This file is part of Ext JS 4.2
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Build date: 2013-05-16 14:36:50 (f9be68accb407158ba2b1be2c226a6ce1f649314)
* Adds a separator bar to a menu, used to divide logical groups of menu items. Generally you will
* add one of these by using "-" in your call to add() or in your items config rather than creating one directly.
* @example
* Ext.create('Ext.menu.Menu', {
* width: 100,
* height: 100,
* floating: false, // usually you want this set to True (default)
* renderTo: Ext.getBody(), // usually rendered by it's containing component
* items: [{
* text: 'icon item',
* iconCls: 'add16'
* },{
* xtype: 'menuseparator'
* },{
* text: 'separator above'
* },{
* text: 'regular item'
* }]
* });
Ext.define('Ext.menu.Separator', {
extend: 'Ext.menu.Item',
alias: 'widget.menuseparator',
* @cfg {String} activeCls
* @private
* @cfg {Boolean} canActivate
* @private
canActivate: false,
* @cfg {Boolean} clickHideDelay
* @private
* @cfg {Boolean} destroyMenu
* @private
* @cfg {Boolean} disabledCls
* @private
focusable: false,
* @cfg {String} href
* @private
* @cfg {String} hrefTarget
* @private
* @cfg {Boolean} hideOnClick
* @private
hideOnClick: false,
* @cfg {String} icon
* @private
* @cfg {String} iconCls
* @private
* @cfg {Object} menu
* @private
* @cfg {String} menuAlign
* @private
* @cfg {Number} menuExpandDelay
* @private
* @cfg {Number} menuHideDelay
* @private
* @cfg {Boolean} plain
* @private
plain: true,
* @cfg {String} separatorCls
* The CSS class used by the separator item to show the incised line.
separatorCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'menu-item-separator',
* @cfg {String} text
* @private
text: ' ',
beforeRender: function(ct, pos) {
var me = this;