This file is part of Ext JS 4.2
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Build date: 2013-05-16 14:36:50 (f9be68accb407158ba2b1be2c226a6ce1f649314)
* Color picker provides a simple color palette for choosing colors. The picker can be rendered to any container. The
* available default to a standard 40-color palette; this can be customized with the {@link #colors} config.
* Typically you will need to implement a handler function to be notified when the user chooses a color from the picker;
* you can register the handler using the {@link #event-select} event, or by implementing the {@link #handler} method.
* @example
* Ext.create('Ext.picker.Color', {
* value: '993300', // initial selected color
* renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
* listeners: {
* select: function(picker, selColor) {
* alert(selColor);
* }
* }
* });
Ext.define('Ext.picker.Color', {
extend: 'Ext.Component',
requires: 'Ext.XTemplate',
alias: 'widget.colorpicker',
alternateClassName: 'Ext.ColorPalette',
* @cfg {String} [componentCls='x-color-picker']
* The CSS class to apply to the containing element.
componentCls : Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'color-picker',
* @cfg {String} [selectedCls='x-color-picker-selected']
* The CSS class to apply to the selected element
selectedCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'color-picker-selected',
* @cfg {String} itemCls
* The CSS class to apply to the color picker's items
itemCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'color-picker-item',
* @cfg {String} value
* The initial color to highlight (should be a valid 6-digit color hex code without the # symbol). Note that the hex
* codes are case-sensitive.
value : null,
* @cfg {String} clickEvent
* The DOM event that will cause a color to be selected. This can be any valid event name (dblclick, contextmenu).
clickEvent :'click',
* @cfg {Boolean} allowReselect
* If set to true then reselecting a color that is already selected fires the {@link #event-select} event
allowReselect : false,
* @property {String[]} colors
* An array of 6-digit color hex code strings (without the # symbol). This array can contain any number of colors,
* and each hex code should be unique. The width of the picker is controlled via CSS by adjusting the width property
* of the 'x-color-picker' class (or assigning a custom class), so you can balance the number of colors with the
* width setting until the box is symmetrical.
* You can override individual colors if needed:
* var cp = new Ext.picker.Color();
* cp.colors[0] = 'FF0000'; // change the first box to red
* Or you can provide a custom array of your own for complete control:
* var cp = new Ext.picker.Color();
* cp.colors = ['000000', '993300', '333300'];
colors : [
'000000', '993300', '333300', '003300', '003366', '000080', '333399', '333333',
'800000', 'FF6600', '808000', '008000', '008080', '0000FF', '666699', '808080',
'FF0000', 'FF9900', '99CC00', '339966', '33CCCC', '3366FF', '800080', '969696',
'FF00FF', 'FFCC00', 'FFFF00', '00FF00', '00FFFF', '00CCFF', '993366', 'C0C0C0',
'FF99CC', 'FFCC99', 'FFFF99', 'CCFFCC', 'CCFFFF', '99CCFF', 'CC99FF', 'FFFFFF'
* @cfg {Function} handler
* A function that will handle the select event of this picker. The handler is passed the following parameters:
* - `picker` : ColorPicker
* The {@link Ext.picker.Color picker}.
* - `color` : String
* The 6-digit color hex code (without the # symbol).
* @cfg {Object} scope
* The scope (`this` reference) in which the `{@link #handler}` function will be called.
* Defaults to this Color picker instance.
colorRe: /(?:^|\s)color-(.{6})(?:\s|$)/,
renderTpl: [
'<tpl for="colors">',
'<a href="#" class="color-{.} {parent.itemCls}" hidefocus="on">',
'<span class="{parent.itemCls}-inner" style="background:#{.}"> </span>',
// @private
initComponent : function(){
var me = this;
* @event select
* Fires when a color is selected
* @param {Ext.picker.Color} this
* @param {String} color The 6-digit color hex code (without the # symbol)
if (me.handler) {
me.on('select', me.handler, me.scope, true);
// @private
initRenderData : function(){
var me = this;
return Ext.apply(me.callParent(), {
itemCls: me.itemCls,
colors: me.colors
onRender : function(){
var me = this,
clickEvent = me.clickEvent;
me.mon(me.el, clickEvent, me.handleClick, me, {delegate: 'a'});
// always stop following the anchors
if(clickEvent != 'click'){
me.mon(me.el, 'click', Ext.emptyFn, me, {delegate: 'a', stopEvent: true});
// @private
afterRender : function(){
var me = this,
if (me.value) {
value = me.value;
me.value = null;
me.select(value, true);
// @private
handleClick : function(event, target){
var me = this,
if (!me.disabled) {
color = target.className.match(me.colorRe)[1];
* Selects the specified color in the picker (fires the {@link #event-select} event)
* @param {String} color A valid 6-digit color hex code (# will be stripped if included)
* @param {Boolean} [suppressEvent=false] True to stop the select event from firing.
select : function(color, suppressEvent){
var me = this,
selectedCls = me.selectedCls,
value = me.value,
color = color.replace('#', '');
if (!me.rendered) {
me.value = color;
if (color != value || me.allowReselect) {
el = me.el;
if (me.value) {
el.down('a.color-' + value).removeCls(selectedCls);
el.down('a.color-' + color).addCls(selectedCls);
me.value = color;
if (suppressEvent !== true) {
me.fireEvent('select', me, color);
* Clears any selection and sets the value to `null`.
clear: function(){
var me = this,
value = me.value,
if (value && me.rendered) {
el = me.el.down('a.color-' + value);
me.value = null;
* Get the currently selected color value.
* @return {String} value The selected value. Null if nothing is selected.
getValue: function(){
return this.value || null;