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File: web/bundles/bootstrap/vu/js/bootbox.add.js

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  Classes of william amed   Raptor 2   web/bundles/bootstrap/vu/js/bootbox.add.js   Download  
File: web/bundles/bootstrap/vu/js/bootbox.add.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Raptor 2
Framework that takes routes from annotations
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 8 years ago
Size: 5,152 bytes


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/* * Extension del bootbox para agregarle iconos a los mensajes de alertas, * informaciones y errores. * * @Author Eddie */ !function($){ if(window.bootbox != undefined){ window.bootbox.vuAlert = function(msg, type, btnText, callBack){ var typeApply = 'hide'; var type = type.toUpperCase(); switch(type){ case 'INFO': typeApply = 'icon-info-sign';//'msg-info'; break; case 'ERROR': typeApply = 'icon-remove-sign';//'msg-error'; break; case 'WARNING': typeApply = 'icon-warning-sign';//'msg-warning'; break; case 'CONFIRM': typeApply = 'icon-question-sign';//'msg-confirm'; break; case 'SUCCESS': typeApply = 'icon-ok';//'msg-confirm'; break; } var msgBody = '<div class="row-fluid">' +'<i class="'+typeApply+'" style="font-size: 60px; float: left; color: #888888;"></i>' +'<div class="vu-text-msg-container">' +'<span class="vu-text-msg">' +msg +'</span>' +'</div>' +'</div>'; if(typeof btnText === 'string' ){ bootbox.alert(msgBody, btnText, callBack); }else if(typeof btnText === 'function'){ bootbox.alert(msgBody, btnText); }else{ bootbox.alert(msgBody); } } /** * @augments msg Mensaje a mostrar * @augments type Tipo de icono mostrar (INFO, ERROR, WARNING) * @augments btn1 Texto del boton 1 * @augments btn2 Texto del boton 2 * @augments callBack funcion que se ejecuta cuando se presionan los botones * recibe como argumento true o false que representa si se confirma * o no. */ window.bootbox.vuConfirm = function(){ var element = this; this.getType = function(type){ var typeApply = 'hide'; switch(type.toUpperCase()){ case 'INFO': typeApply = 'icon-info-sign';//'msg-info'; break; case 'ERROR': typeApply = 'icon-remove-sign';//'msg-error'; break; case 'WARNING': typeApply = 'icon-warning-sign';//'msg-warning'; break; case 'CONFIRM': typeApply = 'icon-question-sign';//'msg-confirm'; break; } return typeApply; } this.getMesgBody = function(msg, type){ return '<div class="row-fluid">' +'<i class="'+this.getType(type)+'" style="font-size: 60px; float: left; color: #888888;"></i>' +'<div class="vu-text-msg-container">' +'<span class="vu-text-msg">' +msg +'</span>' +'</div>' +'</div>'; } var type = 'hide'; // var msg = "", // type = null, // btn1 = null, // btn2 = null, // callBack = null, // msgApply = ""; switch(arguments.length){ case 1: msg = arguments[0]; msgApply = this.getMesgBody(msg, type); bootbox.confirm(msgApply, callBack); break; case 2: msg = arguments[0]; callBack = arguments[1]; msgApply = this.getMesgBody(msg, type); bootbox.confirm(msgApply, callBack); break; case 3: msg = arguments[0]; type = arguments[1]; callBack = arguments[2]; msgApply = this.getMesgBody(msg, type); bootbox.confirm(msgApply, callBack); break; case 4: msg = arguments[0]; type = arguments[1]; btn1 = arguments[2]; callBack = arguments[3]; msgApply = this.getMesgBody(msg, type); bootbox.confirm(msgApply, btn1, callBack); break; case 5: msg = arguments[0]; type = arguments[1]; btn1 = arguments[2]; btn2 = arguments[3]; callBack = arguments[4]; msgApply = this.getMesgBody(msg, type); bootbox.confirm(msgApply, btn1, btn2, callBack); break; } } } }(jQuery);