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Build date: 2013-05-16 14:36:50 (f9be68accb407158ba2b1be2c226a6ce1f649314)
* Slider which supports vertical or horizontal orientation, keyboard adjustments, configurable snapping, axis clicking
* and animation. Can be added as an item to any container.
* Sliders can be created with more than one thumb handle by passing an array of values instead of a single one:
* @example
* Ext.create('Ext.slider.Multi', {
* width: 200,
* values: [25, 50, 75],
* increment: 5,
* minValue: 0,
* maxValue: 100,
* // this defaults to true, setting to false allows the thumbs to pass each other
* constrainThumbs: false,
* renderTo: Ext.getBody()
* });
Ext.define('Ext.slider.Multi', {
extend: 'Ext.form.field.Base',
alias: 'widget.multislider',
alternateClassName: 'Ext.slider.MultiSlider',
requires: [
childEls: [
'endEl', 'innerEl'
// note: {id} here is really {inputId}, but {cmpId} is available
fieldSubTpl: [
'<div id="{id}" class="' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'slider {fieldCls} {vertical}',
'" aria-valuemin="{minValue}" aria-valuemax="{maxValue}" aria-valuenow="{value}" aria-valuetext="{value}">',
'<div id="{cmpId}-endEl" class="' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'slider-end" role="presentation">',
'<div id="{cmpId}-innerEl" class="' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'slider-inner" role="presentation">',
'{%this.renderThumbs(out, values)%}',
renderThumbs: function(out, values) {
var me = values.$comp,
i = 0,
thumbs = me.thumbs,
len = thumbs.length,
for (; i < len; i++) {
thumb = thumbs[i];
thumbConfig = thumb.getElConfig();
thumbConfig.id = me.id + '-thumb-' + i;
Ext.DomHelper.generateMarkup(thumbConfig, out);
disableFormats: true
horizontalProp: 'left',
* @cfg {Number} value
* A value with which to initialize the slider. Setting this will only result in the creation
* of a single slider thumb; if you want multiple thumbs then use the {@link #values} config instead.
* Defaults to #minValue.
* @cfg {Number[]} values
* Array of Number values with which to initalize the slider. A separate slider thumb will be created for each value
* in this array. This will take precedence over the single {@link #value} config.
* @cfg {Boolean} vertical
* Orient the Slider vertically rather than horizontally.
vertical: false,
* @cfg {Number} minValue
* The minimum value for the Slider.
minValue: 0,
* @cfg {Number} maxValue
* The maximum value for the Slider.
maxValue: 100,
* @cfg {Number/Boolean} decimalPrecision The number of decimal places to which to round the Slider's value.
* To disable rounding, configure as **false**.
decimalPrecision: 0,
* @cfg {Number} keyIncrement
* How many units to change the Slider when adjusting with keyboard navigation. If the increment
* config is larger, it will be used instead.
keyIncrement: 1,
* @cfg {Number} increment
* How many units to change the slider when adjusting by drag and drop. Use this option to enable 'snapping'.
increment: 0,
* @cfg {Boolean} [zeroBasedSnapping=false]
* Set to `true` to calculate snap points based on {@link #increment}s from zero as opposed to
* from this Slider's {@link #minValue}.
* By Default, valid snap points are calculated starting {@link #increment}s from the {@link #minValue}
* @private
* @property {Number[]} clickRange
* Determines whether or not a click to the slider component is considered to be a user request to change the value. Specified as an array of [top, bottom],
* the click event's 'top' property is compared to these numbers and the click only considered a change request if it falls within them. e.g. if the 'top'
* value of the click event is 4 or 16, the click is not considered a change request as it falls outside of the [5, 15] range
clickRange: [5,15],
* @cfg {Boolean} clickToChange
* Determines whether or not clicking on the Slider axis will change the slider.
clickToChange : true,
* @cfg {Boolean} animate
* Turn on or off animation.
animate: true,
* @property {Boolean} dragging
* True while the thumb is in a drag operation
dragging: false,
* @cfg {Boolean} constrainThumbs
* True to disallow thumbs from overlapping one another.
constrainThumbs: true,
componentLayout: 'sliderfield',
* @cfg {Object/Boolean} useTips
* True to use an {@link Ext.slider.Tip} to display tips for the value. This option may also
* provide a configuration object for an {@link Ext.slider.Tip}.
useTips : true,
* @cfg {Function} [tipText=undefined]
* A function used to display custom text for the slider tip.
* Defaults to null, which will use the default on the plugin.
* @cfg {Ext.slider.Thumb} tipText.thumb The Thumb that the Tip is attached to
* @cfg {String} tipText.return The text to display in the tip
tipText : null,
ariaRole: 'slider',
// private override
initValue: function() {
var me = this,
extValue = Ext.value,
// Fallback for initial values: values config -> value config -> minValue config -> 0
values = extValue(me.values, [extValue(me.value, extValue(me.minValue, 0))]),
i = 0,
len = values.length;
// Store for use in dirty check
me.originalValue = values;
// Add a thumb for each value
for (; i < len; i++) {
// private override
initComponent : function() {
var me = this,
p, pLen, plugins;
* @property {Array} thumbs
* Array containing references to each thumb
me.thumbs = [];
me.keyIncrement = Math.max(me.increment, me.keyIncrement);
* @event beforechange
* Fires before the slider value is changed. By returning false from an event handler, you can cancel the
* event and prevent the slider from changing.
* @param {Ext.slider.Multi} slider The slider
* @param {Number} newValue The new value which the slider is being changed to.
* @param {Number} oldValue The old value which the slider was previously.
* @event change
* Fires when the slider value is changed.
* @param {Ext.slider.Multi} slider The slider
* @param {Number} newValue The new value which the slider has been changed to.
* @param {Ext.slider.Thumb} thumb The thumb that was changed
* @event changecomplete
* Fires when the slider value is changed by the user and any drag operations have completed.
* @param {Ext.slider.Multi} slider The slider
* @param {Number} newValue The new value which the slider has been changed to.
* @param {Ext.slider.Thumb} thumb The thumb that was changed
* @event dragstart
* Fires after a drag operation has started.
* @param {Ext.slider.Multi} slider The slider
* @param {Ext.EventObject} e The event fired from Ext.dd.DragTracker
* @event drag
* Fires continuously during the drag operation while the mouse is moving.
* @param {Ext.slider.Multi} slider The slider
* @param {Ext.EventObject} e The event fired from Ext.dd.DragTracker
* @event dragend
* Fires after the drag operation has completed.
* @param {Ext.slider.Multi} slider The slider
* @param {Ext.EventObject} e The event fired from Ext.dd.DragTracker
// only can use it if it exists.
if (me.useTips) {
if (Ext.isObject(me.useTips)) {
tipPlug = Ext.apply({}, me.useTips);
} else {
tipPlug = me.tipText ? {getText: me.tipText} : {};
plugins = me.plugins = me.plugins || [];
pLen = plugins.length;
for (p = 0; p < pLen; p++) {
if (plugins[p].isSliderTip) {
hasTip = true;
if (!hasTip) {
me.plugins.push(new Ext.slider.Tip(tipPlug));
* Creates a new thumb and adds it to the slider
* @param {Number} [value=0] The initial value to set on the thumb.
* @return {Ext.slider.Thumb} The thumb
addThumb: function(value) {
var me = this,
thumb = new Ext.slider.Thumb({
ownerCt : me,
ownerLayout : me.getComponentLayout(),
value : value,
slider : me,
index : me.thumbs.length,
constrain : me.constrainThumbs,
disabled : !!me.readOnly
//render the thumb now if needed
if (me.rendered) {
return thumb;
* @private
* Moves the given thumb above all other by increasing its z-index. This is called when as drag
* any thumb, so that the thumb that was just dragged is always at the highest z-index. This is
* required when the thumbs are stacked on top of each other at one of the ends of the slider's
* range, which can result in the user not being able to move any of them.
* @param {Ext.slider.Thumb} topThumb The thumb to move to the top
promoteThumb: function(topThumb) {
var thumbs = this.thumbs,
ln = thumbs.length,
zIndex, thumb, i;
for (i = 0; i < ln; i++) {
thumb = thumbs[i];
if (thumb == topThumb) {
} else {
// private override
getSubTplData : function() {
var me = this;
return Ext.apply(me.callParent(), {
$comp: me,
vertical: me.vertical ? Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'slider-vert' : Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'slider-horz',
minValue: me.minValue,
maxValue: me.maxValue,
value: me.value,
childElCls: ''
onRender : function() {
var me = this,
thumbs = me.thumbs,
len = thumbs.length,
i = 0,
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
thumb = thumbs[i];
thumb.el = me.el.getById(me.id + '-thumb-' + i);
* @private
* Adds keyboard and mouse listeners on this.el. Ignores click events on the internal focus element.
initEvents : function() {
var me = this;
me.mon(me.el, {
scope : me,
mousedown: me.onMouseDown,
keydown : me.onKeyDown
onDragStart: Ext.emptyFn,
onDragEnd: Ext.emptyFn,
* @private
* Given an `[x, y]` position within the slider's track (Points outside the slider's track are coerced to either the minimum or maximum value),
* calculate how many pixels **from the slider origin** (left for horizontal Sliders and bottom for vertical Sliders) that point is.
* If the point is outside the range of the Slider's track, the return value is `undefined`
* @param {Number[]} xy The point to calculate the track point for
getTrackpoint : function(xy) {
var me = this,
vertical = me.vertical,
sliderTrack = me.innerEl,
trackLength, result,
if (vertical) {
positionProperty = 'top';
trackLength = sliderTrack.getHeight();
} else {
positionProperty = me.horizontalProp;
trackLength = sliderTrack.getWidth();
xy = me.transformTrackPoints(sliderTrack.translatePoints(xy));
result = Ext.Number.constrain(xy[positionProperty], 0, trackLength);
return vertical ? trackLength - result : result;
transformTrackPoints: Ext.identityFn,
* @private
* Mousedown handler for the slider. If the clickToChange is enabled and the click was not on the draggable 'thumb',
* this calculates the new value of the slider and tells the implementation (Horizontal or Vertical) to move the thumb
* @param {Ext.EventObject} e The click event
onMouseDown : function(e) {
var me = this,
thumbClicked = false,
i = 0,
thumbs = me.thumbs,
len = thumbs.length,
if (me.disabled) {
//see if the click was on any of the thumbs
for (; i < len; i++) {
thumbClicked = thumbClicked || e.target == thumbs[i].el.dom;
if (me.clickToChange && !thumbClicked) {
trackPoint = me.getTrackpoint(e.getXY());
if (trackPoint !== undefined) {
* @private
* Moves the thumb to the indicated position.
* Only changes the value if the click was within this.clickRange.
* @param {Number} trackPoint local pixel offset **from the origin** (left for horizontal and bottom for vertical) along the Slider's axis at which the click event occured.
onClickChange : function(trackPoint) {
var me = this,
thumb, index;
// How far along the track *from the origin* was the click.
// If vertical, the origin is the bottom of the slider track.
//find the nearest thumb to the click event
thumb = me.getNearest(trackPoint);
if (!thumb.disabled) {
index = thumb.index;
me.setValue(index, Ext.util.Format.round(me.reversePixelValue(trackPoint), me.decimalPrecision), undefined, true);
* @private
* Returns the nearest thumb to a click event, along with its distance
* @param {Number} trackPoint local pixel position along the Slider's axis to find the Thumb for
* @return {Object} The closest thumb object and its distance from the click event
getNearest: function(trackPoint) {
var me = this,
clickValue = me.reversePixelValue(trackPoint),
nearestDistance = me.getRange() + 5, //add a small fudge for the end of the slider
nearest = null,
thumbs = me.thumbs,
i = 0,
len = thumbs.length,
for (; i < len; i++) {
thumb = me.thumbs[i];
value = thumb.value;
dist = Math.abs(value - clickValue);
if (Math.abs(dist <= nearestDistance)) {
nearest = thumb;
nearestDistance = dist;
return nearest;
* @private
* Handler for any keypresses captured by the slider. If the key is UP or RIGHT, the thumb is moved along to the right
* by this.keyIncrement. If DOWN or LEFT it is moved left. Pressing CTRL moves the slider to the end in either direction
* @param {Ext.EventObject} e The Event object
onKeyDown : function(e) {
* The behaviour for keyboard handling with multiple thumbs is currently undefined.
* There's no real sane default for it, so leave it like this until we come up
* with a better way of doing it.
var me = this,
if(me.disabled || me.thumbs.length !== 1) {
k = e.getKey();
switch(k) {
case e.UP:
case e.RIGHT:
val = e.ctrlKey ? me.maxValue : me.getValue(0) + me.keyIncrement;
me.setValue(0, val, undefined, true);
case e.DOWN:
case e.LEFT:
val = e.ctrlKey ? me.minValue : me.getValue(0) - me.keyIncrement;
me.setValue(0, val, undefined, true);
* @private
* Returns a snapped, constrained value when given a desired value
* @param {Number} value Raw number value
* @return {Number} The raw value rounded to the correct d.p. and constrained within the set max and min values
normalizeValue : function(v) {
var me = this,
snapFn = me.zeroBasedSnapping ? 'snap' : 'snapInRange';
v = Ext.Number[snapFn](v, me.increment, me.minValue, me.maxValue);
v = Ext.util.Format.round(v, me.decimalPrecision);
v = Ext.Number.constrain(v, me.minValue, me.maxValue);
return v;
* Sets the minimum value for the slider instance. If the current value is less than the minimum value, the current
* value will be changed.
* @param {Number} val The new minimum value
setMinValue : function(val) {
var me = this,
thumbs = me.thumbs,
len = thumbs.length,
thumb, i;
me.minValue = val;
if (me.rendered) {
me.inputEl.dom.setAttribute('aria-valuemin', val);
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
thumb = thumbs[i];
if (thumb.value < val) {
me.setValue(i, val, false);
* Sets the maximum value for the slider instance. If the current value is more than the maximum value, the current
* value will be changed.
* @param {Number} val The new maximum value
setMaxValue : function(val) {
var me = this,
thumbs = me.thumbs,
len = thumbs.length,
thumb, i;
me.maxValue = val;
if (me.rendered) {
me.inputEl.dom.setAttribute('aria-valuemax', val);
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
thumb = thumbs[i];
if (thumb.value > val) {
me.setValue(i, val, false);
* Programmatically sets the value of the Slider. Ensures that the value is constrained within the minValue and
* maxValue.
* Setting a single value:
* // Set the second slider value, don't animate
* mySlider.setValue(1, 50, false);
* Setting multiple values at once
* // Set 3 thumb values, animate
* mySlider.setValue([20, 40, 60], true);
* @param {Number/Number[]} index Index of the thumb to move. Alternatively, it can be an array of values to set
* for each thumb in the slider.
* @param {Number} value The value to set the slider to. (This will be constrained within minValue and maxValue)
* @param {Boolean} [animate=true] Turn on or off animation
* @return {Ext.slider.Multi} this
setValue : function(index, value, animate, changeComplete) {
var me = this,
thumbs = me.thumbs,
thumb, len, i, values;
if (Ext.isArray(index)) {
values = index;
animate = value;
for (i = 0, len = values.length; i < len; ++i) {
thumb = thumbs[i];
if (thumb) {
me.setValue(i, values[i], animate);
return me;
thumb = me.thumbs[index];
// ensures value is contstrained and snapped
value = me.normalizeValue(value);
if (value !== thumb.value && me.fireEvent('beforechange', me, value, thumb.value, thumb) !== false) {
thumb.value = value;
if (me.rendered) {
// TODO this only handles a single value; need a solution for exposing multiple values to aria.
// Perhaps this should go on each thumb element rather than the outer element.
'aria-valuenow': value,
'aria-valuetext': value
thumb.move(me.calculateThumbPosition(value), Ext.isDefined(animate) ? animate !== false : me.animate);
me.fireEvent('change', me, value, thumb);
if (changeComplete) {
me.fireEvent('changecomplete', me, value, thumb);
return me;
* @private
* Given a value within this Slider's range, calculates a Thumb's percentage CSS position to map that value.
calculateThumbPosition : function(v) {
var me = this,
minValue = me.minValue,
pos = (v - minValue) / me.getRange() * 100;
// If the total number of records is <= pageSize then return minValue.
if (isNaN(pos)) {
pos = minValue;
return pos;
* @private
* Returns the ratio of pixels to mapped values. e.g. if the slider is 200px wide and maxValue - minValue is 100,
* the ratio is 2
* @return {Number} The ratio of pixels to mapped values
getRatio : function() {
var me = this,
innerEl = me.innerEl,
trackLength = me.vertical ? innerEl.getHeight() : innerEl.getWidth(),
valueRange = me.getRange();
return valueRange === 0 ? trackLength : (trackLength / valueRange);
getRange: function(){
return this.maxValue - this.minValue;
* @private
* Given a pixel location along the slider, returns the mapped slider value for that pixel.
* E.g. if we have a slider 200px wide with minValue = 100 and maxValue = 500, reversePixelValue(50)
* returns 200
* @param {Number} pos The position along the slider to return a mapped value for
* @return {Number} The mapped value for the given position
reversePixelValue : function(pos) {
return this.minValue + (pos / this.getRatio());
* @private
* Given a Thumb's percentage position along the slider, returns the mapped slider value for that pixel.
* E.g. if we have a slider 200px wide with minValue = 100 and maxValue = 500, reversePercentageValue(25)
* returns 200
* @param {Number} pos The percentage along the slider track to return a mapped value for
* @return {Number} The mapped value for the given position
reversePercentageValue : function(pos) {
return this.minValue + this.getRange() * (pos / 100);
onDisable: function() {
var me = this,
i = 0,
thumbs = me.thumbs,
len = thumbs.length,
for (; i < len; i++) {
thumb = thumbs[i];
el = thumb.el;
if(Ext.isIE) {
//IE breaks when using overflow visible and opacity other than 1.
//Create a place holder for the thumb and display it.
xy = el.getXY();
me.innerEl.addCls(me.disabledCls).dom.disabled = true;
if (!me.thumbHolder) {
me.thumbHolder = me.endEl.createChild({cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'slider-thumb ' + me.disabledCls});
onEnable: function() {
var me = this,
i = 0,
thumbs = me.thumbs,
len = thumbs.length,
for (; i < len; i++) {
thumb = thumbs[i];
el = thumb.el;
if (Ext.isIE) {
me.innerEl.removeCls(me.disabledCls).dom.disabled = false;
if (me.thumbHolder) {
* Synchronizes thumbs position to the proper proportion of the total component width based on the current slider
* {@link #value}. This will be called automatically when the Slider is resized by a layout, but if it is rendered
* auto width, this method can be called from another resize handler to sync the Slider if necessary.
syncThumbs : function() {
if (this.rendered) {
var thumbs = this.thumbs,
length = thumbs.length,
i = 0;
for (; i < length; i++) {
* Returns the current value of the slider
* @param {Number} index The index of the thumb to return a value for
* @return {Number/Number[]} The current value of the slider at the given index, or an array of all thumb values if
* no index is given.
getValue : function(index) {
return Ext.isNumber(index) ? this.thumbs[index].value : this.getValues();
* Returns an array of values - one for the location of each thumb
* @return {Number[]} The set of thumb values
getValues: function() {
var values = [],
i = 0,
thumbs = this.thumbs,
len = thumbs.length;
for (; i < len; i++) {
return values;
getSubmitValue: function() {
var me = this;
return (me.disabled || !me.submitValue) ? null : me.getValue();
reset: function() {
var me = this,
arr = [].concat(me.originalValue),
a = 0,
aLen = arr.length,
for (; a < aLen; a++) {
val = arr[a];
me.setValue(a, val);
// delete here so we reset back to the original state
delete me.wasValid;
setReadOnly: function(readOnly){
var me = this,
thumbs = me.thumbs,
len = thumbs.length,
i = 0;
readOnly = me.readOnly;
for (; i < len; ++i) {
if (readOnly) {
} else {
// private
beforeDestroy : function() {
var me = this,
thumbs = me.thumbs,
t = 0,
tLen = thumbs.length,
Ext.destroy(me.innerEl, me.endEl, me.focusEl);
for (; t < tLen; t++) {
thumb = thumbs[t];