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File: web/bundles/extjs/src/diag/layout/Context.js

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File: web/bundles/extjs/src/diag/layout/Context.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Raptor 2
Framework that takes routes from annotations
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 8 years ago
Size: 16,339 bytes


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/* This file is part of Ext JS 4.2 Copyright (c) 2011-2013 Sencha Inc Contact: GNU General Public License Usage This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following information to ensure the GNU General Public License version 3.0 requirements will be met: If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please contact the sales department at Build date: 2013-05-16 14:36:50 (f9be68accb407158ba2b1be2c226a6ce1f649314) */ // This override adds diagnostics to the Ext.layout.Context class. /** */ Ext.define('Ext.diag.layout.Context', { override: 'Ext.layout.Context', requires: [ 'Ext.perf.Monitor' ], logOn: { //boxParent: true, //calculate: true, //cancelComponent: true, //cancelLayout: true, //doInvalidate: true, //flush: true, //flushInvalidate: true, //invalidate: true, //initItem: true, //layoutDone: true, //queueLayout: true, //resetLayout: true, //runCycle: true, //setProp: true, 0:0 }, //profileLayoutsByType: true, //reportOnSuccess: true, cancelComponent: function (comp) { if (this.logOn.cancelComponent) { Ext.log('cancelCmp: ',; } this.callParent(arguments); }, cancelLayout: function (layout) { if (this.logOn.cancelLayout) { Ext.log('cancelLayout: ', this.getLayoutName(layout)); } this.callParent(arguments); }, callLayout: function (layout, methodName) { var accum = this.accumByType[layout.type], frame = accum && accum.enter(); this.callParent(arguments); if (accum) { frame.leave(); } }, checkRemainingLayouts: function () { var me = this, expected = 0, key, layout; for (key in me.layouts) { layout = me.layouts[key]; if (me.layouts.hasOwnProperty(key) && layout.running) { ++expected; } } if (me.remainingLayouts != expected) { Ext.Error.raise({ msg: 'Bookkeeping error me.remainingLayouts' }); } }, flush: function () { if (this.logOn.flush) { var items = this.flushQueue; Ext.log('--- Flush ', items && items.getCount()); } return this.callParent(arguments); }, flushInvalidates: function () { if (this.logOn.flushInvalidate) { Ext.log('>> flushInvalidates'); } var ret = this.callParent(arguments); if (this.logOn.flushInvalidate) { Ext.log('<< flushInvalidates'); } return ret; }, getCmp: function (target) { var ret = this.callParent(arguments); if (!ret.wrapsComponent) { Ext.Error.raise({ msg: + ' is not a component' }); } return ret; }, getEl: function (parent, target) { var ret = this.callParent(arguments); if (ret && ret.wrapsComponent) { Ext.Error.raise({ msg: + '/' + + ' is a component (expected element)' }); } return ret; }, getLayoutName: function (layout) { return + '<' + layout.type + '>'; }, layoutDone: function (layout) { var me = this, name = me.getLayoutName(layout); if (me.logOn.layoutDone) { Ext.log('layoutDone: ', name, ' ( ', me.remainingLayouts, ' running)'); } if (!layout.running) { Ext.Error.raise({ msg: name + ' is already done' }); } if (!me.remainingLayouts) { Ext.Error.raise({ msg: name + ' finished but no layouts are running' }); } me.callParent(arguments); }, layoutTreeHasFailures: function (layout, reported) { var me = this; function hasFailure (lo) { var failure = !lo.done, key, childLayout; if (lo.done) { for (key in me.layouts) { if (me.layouts.hasOwnProperty(key)) { childLayout = me.layouts[key]; if (childLayout.owner.ownerLayout === lo) { if (hasFailure(childLayout)) { failure = true; } } } } } return failure; } if (hasFailure(layout)) { return true; } function markReported (lo) { var key, childLayout; reported[] = 1; for (key in me.layouts) { if (me.layouts.hasOwnProperty(key)) { childLayout = me.layouts[key]; if (childLayout.owner.ownerLayout === lo) { markReported(childLayout); } } } } markReported(layout); return false; }, queueLayout: function (layout) { if (layout.done || layout.blockCount || layout.pending) { Ext.Error.raise({ msg: this.getLayoutName(layout) + ' should not be queued for layout' }); } if (this.logOn.queueLayout) { Ext.log('Queue ', this.getLayoutName(layout)); } return this.callParent(arguments); }, reportLayoutResult: function (layout, reported) { var me = this, owner = layout.owner, ownerContext = me.getCmp(owner), blockedBy = [], triggeredBy = [], key, value, i, length, childLayout, item, setBy, info; reported[] = 1; for (key in layout.blockedBy) { if (layout.blockedBy.hasOwnProperty(key)) { blockedBy.push(layout.blockedBy[key]); } } blockedBy.sort(); for (key in me.triggersByLayoutId[]) { if (me.triggersByLayoutId[].hasOwnProperty(key)) { value = me.triggersByLayoutId[][key]; triggeredBy.push({ name: key, info: value }); } } triggeredBy.sort(function (a, b) { return < ? -1 : ( < ? 1 : 0); }); Ext.log({indent: 1}, (layout.done ? '++' : '--'), me.getLayoutName(layout), (ownerContext.isBoxParent ? ' [isBoxParent]' : ''), (ownerContext.boxChildren ? ' - boxChildren: ' + ownerContext.state.boxesMeasured + '/' + ownerContext.boxChildren.length : ''), ownerContext.boxParent ? (' - boxParent: ' + : '', ' - size: ',, '/',; if (!layout.done || me.reportOnSuccess) { if (blockedBy.length) { ++Ext.log.indent; Ext.log({indent: 1}, 'blockedBy: count=',layout.blockCount); length = blockedBy.length; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { Ext.log(blockedBy[i]); } Ext.log.indent -= 2; } if (triggeredBy.length) { ++Ext.log.indent; Ext.log({indent: 1}, 'triggeredBy: count='+layout.triggerCount); length = triggeredBy.length; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { info = || value; item = info.item; setBy = (item.setBy && item.setBy[]) || '?'; value = triggeredBy[i]; Ext.log(, ' (', item.props[], ') dirty: ', (item.dirty ? !!item.dirty[] : false), ', setBy: ', setBy ); } Ext.log.indent -= 2; } } for (key in me.layouts) { if (me.layouts.hasOwnProperty(key)) { childLayout = me.layouts[key]; if (!childLayout.done && childLayout.owner.ownerLayout === layout) { me.reportLayoutResult(childLayout, reported); } } } for (key in me.layouts) { if (me.layouts.hasOwnProperty(key)) { childLayout = me.layouts[key]; if (childLayout.done && childLayout.owner.ownerLayout === layout) { me.reportLayoutResult(childLayout, reported); } } } --Ext.log.indent; }, resetLayout: function (layout) { var me = this, type = layout.type, name = me.getLayoutName(layout), accum = me.accumByType[type], frame; if (me.logOn.resetLayout) { Ext.log('resetLayout: ', name, ' ( ', me.remainingLayouts, ' running)'); } if (!me.state) { // if (first time ... before run) if (!accum && me.profileLayoutsByType) { me.accumByType[type] = accum = Ext.Perf.get('layout_' + layout.type); } me.numByType[type] = (me.numByType[type] || 0) + 1; } frame = accum && accum.enter(); me.callParent(arguments); if (accum) { frame.leave(); } me.checkRemainingLayouts(); }, round: function (t) { return Math.round(t * 1000) / 1000; }, run: function () { var me = this, ret, time, key, value, i, layout, boxParent, children, n, reported, unreported, calcs, total, calcsLength, calc; me.accumByType = {}; me.calcsByType = {}; me.numByType = {}; me.timesByType = {}; me.triggersByLayoutId = {}; Ext.log.indentSize = 3; Ext.log('==================== LAYOUT ===================='); time = Ext.perf.getTimestamp(); ret = me.callParent(arguments); time = Ext.perf.getTimestamp() - time; if (me.logOn.boxParent && me.boxParents) { for (key in me.boxParents) { if (me.boxParents.hasOwnProperty(key)) { boxParent = me.boxParents[key]; children = boxParent.boxChildren; n = children.length; Ext.log('boxParent: ',; for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { Ext.log(' --> ', children[i].id); } } } } if (ret) { Ext.log('----------------- SUCCESS -----------------'); } else { Ext.log( {level: 'error' }, '----------------- FAILURE -----------------' ); } for (key in me.layouts) { if (me.layouts.hasOwnProperty(key)) { layout = me.layouts[key]; if (layout.running) { Ext.log.error('Layout left running: ', me.getLayoutName(layout)); } if (layout.ownerContext) { Ext.log.error('Layout left connected: ', me.getLayoutName(layout)); } } } if (!ret || me.reportOnSuccess) { reported = {}; unreported = 0; for (key in me.layouts) { if (me.layouts.hasOwnProperty(key)) { layout = me.layouts[key]; if (me.items[].isTopLevel) { if (me.reportOnSuccess || me.layoutTreeHasFailures(layout, reported)) { me.reportLayoutResult(layout, reported); } } } } // Just in case we missed any layouts... for (key in me.layouts) { if (me.layouts.hasOwnProperty(key)) { layout = me.layouts[key]; if (!reported[]) { if (!unreported) { Ext.log('----- Unreported!! -----'); } ++unreported; me.reportLayoutResult(layout, reported); } } } } Ext.log('Cycles: ', me.cycleCount, ', Flushes: ', me.flushCount, ', Calculates: ', me.calcCount, ' in ', me.round(time), ' msec'); Ext.log('Calculates by type:'); /*Ext.Object.each(me.numByType, function (type, total) { Ext.log(type, ': ', total, ' in ', me.calcsByType[type], ' tries (', Math.round(me.calcsByType[type] / total * 10) / 10, 'x) at ', me.round(me.timesByType[type]), ' msec (avg ', me.round(me.timesByType[type] / me.calcsByType[type]), ' msec)'); });*/ calcs = []; for (key in me.numByType) { if (me.numByType.hasOwnProperty(key)) { total = me.numByType[key]; calcs.push({ type : key, total : total, calcs : me.calcsByType[key], multiple : Math.round(me.calcsByType[key] / total * 10) / 10, calcTime : me.round(me.timesByType[key]), avgCalcTime: me.round(me.timesByType[key] / me.calcsByType[key]) }); } } calcs.sort(function (a,b) { return b.calcTime - a.calcTime; }); calcsLength = calcs.length; for (i=0; i<calcsLength; i++) { calc = calcs[i]; Ext.log( calc.type, ': ',, ' in ', calc.calcs, ' tries (', calc.multiple, 'x) at ', calc.calcTime, ' msec (avg ', calc.avgCalcTime, ' msec)' ); } return ret; }, runCycle: function () { if (this.logOn.runCycle) { Ext.log('>>> Cycle ', this.cycleCount, ' (queue length: ', this.layoutQueue.length, ')'); } return this.callParent(arguments); }, runLayout: function (layout) { var me = this, type = layout.type, accum = me.accumByType[type], frame, ret, time; if (me.logOn.calculate) { Ext.log('-- calculate ', this.getLayoutName(layout)); } frame = accum && accum.enter(); time = Ext.perf.getTimestamp(); ret = me.callParent(arguments); time = Ext.perf.getTimestamp() - time; if (accum) { frame.leave(); } me.calcsByType[type] = (me.calcsByType[type] || 0) + 1; me.timesByType[type] = (me.timesByType[type] || 0) + time; /* add a / to the front of this line to enable layout completion logging if (layout.done) { var ownerContext = me.getCmp(layout.owner), props = ownerContext.props; if (layout.isComponentLayout) { Ext.log('complete ',, ':', type, ' w=',props.width, ' h=', props.height); } else { Ext.log('complete ',, ':', type, ' cw=',props.contentWidth, ' ch=', props.contentHeight); } }**/ return ret; } });