PHP Class HTMLparser, version 0.1
This class is an HTML parser written in PHP4, by employing which you can
parse a 'rather-standard' HTML stream into a tree-structure, that consitutes
objects and properties.
README This file
class.htmlparser.php The class
t A test script
Test script which demostrates the basic usage
of class.html
Unfortunately, there are some restrictions and inconveniences:
1. Comments are only in Chinese Big5. However the programme should be
simple enough to be read without understanding the comments.
2. It is single-threaded. After all, PHP is not a programme language that
uses threads and good for OOP.
3. Some extra attributes are added ('rows' and 'cols' for <table>) and thus
violate the standard. <html><head><body> are considered as 'End Tag
is necessary' tags, which violated the standard, too.
4. rowspans aren't correctly calculated.
5. DTD, HTML Comments, CSS, PHP, ASP tags and programmes are totally
ignored. They're even absent in the generated tree. This may be the
trouble for a CSS parser. This would be corrected in later releases.
Please feel free to send any comments, patches, enhancements to
Lin Zhemin <>.
The latest version can always be obtained via