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File: web/bundles/bootstrap/vu/js/vucec-base.js

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File: web/bundles/bootstrap/vu/js/vucec-base.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Raptor 2
Framework that takes routes from annotations
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 8 years ago
Size: 1,537 bytes


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/** * Created with JetBrains PhpStorm. * User: eddy * Date: 21/04/14 * Time: 14:13 */ VU = {}; /** * Función para crear espacios de nombre * @example VU.ns('VU.Bundle.Accion'), VU.namespace('VU.Bundle.Accion') * @returns {Function} */ VU.ns = VU.namespace = function(){ var obj, blocks, resto; for(var i =0; i < arguments.length; i++){ var arg = arguments[i]; blocks = arg.split("."); obj = window[blocks[0]] = window[blocks[0]] || {}; resto = blocks.slice(1); for(var j =0; j < resto.length; j++){ obj = obj[resto[j]] = obj[resto[j]] || {}; } } return obj; }; /** * Función agregada al prototype que permite clonar * @returns {Function} */ Function.prototype.clone = function() { var that = this; var temp = function temporary() { return that.apply(this, arguments); }; for(var key in this) { if (this.hasOwnProperty(key)) { temp[key] = this[key]; } } return temp; }; /** * Función agregada a la clase String que permite formatear una cadena de acuerdo al patrón {#} * donde # es el índice del argumento pasado, reemplaza todas las coincidencias en la cadena. * Basado en la misma función de Ext-js * @augments Array Valores a reemplazar en la cadena * * @return String Cadena formateada */ String.prototype.format = function(){ var f = this; for(var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++){ f = f.replace(new RegExp('\\{'+i+'\\}', 'g'), arguments[i]); } return f; }