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File: web/bundles/extjs/src/form/FieldSet.js

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File: web/bundles/extjs/src/form/FieldSet.js
Role: Auxiliary data
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Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Raptor 2
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/* This file is part of Ext JS 4.2 Copyright (c) 2011-2013 Sencha Inc Contact: GNU General Public License Usage This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following information to ensure the GNU General Public License version 3.0 requirements will be met: If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please contact the sales department at Build date: 2013-05-16 14:36:50 (f9be68accb407158ba2b1be2c226a6ce1f649314) */ /** * @docauthor Jason Johnston <> * * A container for grouping sets of fields, rendered as a HTML `fieldset` element. The {@link #title} * config will be rendered as the fieldset's `legend`. * * While FieldSets commonly contain simple groups of fields, they are general {@link Ext.container.Container Containers} * and may therefore contain any type of components in their {@link #cfg-items}, including other nested containers. * The default {@link #layout} for the FieldSet's items is `'anchor'`, but it can be configured to use any other * layout type. * * FieldSets may also be collapsed if configured to do so; this can be done in two ways: * * 1. Set the {@link #collapsible} config to true; this will result in a collapse button being rendered next to * the {@link #title legend title}, or: * 2. Set the {@link #checkboxToggle} config to true; this is similar to using {@link #collapsible} but renders * a {@link Ext.form.field.Checkbox checkbox} in place of the toggle button. The fieldset will be expanded when the * checkbox is checked and collapsed when it is unchecked. The checkbox will also be included in the * {@link Ext.form.Basic#submit form submit parameters} using the {@link #checkboxName} as its parameter name. * * # Example usage * * @example * Ext.create('Ext.form.Panel', { * title: 'Simple Form with FieldSets', * labelWidth: 75, // label settings here cascade unless overridden * url: 'save-form.php', * frame: true, * bodyStyle: 'padding:5px 5px 0', * width: 550, * renderTo: Ext.getBody(), * layout: 'column', // arrange fieldsets side by side * items: [{ * // Fieldset in Column 1 - collapsible via toggle button * xtype:'fieldset', * columnWidth: 0.5, * title: 'Fieldset 1', * collapsible: true, * defaultType: 'textfield', * defaults: {anchor: '100%'}, * layout: 'anchor', * items :[{ * fieldLabel: 'Field 1', * name: 'field1' * }, { * fieldLabel: 'Field 2', * name: 'field2' * }] * }, { * // Fieldset in Column 2 - collapsible via checkbox, collapsed by default, contains a panel * xtype:'fieldset', * title: 'Show Panel', // title or checkboxToggle creates fieldset header * columnWidth: 0.5, * checkboxToggle: true, * collapsed: true, // fieldset initially collapsed * layout:'anchor', * items :[{ * xtype: 'panel', * anchor: '100%', * title: 'Panel inside a fieldset', * frame: true, * height: 52 * }] * }] * }); */ Ext.define('Ext.form.FieldSet', { extend: 'Ext.container.Container', mixins: { fieldAncestor: 'Ext.form.FieldAncestor' }, alias: 'widget.fieldset', uses: ['Ext.form.field.Checkbox', 'Ext.panel.Tool', 'Ext.layout.container.Anchor', 'Ext.layout.component.FieldSet'], /** * @cfg {String} title * A title to be displayed in the fieldset's legend. May contain HTML markup. */ /** * @cfg {Boolean} [checkboxToggle=false] * Set to true to render a checkbox into the fieldset frame just in front of the legend to expand/collapse the * fieldset when the checkbox is toggled.. This checkbox will be included in form submits using * the {@link #checkboxName}. */ /** * @cfg {String} checkboxName * The name to assign to the fieldset's checkbox if {@link #checkboxToggle} = true * (defaults to '[fieldset id]-checkbox'). */ /** * @cfg {Boolean} [collapsible=false] * Set to true to make the fieldset collapsible and have the expand/collapse toggle button automatically rendered * into the legend element, false to keep the fieldset statically sized with no collapse button. * Another option is to configure {@link #checkboxToggle}. Use the {@link #collapsed} config to collapse the * fieldset by default. */ /** * @cfg {Boolean} collapsed * Set to true to render the fieldset as collapsed by default. If {@link #checkboxToggle} is specified, the checkbox * will also be unchecked by default. */ collapsed: false, /** * @cfg {Boolean} [toggleOnTitleClick=true] * Set to true will add a listener to the titleCmp property for the click event which will execute the * {@link #toggle} method. This option is only used when the {@link #collapsible} property is set to true. */ toggleOnTitleClick : true, /** * @property {Ext.Component} legend * The component for the fieldset's legend. Will only be defined if the configuration requires a legend to be * created, by setting the {@link #title} or {@link #checkboxToggle} options. */ /** * @cfg {String} [baseCls='x-fieldset'] * The base CSS class applied to the fieldset. */ baseCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'fieldset', /** * @cfg {Ext.enums.Layout/Object} layout * The {@link Ext.container.Container#layout} for the fieldset's immediate child items. */ layout: 'anchor', componentLayout: 'fieldset', autoEl: 'fieldset', childEls: [ 'body' ], renderTpl: [ '{%this.renderLegend(out,values);%}', '<div id="{id}-body" class="{baseCls}-body {bodyTargetCls}"<tpl if="bodyStyle"> style="{bodyStyle}"</tpl>>', '{%this.renderContainer(out,values);%}', '</div>' ], stateEvents : [ 'collapse', 'expand' ], maskOnDisable: false, beforeDestroy: function(){ var me = this, legend = me.legend; if (legend) { // get rid of the ownerCt since it's not a proper item delete legend.ownerCt; legend.destroy(); me.legend = null; } me.callParent(); }, initComponent: function() { var me = this, baseCls = me.baseCls; me.initFieldAncestor(); me.callParent(); // Fieldsets cannot support managePadding because the managePadding config causes // the paddding to be added to the innerCt instead of the fieldset element. The // padding must be on the fieldset element because the horizontal position of the // legend is determined by the fieldset element's padding // // As a consequence of the inability to support managePadding, manageOverflow // cannot be supported either because the correct overflow cannot be calculated // without managePadding to adjust for cross-browser differences in the way // padding is handled on overflowing elements. // See Ext.layout.container.Auto for more info. me.layout.managePadding = me.layout.manageOverflow = false; me.addEvents( /** * @event beforeexpand * Fires before this FieldSet is expanded. Return false to prevent the expand. * @param {Ext.form.FieldSet} f The FieldSet being expanded. */ "beforeexpand", /** * @event beforecollapse * Fires before this FieldSet is collapsed. Return false to prevent the collapse. * @param {Ext.form.FieldSet} f The FieldSet being collapsed. */ "beforecollapse", /** * @event expand * Fires after this FieldSet has expanded. * @param {Ext.form.FieldSet} f The FieldSet that has been expanded. */ "expand", /** * @event collapse * Fires after this FieldSet has collapsed. * @param {Ext.form.FieldSet} f The FieldSet that has been collapsed. */ "collapse" ); if (me.collapsed) { me.addCls(baseCls + '-collapsed'); me.collapse(); } if (me.title || me.checkboxToggle || me.collapsible) { me.addTitleClasses(); me.legend = Ext.widget(me.createLegendCt()); } me.initMonitor(); }, initPadding: function(targetEl) { var me = this, body = me.getProtoBody(), padding = me.padding, bodyPadding; if (padding !== undefined) { if (Ext.isIEQuirks || Ext.isIE8m) { // IE8 and below display fieldset top padding outside the border // so we transfer the top padding to the body element. padding = me.parseBox(padding); bodyPadding = Ext.Element.parseBox(0); =; = 0; body.setStyle('padding', me.unitizeBox(bodyPadding)); } targetEl.setStyle('padding', me.unitizeBox(padding)); } }, getProtoBody: function () { var me = this, body = me.protoBody; if (!body) { me.protoBody = body = new Ext.util.ProtoElement({ styleProp: 'bodyStyle', styleIsText: true }); } return body; }, /** * Initialized the renderData to be used when rendering the renderTpl. * @return {Object} Object with keys and values that are going to be applied to the renderTpl * @private */ initRenderData: function() { var me = this, data = me.callParent(); data.bodyTargetCls = me.bodyTargetCls; me.protoBody.writeTo(data); delete me.protoBody; return data; }, getState: function () { var state = this.callParent(); state = this.addPropertyToState(state, 'collapsed'); return state; }, afterCollapse: Ext.emptyFn, afterExpand: Ext.emptyFn, collapsedHorizontal: function () { return true; }, collapsedVertical: function () { return true; }, createLegendCt: function () { var me = this, items = [], legend = { xtype: 'container', baseCls: me.baseCls + '-header', id: + '-legend', autoEl: 'legend', items: items, ownerCt: me, shrinkWrap: true, ownerLayout: me.componentLayout }; // Checkbox if (me.checkboxToggle) { items.push(me.createCheckboxCmp()); } else if (me.collapsible) { // Toggle button items.push(me.createToggleCmp()); } // Title items.push(me.createTitleCmp()); return legend; }, /** * Creates the legend title component. This is only called internally, but could be overridden in subclasses to * customize the title component. If {@link #toggleOnTitleClick} is set to true, a listener for the click event * will toggle the collapsed state of the FieldSet. * @return {Ext.Component} * @protected */ createTitleCmp: function() { var me = this, cfg = { xtype : 'component', html : me.title, cls : me.baseCls + '-header-text', id : + '-legendTitle' }; if (me.collapsible && me.toggleOnTitleClick) { cfg.listeners = { click : { element: 'el', scope : me, fn : me.toggle } }; cfg.cls += ' ' + me.baseCls + '-header-text-collapsible'; } return (me.titleCmp = Ext.widget(cfg)); }, /** * @property {Ext.form.field.Checkbox} checkboxCmp * Refers to the {@link Ext.form.field.Checkbox} component that is added next to the title in the legend. Only * populated if the fieldset is configured with {@link #checkboxToggle}:true. */ /** * Creates the checkbox component. This is only called internally, but could be overridden in subclasses to * customize the checkbox's configuration or even return an entirely different component type. * @return {Ext.Component} * @protected */ createCheckboxCmp: function() { var me = this, suffix = '-checkbox'; me.checkboxCmp = Ext.widget({ xtype: 'checkbox', hideEmptyLabel: true, name: me.checkboxName || + suffix, cls: me.baseCls + '-header' + suffix, id: + '-legendChk', checked: !me.collapsed, listeners: { change: me.onCheckChange, scope: me } }); return me.checkboxCmp; }, /** * @property {Ext.panel.Tool} toggleCmp * Refers to the {@link Ext.panel.Tool} component that is added as the collapse/expand button next to the title in * the legend. Only populated if the fieldset is configured with {@link #collapsible}:true. */ /** * Creates the toggle button component. This is only called internally, but could be overridden in subclasses to * customize the toggle component. * @return {Ext.Component} * @protected */ createToggleCmp: function() { var me = this; me.toggleCmp = Ext.widget({ xtype: 'tool', height: 15, width: 15, type: 'toggle', handler: me.toggle, id: + '-legendToggle', scope: me }); return me.toggleCmp; }, doRenderLegend: function (out, renderData) { // Careful! This method is bolted on to the renderTpl so all we get for context is // the renderData! The "this" pointer is the renderTpl instance! var me = renderData.$comp, legend = me.legend, tree; // Create the Legend component if needed if (legend) { legend.ownerLayout.configureItem(legend); tree = legend.getRenderTree(); Ext.DomHelper.generateMarkup(tree, out); } }, finishRender: function () { var legend = this.legend; this.callParent(); if (legend) { legend.finishRender(); } }, getCollapsed: function () { return this.collapsed ? 'top' : false; }, getCollapsedDockedItems: function () { var legend = this.legend; return legend ? [ legend ] : []; }, /** * Sets the title of this fieldset. * @param {String} title The new title. * @return {Ext.form.FieldSet} this */ setTitle: function(title) { var me = this, legend = me.legend, baseCls = me.baseCls; me.title = title; if (me.rendered) { if (!legend) { me.legend = legend = Ext.widget(me.createLegendCt()); me.addTitleClasses(); legend.ownerLayout.configureItem(legend); legend.render(me.el, 0); } me.titleCmp.update(title); } else if (legend) { me.titleCmp.update(title); } else { me.addTitleClasses(); me.legend = Ext.widget(me.createLegendCt()); } return me; }, addTitleClasses: function(){ var me = this, title = me.title, baseCls = me.baseCls; if (title) { me.addCls(baseCls + '-with-title'); } if (title || me.checkboxToggle || me.collapsible) { me.addCls(baseCls + '-with-header'); } }, applyTargetCls: function(targetCls) { this.bodyTargetCls = targetCls; }, getTargetEl : function() { return this.body || this.frameBody || this.el; }, getDefaultContentTarget: function() { return this.body; }, /** * Expands the fieldset. * @return {Ext.form.FieldSet} this */ expand : function(){ return this.setExpanded(true); }, /** * Collapses the fieldset. * @return {Ext.form.FieldSet} this */ collapse : function() { return this.setExpanded(false); }, /** * @private * Collapse or expand the fieldset. */ setExpanded: function(expanded) { var me = this, checkboxCmp = me.checkboxCmp, operation = expanded ? 'expand' : 'collapse'; if (!me.rendered || me.fireEvent('before' + operation, me) !== false) { expanded = !!expanded; if (checkboxCmp) { checkboxCmp.setValue(expanded); } if (expanded) { me.removeCls(me.baseCls + '-collapsed'); } else { me.addCls(me.baseCls + '-collapsed'); } me.collapsed = !expanded; if (expanded) { delete me.getHierarchyState().collapsed; } else { me.getHierarchyState().collapsed = true; } if (me.rendered) { // say explicitly we are not root because when we have a fixed/configured height // our ownerLayout would say we are root and so would not have it's height // updated since it's not included in the layout cycle me.updateLayout({ isRoot: false }); me.fireEvent(operation, me); } } return me; }, getRefItems: function(deep) { var refItems = this.callParent(arguments), legend = this.legend; // Prepend legend items to ensure correct order if (legend) { refItems.unshift(legend); if (deep) { refItems.unshift.apply(refItems, legend.getRefItems(true)); } } return refItems; }, /** * Toggle the fieldset's collapsed state to the opposite of what it is currently. */ toggle: function() { this.setExpanded(!!this.collapsed); }, /** * @private * Handle changes in the checkbox checked state. */ onCheckChange: function(cmp, checked) { this.setExpanded(checked); }, setupRenderTpl: function (renderTpl) { this.callParent(arguments); renderTpl.renderLegend = this.doRenderLegend; } });