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Build date: 2013-05-16 14:36:50 (f9be68accb407158ba2b1be2c226a6ce1f649314)
* @author Ed Spencer
* Fields are used to define what a Model is. They aren't instantiated directly - instead, when we create a class that
* extends {@link Ext.data.Model}, it will automatically create a Field instance for each field configured in a {@link
* Ext.data.Model Model}. For example, we might set up a model like this:
* Ext.define('User', {
* extend: 'Ext.data.Model',
* fields: [
* 'name', 'email',
* {name: 'age', type: 'int'},
* {name: 'gender', type: 'string', defaultValue: 'Unknown'}
* ]
* });
* Four fields will have been created for the User Model - name, email, age and gender. Note that we specified a couple
* of different formats here; if we only pass in the string name of the field (as with name and email), the field is set
* up with the 'auto' type. It's as if we'd done this instead:
* Ext.define('User', {
* extend: 'Ext.data.Model',
* fields: [
* {name: 'name', type: 'auto'},
* {name: 'email', type: 'auto'},
* {name: 'age', type: 'int'},
* {name: 'gender', type: 'string', defaultValue: 'Unknown'}
* ]
* });
* # Types and conversion
* The {@link #type} is important - it's used to automatically convert data passed to the field into the correct format.
* In our example above, the name and email fields used the 'auto' type and will just accept anything that is passed
* into them. The 'age' field had an 'int' type however, so if we passed 25.4 this would be rounded to 25.
* Sometimes a simple type isn't enough, or we want to perform some processing when we load a Field's data. We can do
* this using a {@link #convert} function. Here, we're going to create a new field based on another:
* Ext.define('User', {
* extend: 'Ext.data.Model',
* fields: [
* {
* name: 'firstName',
* convert: function(value, record) {
* var fullName = record.get('name'),
* splits = fullName.split(" "),
* firstName = splits[0];
* return firstName;
* }
* },
* 'name', 'email',
* {name: 'age', type: 'int'},
* {name: 'gender', type: 'string', defaultValue: 'Unknown'}
* ]
* });
* Now when we create a new User, the firstName is populated automatically based on the name:
* var ed = Ext.create('User', {name: 'Ed Spencer'});
* console.log(ed.get('firstName')); //logs 'Ed', based on our convert function
* Fields which are configured with a custom ```convert``` function are read *after* all other fields
* when constructing and reading records, so that if convert functions rely on other, non-converted fields
* (as in this example), they can be sure of those fields being present.
* In fact, if we log out all of the data inside ed, we'll see this:
* console.log(ed.data);
* //outputs this:
* {
* age: 0,
* email: "",
* firstName: "Ed",
* gender: "Unknown",
* name: "Ed Spencer"
* }
* The age field has been given a default of zero because we made it an int type. As an auto field, email has defaulted
* to an empty string. When we registered the User model we set gender's {@link #defaultValue} to 'Unknown' so we see
* that now. Let's correct that and satisfy ourselves that the types work as we expect:
* ed.set('gender', 'Male');
* ed.get('gender'); //returns 'Male'
* ed.set('age', 25.4);
* ed.get('age'); //returns 25 - we wanted an int, not a float, so no decimal places allowed
Ext.define('Ext.data.Field', {
requires: ['Ext.data.Types', 'Ext.data.SortTypes'],
alias: 'data.field',
isField: true,
constructor : function(config) {
var me = this,
types = Ext.data.Types,
if (Ext.isString(config)) {
config = {name: config};
Ext.apply(me, config);
st = me.sortType;
if (me.type) {
if (Ext.isString(me.type)) {
me.type = types[me.type.toUpperCase()] || types.AUTO;
} else {
me.type = types.AUTO;
// named sortTypes are supported, here we look them up
if (Ext.isString(st)) {
me.sortType = Ext.data.SortTypes[st];
} else if(Ext.isEmpty(st)) {
me.sortType = me.type.sortType;
// Reference this type's default converter if we did not recieve one in configuration.
if (!config.hasOwnProperty('convert')) {
me.convert = me.type.convert; // this may be undefined (e.g., AUTO)
} else if (!me.convert && me.type.convert && !config.hasOwnProperty('defaultValue')) {
// If the converter has been nulled out, and we have not been configured
// with a field-specific defaultValue, then coerce the inherited defaultValue into our data type.
me.defaultValue = me.type.convert(me.defaultValue);
if (config.convert) {
me.hasCustomConvert = true;
* @cfg {String} name
* The name by which the field is referenced within the Model. This is referenced by, for example, the `dataIndex`
* property in column definition objects passed to {@link Ext.grid.property.HeaderContainer}.
* Note: In the simplest case, if no properties other than `name` are required, a field definition may consist of
* just a String for the field name.
* @cfg {String/Object} type
* The data type for automatic conversion from received data to the *stored* value if
* `{@link Ext.data.Field#convert convert}` has not been specified. This may be specified as a string value.
* Possible values are
* - auto (Default, implies no conversion)
* - string
* - int
* - float
* - boolean
* - date
* This may also be specified by referencing a member of the {@link Ext.data.Types} class.
* Developers may create their own application-specific data types by defining new members of the {@link
* Ext.data.Types} class.
* @cfg {Function} [convert]
* A function which converts the value provided by the Reader into an object that will be stored in the Model.
* If configured as `null`, then no conversion will be applied to the raw data property when this Field
* is read. This will increase performance. but you must ensure that the data is of the correct type and does
* not *need* converting.
* It is passed the following parameters:
* - **v** : Mixed
* The data value as read by the Reader, if undefined will use the configured `{@link Ext.data.Field#defaultValue
* defaultValue}`.
* - **rec** : Ext.data.Model
* The data object containing the Model as read so far by the Reader. Note that the Model may not be fully populated
* at this point as the fields are read in the order that they are defined in your
* {@link Ext.data.Model#cfg-fields fields} array.
* Example of convert functions:
* function fullName(v, record){
* return record.data.last + ', ' + record.data.first;
* }
* function location(v, record){
* return !record.data.city ? '' : (record.data.city + ', ' + record.data.state);
* }
* Ext.define('Dude', {
* extend: 'Ext.data.Model',
* fields: [
* {name: 'fullname', convert: fullName},
* {name: 'firstname', mapping: 'name.first'},
* {name: 'lastname', mapping: 'name.last'},
* {name: 'city', defaultValue: 'homeless'},
* 'state',
* {name: 'location', convert: location}
* ]
* });
* // create the data store
* var store = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', {
* reader: {
* type: 'json',
* model: 'Dude',
* idProperty: 'key',
* root: 'daRoot',
* totalProperty: 'total'
* }
* });
* var myData = [
* { key: 1,
* name: { first: 'Fat', last: 'Albert' }
* // notice no city, state provided in data object
* },
* { key: 2,
* name: { first: 'Barney', last: 'Rubble' },
* city: 'Bedrock', state: 'Stoneridge'
* },
* { key: 3,
* name: { first: 'Cliff', last: 'Claven' },
* city: 'Boston', state: 'MA'
* }
* ];
* @cfg {Function} [serialize]
* A function which converts the Model's value for this Field into a form which can be used by whatever {@link Ext.data.writer.Writer Writer}
* is being used to sync data with the server.
* The function should return a string which represents the Field's value.
* It is passed the following parameters:
* - **v** : Mixed
* The Field's value - the value to be serialized.
* - **rec** : Ext.data.Model
* The record being serialized.
* @cfg {String} dateFormat
* Serves as a default for the {@link #dateReadFormat} and {@link #dateWriteFormat} config options. This
* will be used in place of those other configurations if not specified.
* A format string for the {@link Ext.Date#parse Ext.Date.parse} function, or "timestamp" if the value provided by
* the Reader is a UNIX timestamp, or "time" if the value provided by the Reader is a javascript millisecond
* timestamp. See {@link Ext.Date}.
* It is quite important to note that while this config is optional, it will default to using the base
* JavaScript Date object's `parse` function if not specified, rather than {@link Ext.Date#parse Ext.Date.parse}.
* This can cause unexpected issues, especially when converting between timezones, or when converting dates that
* do not have a timezone specified. The behavior of the native `Date.parse` is implementation-specific, and
* depending on the value of the date string, it might return the UTC date or the local date. __For this reason
* it is strongly recommended that you always specify an explicit date format when parsing dates.__
dateFormat: null,
* @cfg {String} dateReadFormat
* Used when converting received data into a Date when the {@link #type} is specified as `"date"`.
* This configuration takes precedence over {@link #dateFormat}.
* See {@link #dateFormat} for more information.
dateReadFormat: null,
* @cfg {String} dateWriteFormat
* Used to provide a custom format when serializing dates with a {@link Ext.data.writer.Writer}.
* If this is not specified, the {@link #dateFormat} will be used. See the {@link Ext.data.writer.Writer}
* docs for more information on writing dates.
* **Note that to use a {@link Ext.data.JsonWriter JsonWriter} to send Microsoft format "JSON" dates, which are in fact
* invalid JSON, it is not possible to use the standard date serialization pathway or
* {@link Ext#USE_NATIVE_JSON native browser JSON production}.**
* To use a {@link Ext.data.JsonWriter JsonWriter} to write dates in a JSON packet in the form `"\/Date(1357372800000)\/"`
* configure the field like this:
* {
* type: 'date',
* dateFormat: 'MS', // To parse incoming dates from server correctly
* serialize: Ext.identityFn // An ExtJS-supplied function which returns the arg unchanged
* }
* Then override ExtJS's JSON date serialize function:
* Ext.JSON.encodeDate = function (d) {
* return '"' + Ext.Date.format(d, 'MS') + '"';
* };
dateWriteFormat: null,
* @cfg {Boolean} useNull
* Use when converting received data into a INT, FLOAT, BOOL or STRING type. If the value cannot be
* parsed, `null` will be used if useNull is true, otherwise a default value for that type will be used:
* - for INT and FLOAT - `0`.
* - for STRING - `""`.
* - for BOOL - `false`.
* Note that when parsing of DATE type fails, the value will be `null` regardless of this setting.
useNull: false,
* @cfg {Object} [defaultValue=""]
* The default value used when the creating an instance from a raw data object, and the property referenced by the
* `{@link Ext.data.Field#mapping mapping}` does not exist in that data object.
* May be specified as `undefined` to prevent defaulting in a value.
defaultValue: "",
* @cfg {String/Number} mapping
* (Optional) A path expression for use by the {@link Ext.data.reader.Reader} implementation that is creating the
* {@link Ext.data.Model Model} to extract the Field value from the data object. If the path expression is the same
* as the field name, the mapping may be omitted.
* The form of the mapping expression depends on the Reader being used.
* - {@link Ext.data.reader.Json}
* The mapping is a string containing the javascript expression to reference the data from an element of the data
* item's {@link Ext.data.reader.Json#cfg-root root} Array. Defaults to the field name.
* - {@link Ext.data.reader.Xml}
* The mapping is an {@link Ext.DomQuery} path to the data item relative to the DOM element that represents the
* {@link Ext.data.reader.Xml#record record}. Defaults to the field name.
* - {@link Ext.data.reader.Array}
* The mapping is a number indicating the Array index of the field's value. Defaults to the field specification's
* Array position.
* If a more complex value extraction strategy is required, then configure the Field with a {@link #convert}
* function. This is passed the whole row object, and may interrogate it in whatever way is necessary in order to
* return the desired data.
mapping: null,
* @cfg {Function/String} sortType
* A function which converts a Field's value to a comparable value in order to ensure correct sort ordering.
* Predefined functions are provided in {@link Ext.data.SortTypes}. A custom sort example:
* // current sort after sort we want
* // +-+------+ +-+------+
* // |1|First | |1|First |
* // |2|Last | |3|Second|
* // |3|Second| |2|Last |
* // +-+------+ +-+------+
* sortType: function(value) {
* switch (value.toLowerCase()) // native toLowerCase():
* {
* case 'first': return 1;
* case 'second': return 2;
* default: return 3;
* }
* }
* May also be set to a String value, corresponding to one of the named sort types in {@link Ext.data.SortTypes}.
sortType : null,
* @cfg {String} sortDir
* Initial direction to sort (`"ASC"` or `"DESC"`). Defaults to `"ASC"`.
sortDir : "ASC",
* @cfg {Boolean} allowBlank
* @private
* Used for validating a {@link Ext.data.Model model}. Defaults to true. An empty value here will cause
* {@link Ext.data.Model}.{@link Ext.data.Model#isValid isValid} to evaluate to false.
allowBlank : true,
* @cfg {Boolean} persist
* False to exclude this field from the {@link Ext.data.Model#modified} fields in a model. This will also exclude
* the field from being written using a {@link Ext.data.writer.Writer}. This option is useful when model fields are
* used to keep state on the client but do not need to be persisted to the server. Defaults to true.
persist: true