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Build date: 2013-05-16 14:36:50 (f9be68accb407158ba2b1be2c226a6ce1f649314)
* Provides a container for arranging a group of related Buttons in a tabular manner.
* @example
* Ext.create('Ext.panel.Panel', {
* title: 'Panel with ButtonGroup',
* width: 300,
* height:200,
* renderTo: document.body,
* bodyPadding: 10,
* html: 'HTML Panel Content',
* tbar: [{
* xtype: 'buttongroup',
* columns: 3,
* title: 'Clipboard',
* items: [{
* text: 'Paste',
* scale: 'large',
* rowspan: 3,
* iconCls: 'add',
* iconAlign: 'top',
* cls: 'btn-as-arrow'
* },{
* xtype:'splitbutton',
* text: 'Menu Button',
* scale: 'large',
* rowspan: 3,
* iconCls: 'add',
* iconAlign: 'top',
* arrowAlign:'bottom',
* menu: [{ text: 'Menu Item 1' }]
* },{
* xtype:'splitbutton', text: 'Cut', iconCls: 'add16', menu: [{text: 'Cut Menu Item'}]
* },{
* text: 'Copy', iconCls: 'add16'
* },{
* text: 'Format', iconCls: 'add16'
* }]
* }]
* });
Ext.define('Ext.container.ButtonGroup', {
extend: 'Ext.panel.Panel',
alias: 'widget.buttongroup',
alternateClassName: 'Ext.ButtonGroup',
requires: ['Ext.layout.container.Table'],
* @cfg {Number} columns
* The `columns` configuration property passed to the {@link #layout configured layout manager}.
* See {@link Ext.layout.container.Table#columns}.
* @cfg {String} baseCls
* @inheritdoc
baseCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'btn-group',
* @cfg {Ext.enums.Layout/Object} layout
* @inheritdoc
layout: {
type: 'table'
defaultType: 'button',
* @cfg {Boolean} frame
* @inheritdoc
frame: true,
* @cfg {String} defaultButtonUI
* A default {@link Ext.Component#ui ui} to use for {@link Ext.button.Button Button} items
frameHeader: false,
titleAlign: 'center',
noTitleCls: 'notitle',
initComponent : function() {
// Copy the component's columns config to the layout if specified
var me = this,
cols = me.columns;
if (cols) {
me.layout = Ext.apply({}, {columns: cols}, me.layout);
if (!me.title) {
// private
onBeforeAdd: function(component) {
if (component.isButton) {
if (this.defaultButtonUI && component.ui === 'default' &&
!component.hasOwnProperty('ui')) {
component.ui = this.defaultButtonUI;
} else {
component.ui = component.ui + '-toolbar';
applyDefaults: function(c) {
if (!Ext.isString(c)) {
c = this.callParent(arguments);
return c;
* @cfg {Array} tools
* @private
* @cfg {Boolean} collapsible
* @private
* @cfg {Boolean} collapseMode
* @private
* @cfg {Boolean} animCollapse
* @private
* @cfg {Boolean} closable
* @private