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File: web/bundles/extjs/resources/theme-bootstrap/theme/render.js

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File: web/bundles/extjs/resources/theme-bootstrap/theme/render.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Raptor 2
Framework that takes routes from annotations
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 8 years ago
Size: 5,089 bytes


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var widgetsToRender = [], componentData = []; function updateWidgetConfig(config) { var xtype = config.xtype, ui = config.ui, shortcuts = $Shortcuts, configs = (xtype) ? shortcuts[xtype] : null, widgets = [], i, tpl, filename, folder; if (xtype && ui && configs) { for (i = 0; i < configs.length; i++) { tpl = configs[i]; folder = (tpl.folder) ? tpl.folder.replace('{ui}', ui) : null; filename = (tpl.filename) ? tpl.filename.replace('{ui}', ui) : null; var theUI = ui; var key; for (key in tpl.config) { if (typeof tpl.config[key] == 'string') { tpl.config[key] = tpl.config[key].replace('{ui}', ui); } if (key == "ui") { theUI = tpl.config[key].replace('{ui}', ui); } } var obj = { xtype: tpl.xtype || xtype, config: Ext.apply({}, { ui: theUI }, tpl.config) }; if (tpl.delegate) { obj.delegate = tpl.delegate; } if (tpl.offsets) { obj.offsets = tpl.offsets; } if (tpl.reverse) { obj.reverse = tpl.reverse; } if (folder) { obj.folder = folder; } if (filename) { obj.filename = filename; } widgets.push(obj); } } else { widgets.push(config); } return widgets; } function expandWidgetConfigs(){ var widgetConfigs = $Manifest.widgets, userWidgetConfigs = $CustomManifest.widgets, i; for(i = 0; i < userWidgetConfigs.length; i++) { widgetConfigs.push(userWidgetConfigs[i]); } for(i = 0; i < widgetConfigs.length; i++){ updateWidgetConfig(widgetConfigs[i]).forEach(function(w){ widgetsToRender.push(w) }); } } function renderWidgets(){ var i, config, data, widget, ct, el, compData; for(i = 0; i < widgetsToRender.length; i++){ data = widgetsToRender[i]; compData = {}; config = Ext.apply({}, data.config, data); widget = Ext.create(config.xtype, config); ct ={ tag: 'div', cls: 'widget-container', style: 'position: relative; overflow: visible;' }); if (config.setup) {, widget, ct); } else { widget.render(ct); } //compData.widget = widget; compData.offsets = Ext.apply({}, config.offsets || {}, { top: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0, right: 0 }); compData.config = config; if (config.delegate) { el = widget.el.down(config.delegate); } else { el = widget.el; } if (config.parentCls) { el.parent().addCls(config.parentCls); } compData.radius = [ parseInt(el.getStyle('border-top-left-radius'), 10), parseInt(el.getStyle('border-top-right-radius'), 10), parseInt(el.getStyle('border-bottom-right-radius'), 10), parseInt(el.getStyle('border-bottom-left-radius'), 10) ]; compData.gradient = (el.getStyle('background-image').indexOf('-gradient') !== -1); compData.gradientDirection = null; if(compData.gradient){ compData.gradientDirection = (el.getStyle('background-image').indexOf('50% 0') !== -1 || el.getStyle('background-image').indexOf('top') !== -1 || el.getStyle('background-image').indexOf('bottom') !== -1) ? 'top' : 'left'; } compData.borders = { top: el.getBorderWidth('t'), right: el.getBorderWidth('r'), bottom: el.getBorderWidth('b'), left: el.getBorderWidth('l') }; compData.frameWidth = Math.max( compData.radius[0], compData.radius[1], compData.radius[2], compData.radius[3]); compData.radius = { tl: compData.radius[0], tr: compData.radius[1], br: compData.radius[2], bl: compData.radius[3] }; = el.getBox(); compData.reverse = data.reverse; compData.baseCls = widget.baseCls.replace(Ext.baseCSSPrefix, ""); /** * this object will be captured by the screenshot utility as the * widget data file (typically widgetdata.json) */ componentData.push(compData); } } function generateWidgets(){ expandWidgetConfigs(); renderWidgets(); Ext.defer(function(){ Ext.AllWidgetsCreated = true; }, 1); } Ext.require([ '*' ]); Ext.onReady(function(){ generateWidgets(); });