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File: web/bundles/extjs/src/panel/Header.js

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File: web/bundles/extjs/src/panel/Header.js
Role: Auxiliary data
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Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Raptor 2
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/* This file is part of Ext JS 4.2 Copyright (c) 2011-2013 Sencha Inc Contact: GNU General Public License Usage This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following information to ensure the GNU General Public License version 3.0 requirements will be met: If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please contact the sales department at Build date: 2013-05-16 14:36:50 (f9be68accb407158ba2b1be2c226a6ce1f649314) */ /** * Simple header class which is used for on {@link Ext.panel.Panel} and {@link Ext.window.Window}. */ Ext.define('Ext.panel.Header', { extend: 'Ext.container.Container', uses: ['Ext.panel.Tool', 'Ext.util.CSS', 'Ext.layout.component.Body', 'Ext.Img'], alias: 'widget.header', /** * @property {Boolean} isHeader * `true` in this class to identify an object as an instantiated Header, or subclass thereof. */ isHeader : true, defaultType : 'tool', indicateDrag : false, weight : -1, componentLayout: 'body', /** * @cfg {String} [titleAlign] * The alignment of the title text within the available space between the * icon and the tools. * * May be `"left"`, `"right"` or `"center"`. Defaults to the browser's natural * behavior depending on the css direction property - `"left"` when direction * is ltr and `"right"` when direction is rtl * (see {@link Ext.AbstractComponent#rtl}). */ childEls: [ 'body' ], renderTpl: [ '<div id="{id}-body" class="{headerCls}-body {baseCls}-body {bodyCls} {bodyTargetCls}', '<tpl for="uiCls"> {parent.baseCls}-body-{parent.ui}-{.}</tpl>"', '<tpl if="bodyStyle"> style="{bodyStyle}"</tpl>>', '{%this.renderContainer(out,values)%}', '</div>' ], headingTpl: [ // unselectable="on" is required for Opera, other browsers inherit unselectability from the header '<span id="{id}-textEl" class="{headerCls}-text {cls}-text {cls}-text-{ui}" unselectable="on">{title}</span>' ], shrinkWrap: 3, /** * @cfg {String} title * The title text to display. */ /** * @cfg {Number} [titlePosition] * The ordinal position among the header items (tools and other components specified using the {@link #cfg-items} config) * at which the title component is inserted. See {@link Ext.panel.Panel#cfg-header Panel's header config}. * * If not specified, the title is inserted after any {@link #cfg-items}, but *before* any {@link Ext.panel.Panel#tools}. * * Note that if an {@link #icon} or {@link #iconCls} has been configured, then the icon component will be the * first item before all specified tools or {@link #cfg-items}. This configuration does not include the icon. */ titlePosition: 0, /** * @cfg {String} iconCls * CSS class for an icon in the header. Used for displaying an icon to the left of a title. */ /** * @cfg {String} icon * Path to image for an icon in the header. Used for displaying an icon to the left of a title. */ /** * @cfg {Number/String} glyph * A numeric unicode character code to use as the icon for the panel header. The * default font-family for glyphs can be set globally using * {@link Ext#setGlyphFontFamily Ext.setGlyphFontFamily()}. Alternatively, this * config option accepts a string with the charCode and font-family separated by the * `@` symbol. For example '65@My Font Family'. */ // a class for styling that is shared between panel and window headers headerCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'header', initComponent: function() { var me = this, hasPosition = me.hasOwnProperty('titlePosition'), items = me.items, titlePosition = hasPosition ? me.titlePosition : (items ? items.length : 0), uiClasses = [me.orientation, me.getDockName()], ownerCt = me.ownerCt; me.addEvents( /** * @event click * Fires when the header is clicked. This event will not be fired * if the click was on a {@link Ext.panel.Tool} * @param {Ext.panel.Header} this * @param {Ext.EventObject} e */ 'click', /** * @event dblclick * Fires when the header is double clicked. This event will not * be fired if the click was on a {@link Ext.panel.Tool} * @param {Ext.panel.Header} this * @param {Ext.EventObject} e */ 'dblclick' ); me.indicateDragCls = me.headerCls + '-draggable'; me.title = me.title || '&#160;'; = || []; items = me.items = (items ? Ext.Array.slice(items) : []); me.orientation = me.orientation || 'horizontal'; me.dock = (me.dock) ? me.dock : (me.orientation == 'horizontal') ? 'top' : 'left'; if (ownerCt ? (!ownerCt.border && !ownerCt.frame) : !me.border) { uiClasses.push(me.orientation + '-noborder'); } me.addClsWithUI(uiClasses); me.addCls([me.headerCls, me.headerCls + '-' + me.orientation]); if (me.indicateDrag) { me.addCls(me.indicateDragCls); } // Add Icon if (me.iconCls || me.icon || me.glyph) { me.initIconCmp(); // If we didn't provide a position or items, the icon should // appear before the title if (!hasPosition && !items.length) { ++titlePosition; } items.push(me.iconCmp); } // Add Title me.titleCmp = new Ext.Component({ ariaRole : 'heading', focusable : false, noWrap : true, flex : 1, rtl : me.rtl, id : + '_hd', style : me.titleAlign ? ('text-align:' + me.titleAlign) : '', cls : me.headerCls + '-text-container ' + me.baseCls + '-text-container ' + me.baseCls + '-text-container-' + me.ui, renderTpl : me.getTpl('headingTpl'), renderData: { title: me.title, cls : me.baseCls, headerCls: me.headerCls, ui : me.ui }, childEls : ['textEl'], autoEl: { // Required for Opera unselectable: 'on' }, listeners: { render: me.onTitleRender, scope: me } }); me.layout = (me.orientation == 'vertical') ? { type : 'vbox', align: 'center', alignRoundingMethod: 'ceil' } : { type : 'hbox', align: 'middle', alignRoundingMethod: 'floor' }; // Add Tools Ext.Array.push(items,; // Clear the tools so we can have only the instances. Intentional mutation of passed in array // Owning code in Panel uses this array as its pubic tools property. = 0; me.callParent(); if (items.length < titlePosition) { titlePosition = items.length; } me.titlePosition = titlePosition; // Insert the titleComponent at the specified position me.insert(titlePosition, me.titleCmp); me.on({ dblclick: me.onDblClick, click: me.onClick, element: 'el', scope: me }); }, initIconCmp: function() { var me = this, cls = [me.headerCls + '-icon', me.baseCls + '-icon', me.iconCls], cfg; if (me.glyph) { cls.push(me.baseCls + '-glyph'); } cfg = { focusable: false, src: Ext.BLANK_IMAGE_URL, cls: cls, baseCls: me.baseCls + '-icon', id: + '-iconEl', iconCls: me.iconCls, glyph: me.glyph }; if (!Ext.isEmpty(me.icon)) { delete cfg.iconCls; cfg.src = me.icon; } me.iconCmp = new Ext.Img(cfg); }, beforeRender: function() { this.protoEl.unselectable(); this.callParent(); }, afterLayout: function() { var me = this, frameBR, frameTR, frameTL, xPos; if (me.orientation === 'vertical') { me.adjustTitlePosition(); frameTR = me.frameTR; if (frameTR) { // The corners sprite currently requires knowledge of the vertical header's // width to correctly set the background position of the bottom right corner. // TODO: rearrange the sprite so that this can be done with pure css. frameBR = me.frameBR; frameTL = me.frameTL; xPos = (me.getWidth() - frameTR.getPadding('r') - ((frameTL) ? frameTL.getPadding('l') : me.el.getBorderWidth('l'))) + 'px'; frameBR.setStyle('background-position-x', xPos); frameTR.setStyle('background-position-x', xPos); } if (Ext.isIE7 && Ext.isStrict && me.frame) { // EXTJSIV-7283: framed header background is initally off in IE7 strict // unless we repaint me.el.repaint(); } } }, beforeLayout: function () { this.callParent(); this.syncBeforeAfterTitleClasses(); }, adjustTitlePosition: function() { var titleCmp = this.titleCmp, titleEl; if (!Ext.isIE9m && titleCmp) { // some Headers don't have a titleCmp, e.g. TabBar // In IE9 and below we use a BasicImage filter to rotate the title // element 90 degrees. The result is that what was the bottom left // corner is positioned exactly where the top left corner was // originally. Since this is the desired result, no additional // positioning is needed in IE9 and below. In modern browsers, // however, we use transform: rotate(90deg) to rotate the element. // CSS3 also provides a way to specify the position the rotated element // by changing the axis on which it is rotated using the transform-origin // property, but the required transform origin varies based on the // elements size, and would require some complex math to calculate. // To achieve the desired rotated position in modern browsers we use // a transform-origin of "0, 0" which means the top left corner of // the element is the rotation axis. After rotating 90 degrees we // simply move the element to the right by the same number of pixels // as its width. titleEl = titleCmp.el; titleEl.setStyle('left', titleEl.getWidth() + 'px'); } }, onTitleRender: function() { if (this.orientation === 'vertical') { this.titleCmp.el.setVertical(90); } }, // inherit docs addUIClsToElement: function(cls) { var me = this, result = me.callParent(arguments), classes = [me.baseCls + '-body-' + cls, me.baseCls + '-body-' + me.ui + '-' + cls], array, i; if (me.bodyCls) { array = me.bodyCls.split(' '); for (i = 0; i < classes.length; i++) { if (!Ext.Array.contains(array, classes[i])) { array.push(classes[i]); } } me.bodyCls = array.join(' '); } else { me.bodyCls = classes.join(' '); } return result; }, // inherit docs removeUIClsFromElement: function(cls) { var me = this, result = me.callParent(arguments), classes = [me.baseCls + '-body-' + cls, me.baseCls + '-body-' + me.ui + '-' + cls], array, i; if (me.bodyCls) { array = me.bodyCls.split(' '); for (i = 0; i < classes.length; i++) { Ext.Array.remove(array, classes[i]); } me.bodyCls = array.join(' '); } return result; }, // inherit docs addUIToElement: function() { var me = this, array, cls; me.callParent(arguments); cls = me.baseCls + '-body-' + me.ui; if (me.rendered) { if (me.bodyCls) { me.body.addCls(me.bodyCls); } else { me.body.addCls(cls); } } else { if (me.bodyCls) { array = me.bodyCls.split(' '); if (!Ext.Array.contains(array, cls)) { array.push(cls); } me.bodyCls = array.join(' '); } else { me.bodyCls = cls; } } if (me.titleCmp && me.titleCmp.rendered) { me.titleCmp.addCls(me.baseCls + '-text-container-' + me.ui); } }, // inherit docs removeUIFromElement: function() { var me = this, array, cls; me.callParent(arguments); cls = me.baseCls + '-body-' + me.ui; if (me.rendered) { if (me.bodyCls) { me.body.removeCls(me.bodyCls); } else { me.body.removeCls(cls); } } else { if (me.bodyCls) { array = me.bodyCls.split(' '); Ext.Array.remove(array, cls); me.bodyCls = array.join(' '); } else { me.bodyCls = cls; } } if (me.titleCmp && me.titleCmp.rendered) { me.titleCmp.removeCls(me.baseCls + '-text-container-' + me.ui); } }, onClick: function(e) { this.fireClickEvent('click', e); }, onDblClick: function(e){ this.fireClickEvent('dblclick', e); }, fireClickEvent: function(type, e){ var toolCls = '.' + Ext.panel.Tool.prototype.baseCls; if (!e.getTarget(toolCls)) { this.fireEvent(type, this, e); } }, getFocusEl: function() { return this.el; }, getTargetEl: function() { return this.body || this.frameBody || this.el; }, applyTargetCls: function(targetCls) { this.bodyTargetCls = targetCls; }, /** * Sets the title of the header. * @param {String} title The title to be set */ setTitle: function(title) { var me = this, titleCmp = me.titleCmp; me.title = title; if (titleCmp.rendered) { titleCmp.textEl.update(me.title || '&#160;'); titleCmp.updateLayout(); } else { me.titleCmp.on({ render: function() { me.setTitle(title); }, single: true }); } }, /** * @private * Used when shrink wrapping a Panel to either content width or header width. * This returns the minimum width required to display the header, icon and tools. * **This is only intended for use with horizontal headers.** */ getMinWidth: function() { var me = this, textEl = me.titleCmp.textEl.dom, result, tools =, l, i; // Measure text width as inline element so it doesn't stretch = 'inline'; result = textEl.offsetWidth; = ''; // Add tools width if (tools && (l = tools.length)) { for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { if (tools[i].el) { result += tools[i].el.dom.offsetWidth; } } } // Add iconWidth if (me.iconCmp) { result += me.iconCmp.el.dom.offsetWidth; } // Return with some space between title and tools/end of header. return result + 10; }, /** * Sets the CSS class that provides the icon image for this header. This method will replace any existing * icon class if one has already been set. * @param {String} cls The new CSS class name */ setIconCls: function(cls) { var me = this, isEmpty = !cls || !cls.length, iconCmp = me.iconCmp; me.iconCls = cls; if (!me.iconCmp && !isEmpty) { me.initIconCmp(); me.insert(0, me.iconCmp); } else if (iconCmp) { if (isEmpty) { me.iconCmp.destroy(); delete me.iconCmp; } else { iconCmp.removeCls(iconCmp.iconCls); iconCmp.addCls(cls); iconCmp.iconCls = cls; } } }, /** * Sets the image path that provides the icon image for this header. This method will replace any existing * icon if one has already been set. * @param {String} icon The new icon path */ setIcon: function(icon) { var me = this, isEmpty = !icon || !icon.length, iconCmp = me.iconCmp; me.icon = icon; if (!me.iconCmp && !isEmpty) { me.initIconCmp(); me.insert(0, me.iconCmp); } else if (iconCmp) { if (isEmpty) { me.iconCmp.destroy(); delete me.iconCmp; } else { iconCmp.setSrc(me.icon); } } }, /** * Sets glyph that provides the icon image for this header. This method will replace any existing * glyph if one has already been set. * @param {Number/String} glyph the numeric charCode or string charCode/font-family. * This parameter expects a format consistent with that of {@link #glyph} */ setGlyph: function(glyph) { var me = this, iconCmp = me.iconCmp; if (!me.iconCmp) { me.initIconCmp(); me.insert(0, me.iconCmp); } else if (iconCmp) { if (glyph) { me.iconCmp.setGlyph(glyph); } else { me.iconCmp.destroy(); delete me.iconCmp; } } }, /** * Gets the tools for this header. * @return {Ext.panel.Tool[]} The tools */ getTools: function(){ return; }, /** * Add a tool to the header * @param {Object} tool */ addTool: function(tool) { // Even though the defaultType is tool, it may be changed, // so let's be safe and forcibly specify tool this.add(Ext.ComponentManager.create(tool, 'tool')); }, syncBeforeAfterTitleClasses: function() { var me = this, items = me.items, childItems = items.items, titlePosition = me.titlePosition, itemCount = childItems.length, itemGeneration = items.generation, syncGen = me.syncBeforeAfterGen, afterCls, beforeCls, i, item; if (syncGen === itemGeneration) { return; } me.syncBeforeAfterGen = itemGeneration; for (i = 0; i < itemCount; ++i) { item = childItems[i]; afterCls = item.afterTitleCls || (item.afterTitleCls = item.baseCls + '-after-title') beforeCls = item.beforeTitleCls || (item.beforeTitleCls = item.baseCls + '-before-title') if (!me.title || i < titlePosition) { if (syncGen) { item.removeCls(afterCls); } // else first time we won't need to remove anything... item.addCls(beforeCls); } else if (i > titlePosition) { if (syncGen) { item.removeCls(beforeCls); } item.addCls(afterCls); } } }, /** * @protected * Set up the `tools.<tool type>` link in the owning Panel. * @param component * @param index */ onAdd: function(component, index) { var tools =; this.callParent(arguments); if (component.isTool) { tools.push(component); tools[component.type] = component; } }, /** * Add bodyCls to the renderData object * @return {Object} Object with keys and values that are going to be applied to the renderTpl * @private */ initRenderData: function() { return Ext.applyIf(this.callParent(), { bodyCls: this.bodyCls, bodyTargetCls: this.bodyTargetCls, headerCls: this.headerCls }); }, getDockName: function() { return this.dock; }, getFramingInfoCls: function(){ var me = this, cls = me.callParent(), owner = me.ownerCt; if (!me.expanding && (owner && owner.collapsed) || me.isCollapsedExpander) { cls += '-' + owner.collapsedCls; } return cls + '-' + me.dock; } });