (!this.el.parent().getRegion().contains(e.getPoint())) { this.fireEvent('mouseleave', e); } }, // @private - Normalize a delegated single event from the main container to each sprite and sprite group processEvent: function(name, e) { var target = e.getTarget(), surface = this.surface, sprite; this.fireEvent(name, e); // We wrap text types in a tspan, sprite is the parent. if (target.nodeName == "tspan" && target.parentNode) { target = target.parentNode; } sprite = this.items.get(; if (sprite) { sprite.fireEvent(name, sprite, e); } }, /* @private - Wrap SVG text inside a tspan to allow for line wrapping. In addition this normallizes * the baseline for text the vertical middle of the text to be the same as VML. */ tuneText: function (sprite, attrs) { var el = sprite.el.dom, tspans = [], height, tspan, text, i, ln, texts, factor, x; if (attrs.hasOwnProperty("text")) { //only create new tspans for text lines if the text has been //updated or if it's the first time we're setting the text //into the sprite. //get the actual rendered text. text = sprite.tspans &&, function(t) { return t.textContent; }).join(''); if (!sprite.tspans || attrs.text != text) { tspans = this.setText(sprite, attrs.text); sprite.tspans = tspans; //for all other cases reuse the tspans previously created. } else { tspans = sprite.tspans || []; } } // Normalize baseline via a DY shift of first tspan. Shift other rows by height * line height (1.2) if (tspans.length) { height = this.getBBoxText(sprite).height; x = sprite.el.dom.getAttribute("x"); for (i = 0, ln = tspans.length; i < ln; i++) { // The text baseline for FireFox 3.0 and 3.5 is different than other SVG implementations // so we are going to normalize that here factor = (Ext.isFF3_0 || Ext.isFF3_5) ? 2 : 4; tspans[i].setAttribute("x", x); tspans[i].setAttribute("dy", i ? height * 1.2 : height / factor); } sprite.dirty = true; } }, setText: function(sprite, textString) { var me = this, el = sprite.el.dom, tspans = [], height, tspan, text, i, ln, texts; while (el.firstChild) { el.removeChild(el.firstChild); } // Wrap each row into tspan to emulate rows texts = String(textString).split("\n"); for (i = 0, ln = texts.length; i < ln; i++) { text = texts[i]; if (text) { tspan = me.createSvgElement("tspan"); tspan.appendChild(document.createTextNode(Ext.htmlDecode(text))); el.appendChild(tspan); tspans[i] = tspan; } } return tspans; }, renderAll: function() { this.items.each(this.renderItem, this); }, renderItem: function (sprite) { if (!this.el) { return; } if (!sprite.el) { this.createSpriteElement(sprite); } if (sprite.zIndexDirty) { this.applyZIndex(sprite); } if (sprite.dirty) { this.applyAttrs(sprite); if (sprite.dirtyTransform) { this.applyTransformations(sprite); } } }, redraw: function(sprite) { sprite.dirty = sprite.zIndexDirty = true; this.renderItem(sprite); }, applyAttrs: function (sprite) { var me = this, el = sprite.el, group =, sattr = sprite.attr, parsers = me.parsers, //Safari does not handle linear gradients correctly in quirksmode //ref: //ref: EXTJSIV-1472 gradientsMap = me.gradientsMap || {}, safariFix = Ext.isSafari && !Ext.isStrict, groups, i, ln, attrs, font, key, style, name, rect; if (group) { groups = [].concat(group); ln = groups.length; for (i = 0; i < ln; i++) { group = groups[i]; me.getGroup(group).add(sprite); } delete; } attrs = me.scrubAttrs(sprite) || {}; // if (sprite.dirtyPath) { sprite.bbox.plain = 0; sprite.bbox.transform = 0; if (sprite.type == "circle" || sprite.type == "ellipse") { = || attrs.x; = || attrs.y; } else if (sprite.type == "rect") { attrs.rx = attrs.ry = attrs.r; } else if (sprite.type == "path" && attrs.d) { attrs.d = Ext.draw.Draw.pathToString(Ext.draw.Draw.pathToAbsolute(attrs.d)); } sprite.dirtyPath = false; // } // else { // delete attrs.d; // } if (attrs['clip-rect']) { me.setClip(sprite, attrs); delete attrs['clip-rect']; } if (sprite.type == 'text' && attrs.font && sprite.dirtyFont) { el.set({ style: "font: " + attrs.font}); } if (sprite.type == "image") { el.dom.setAttributeNS(me.xlink, "href", attrs.src); } Ext.applyIf(attrs, me.minDefaults[sprite.type]); if (sprite.dirtyHidden) { (sattr.hidden) ? me.hidePrim(sprite) : me.showPrim(sprite); sprite.dirtyHidden = false; } for (key in attrs) { if (attrs.hasOwnProperty(key) && attrs[key] != null) { //Safari does not handle linear gradients correctly in quirksmode //ref: //ref: EXTJSIV-1472 //if we're Safari in QuirksMode and we're applying some color attribute and the value of that //attribute is a reference to a gradient then assign a plain color to that value instead of the gradient. if (safariFix && ('color|stroke|fill'.indexOf(key) > -1) && (attrs[key] in gradientsMap)) { attrs[key] = gradientsMap[attrs[key]]; } //hidden is not a proper SVG attribute. if (key == 'hidden' && sprite.type == 'text') { continue; } if (key in parsers) { el.dom.setAttribute(key, parsers[key](attrs[key], sprite, me)); } else { el.dom.setAttribute(key, attrs[key]); } } } if (sprite.type == 'text') { me.tuneText(sprite, attrs); } sprite.dirtyFont = false; //set styles style =; if (style) { el.setStyle(style); } sprite.dirty = false; if (Ext.isSafari3) { // Refreshing the view to fix bug EXTJSIV-1: rendering issue in old Safari 3; setTimeout(function () { me.webkitRect.hide(); }); } }, setClip: function(sprite, params) { var me = this, rect = params["clip-rect"], clipEl, clipPath; if (rect) { if (sprite.clip) { sprite.clip.parentNode.parentNode.removeChild(sprite.clip.parentNode); } clipEl = me.createSvgElement('clipPath'); clipPath = me.createSvgElement('rect'); =, 'ext-clip-'); clipPath.setAttribute("x", rect.x); clipPath.setAttribute("y", rect.y); clipPath.setAttribute("width", rect.width); clipPath.setAttribute("height", rect.height); clipEl.appendChild(clipPath); me.getDefs().appendChild(clipEl); sprite.el.dom.setAttribute("clip-path", "url(#" + + ")"); sprite.clip = clipPath; } // if (!attrs[key]) { // var clip = Ext.getDoc().dom.getElementById(sprite.el.getAttribute("clip-path").replace(/(^url\(#|\)$)/g, "")); // clip && clip.parentNode.removeChild(clip); // sprite.el.setAttribute("clip-path", ""); // delete attrss.clip; // } }, /** * Insert or move a given sprite's element to the correct place in the DOM list for its zIndex * @param {Ext.draw.Sprite} sprite */ applyZIndex: function(sprite) { var me = this, items = me.items, idx = items.indexOf(sprite), el = sprite.el, prevEl; if (me.el.dom.childNodes[idx + 2] !== el.dom) { //shift by 2 to account for defs and bg rect if (idx > 0) { // Find the first previous sprite which has its DOM element created already do { prevEl = items.getAt(--idx).el; } while (!prevEl && idx > 0); } el.insertAfter(prevEl || me.bgRect); } sprite.zIndexDirty = false; }, createItem: function (config) { var sprite = new Ext.draw.Sprite(config); sprite.surface = this; return sprite; }, addGradient: function(gradient) { gradient = Ext.draw.Draw.parseGradient(gradient); var me = this, ln = gradient.stops.length, vector = gradient.vector, //Safari does not handle linear gradients correctly in quirksmode //ref: //ref: EXTJSIV-1472 usePlain = Ext.isSafari && !Ext.isStrict, gradientEl, stop, stopEl, i, gradientsMap; gradientsMap = me.gradientsMap || {}; if (!usePlain) { if (gradient.type == "linear") { gradientEl = me.createSvgElement("linearGradient"); gradientEl.setAttribute("x1", vector[0]); gradientEl.setAttribute("y1", vector[1]); gradientEl.setAttribute("x2", vector[2]); gradientEl.setAttribute("y2", vector[3]); } else { gradientEl = me.createSvgElement("radialGradient"); gradientEl.setAttribute("cx", gradient.centerX); gradientEl.setAttribute("cy", gradient.centerY); gradientEl.setAttribute("r", gradient.radius); if (Ext.isNumber(gradient.focalX) && Ext.isNumber(gradient.focalY)) { gradientEl.setAttribute("fx", gradient.focalX); gradientEl.setAttribute("fy", gradient.focalY); } } =; me.getDefs().appendChild(gradientEl); for (i = 0; i < ln; i++) { stop = gradient.stops[i]; stopEl = me.createSvgElement("stop"); stopEl.setAttribute("offset", stop.offset + "%"); stopEl.setAttribute("stop-color", stop.color); stopEl.setAttribute("stop-opacity",stop.opacity); gradientEl.appendChild(stopEl); } } else { gradientsMap['url(#' + + ')'] = gradient.stops[0].color; } me.gradientsMap = gradientsMap; }, /** * Checks if the specified CSS class exists on this element's DOM node. * @param {Ext.draw.Sprite} sprite The sprite to look into. * @param {String} className The CSS class to check for * @return {Boolean} True if the class exists, else false */ hasCls: function(sprite, className) { return className && (' ' + (sprite.el.dom.getAttribute('class') || '') + ' ').indexOf(' ' + className + ' ') != -1; }, addCls: function(sprite, className) { var el = sprite.el, i, len, v, cls = [], curCls = el.getAttribute('class') || ''; // Separate case is for speed if (!Ext.isArray(className)) { if (typeof className == 'string' && !this.hasCls(sprite, className)) { el.set({ 'class': curCls + ' ' + className }); } } else { for (i = 0, len = className.length; i < len; i++) { v = className[i]; if (typeof v == 'string' && (' ' + curCls + ' ').indexOf(' ' + v + ' ') == -1) { cls.push(v); } } if (cls.length) { el.set({ 'class': ' ' + cls.join(' ') }); } } }, removeCls: function(sprite, className) { var me = this, el = sprite.el, curCls = el.getAttribute('class') || '', i, idx, len, cls, elClasses; if (!Ext.isArray(className)){ className = [className]; } if (curCls) { elClasses = curCls.replace(me.trimRe, ' ').split(me.spacesRe); for (i = 0, len = className.length; i < len; i++) { cls = className[i]; if (typeof cls == 'string') { cls = cls.replace(me.trimRe, ''); idx = Ext.Array.indexOf(elClasses, cls); if (idx != -1) { Ext.Array.erase(elClasses, idx, 1); } } } el.set({ 'class': elClasses.join(' ') }); } }, destroy: function() { var me = this; me.callParent(); if (me.el) { me.el.remove(); } if (me._defs) { Ext.get(me._defs).destroy(); } if (me.bgRect) { Ext.get(me.bgRect).destroy(); } if (me.webkitRect) { Ext.get(me.webkitRect).destroy(); } delete me.el; } });