patternLock.js v 0.5.2
Author: Sudhanshu Yadav
Copyright (c) 2015 Sudhanshu Yadav - ignitersworld.com , released under the MIT license.
Demo on: ignitersworld.com/lab/patternLock.html
;(function($, window, document, undefined) {
"use strict";
var nullFunc = function() {},
objectHolder = {};
//internal functions
function readyDom(iObj) {
var holder = iObj.holder,
option = iObj.option,
matrix = option.matrix,
margin = option.margin,
radius = option.radius,
html = ['<ul class="patt-wrap" style="padding:' + margin + 'px">'];
for (var i = 0, ln = matrix[0] * matrix[1]; i < ln; i++) {
html.push('<li class="patt-circ" style="margin:' + margin + 'px; width : ' + (radius * 2) + 'px; height : ' + (radius * 2) + 'px; -webkit-border-radius: ' + radius + 'px; -moz-border-radius: ' + radius + 'px; border-radius: ' + radius + 'px; "><div class="patt-dots"></div></li>');
'width': (matrix[1] * (radius * 2 + margin * 2) + margin * 2) + 'px',
'height': (matrix[0] * (radius * 2 + margin * 2) + margin * 2) + 'px'
//select pattern circle
iObj.pattCircle = iObj.holder.find('.patt-circ');
//return height and angle for lines
function getLengthAngle(x1, x2, y1, y2) {
var xDiff = x2 - x1,
yDiff = y2 - y1;
return {
length: Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(xDiff * xDiff + yDiff * yDiff)),
angle: Math.round((Math.atan2(yDiff, xDiff) * 180) / Math.PI)
var startHandler = function(e, obj) {
var iObj = objectHolder[obj.token];
if (iObj.disabled) return;
//check if pattern is visible or not
if (!iObj.option.patternVisible) {
var touchMove = e.type == "touchstart" ? "touchmove" : "mousemove",
touchEnd = e.type == "touchstart" ? "touchend" : "mouseup";
//assign events
$(this).on(touchMove + '.pattern-move', function(e) {
moveHandler.call(this, e, obj);
$(document).one(touchEnd, function() {
endHandler.call(this, e, obj);
//set pattern offset
var wrap = iObj.holder.find('.patt-wrap'),
offset = wrap.offset();
iObj.wrapTop = offset.top;
iObj.wrapLeft = offset.left;
//reset pattern
moveHandler = function(e, obj) {
var x = e.pageX || e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX,
y = e.pageY || e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY,
iObj = objectHolder[obj.token],
li = iObj.pattCircle,
patternAry = iObj.patternAry,
lineOnMove = iObj.option.lineOnMove,
posObj = iObj.getIdxFromPoint(x, y),
idx = posObj.idx,
pattId = iObj.mapperFunc(idx) || idx;
if (patternAry.length > 0) {
var laMove = getLengthAngle(iObj.lineX1, posObj.x, iObj.lineY1, posObj.y);
'width': (laMove.length + 10) + 'px',
'transform': 'rotate(' + laMove.angle + 'deg)'
if (idx) {
if (patternAry.indexOf(pattId) == -1) {
var elm = $(li[idx - 1]),
direction; //direction of pattern
//check and mark if any points are in middle of previous point and current point, if it does check them
if (iObj.lastPosObj) {
var lastPosObj = iObj.lastPosObj,
ip = lastPosObj.i,
jp = lastPosObj.j,
iDiff = Math.abs(posObj.i - ip),
jDiff = Math.abs(posObj.j - jp);
while (((iDiff == 0 && jDiff > 1) || (jDiff == 0 && iDiff > 1) || (jDiff == iDiff && jDiff > 1)) && !(jp == posObj.j && ip == posObj.i)) {
ip = iDiff ? Math.min(posObj.i, ip) + 1 : ip;
jp = jDiff ? Math.min(posObj.j, jp) + 1 : jp;
iDiff = Math.abs(posObj.i - ip);
jDiff = Math.abs(posObj.j - jp);
var nextIdx = (jp - 1) * iObj.option.matrix[1] + ip,
nextPattId = iObj.mapperFunc(nextIdx) || nextIdx;
if (patternAry.indexOf(nextPattId) == -1) {
$(li[nextIdx - 1]).addClass('hovered');
//push pattern on array
direction = [];
posObj.j - lastPosObj.j > 0 ? direction.push('s') : posObj.j - lastPosObj.j < 0 ? direction.push('n') : 0;
posObj.i - lastPosObj.i > 0 ? direction.push('e') : posObj.i - lastPosObj.i < 0 ? direction.push('w') : 0;
direction = direction.join('-');
//add the current element on pattern
//push pattern on array
//add start point for line
var margin = iObj.option.margin,
radius = iObj.option.radius,
newX = (posObj.i - 1) * (2 * margin + 2 * radius) + 2 * margin + radius,
newY = (posObj.j - 1) * (2 * margin + 2 * radius) + 2 * margin + radius;
if (patternAry.length != 1) {
//to fix line
var lA = getLengthAngle(iObj.lineX1, newX, iObj.lineY1, newY);
'width': (lA.length + 10) + 'px',
'transform': 'rotate(' + lA.angle + 'deg)'
if (!lineOnMove) iObj.line.show();
//add direction class on pattern circle and lines
if (direction) {
iObj.lastElm.addClass(direction + " dir");
iObj.line.addClass(direction + " dir");
//to create new line
var line = $('<div class="patt-lines" style="top:' + (newY - 5) + 'px; left:' + (newX - 5) + 'px"></div>');
iObj.line = line;
iObj.lineX1 = newX;
iObj.lineY1 = newY;
//add on dom
if (!lineOnMove) iObj.line.hide();
iObj.lastElm = elm;
iObj.lastPosObj = posObj;
endHandler = function(e, obj) {
var iObj = objectHolder[obj.token],
pattern = iObj.patternAry.join(iObj.option.delimiter);
//remove hidden pattern class and remove event
if (!pattern) return;
//to remove last line
if (iObj.rightPattern) {
if (pattern == iObj.rightPattern) {
} else {
function InternalMethods() {}
InternalMethods.prototype = {
constructor: InternalMethods,
getIdxFromPoint: function(x, y) {
var option = this.option,
matrix = option.matrix,
xi = x - this.wrapLeft,
yi = y - this.wrapTop,
idx = null,
margin = option.margin,
plotLn = option.radius * 2 + margin * 2,
qsntX = Math.ceil(xi / plotLn),
qsntY = Math.ceil(yi / plotLn),
remX = xi % plotLn,
remY = yi % plotLn;
if (qsntX <= matrix[1] && qsntY <= matrix[0] && remX > margin * 2 && remY > margin * 2) {
idx = (qsntY - 1) * matrix[1] + qsntX;
return {
idx: idx,
i: qsntX,
j: qsntY,
x: xi,
y: yi
function PatternLock(selector, option) {
var self = this,
token = self.token = Math.random(),
iObj = objectHolder[token] = new InternalMethods(),
holder = iObj.holder = $(selector);
//if holder is not present return
if (holder.length == 0) return;
iObj.object = self;
option = iObj.option = $.extend({}, PatternLock.defaults, option);
//add class on holder
//change offset property of holder if it does not have any property
if (holder.css('position') == "static") holder.css('position', 'relative');
//assign event
holder.on("touchstart mousedown", function(e) {
startHandler.call(this, e, self);
//handeling callback
iObj.option.onDraw = option.onDraw || nullFunc;
//adding a mapper function
var mapper = option.mapper;
if (typeof mapper == "object") {
iObj.mapperFunc = function(idx) {
return mapper[idx];
} else if (typeof mapper == "function") {
iObj.mapperFunc = mapper;
} else {
iObj.mapperFunc = nullFunc;
//to delete from option object
iObj.option.mapper = null;
PatternLock.prototype = {
constructor: PatternLock,
//method to set options after initializtion
option: function(key, val) {
var iObj = objectHolder[this.token],
option = iObj.option;
//for set methods
if (val === undefined) {
return option[key];
//for setter
else {
option[key] = val;
if (key == "margin" || key == "matrix" || key == "radius") {
//get drawn pattern as string
getPattern: function() {
var iObj = objectHolder[this.token];
return (iObj.patternAry || []).join(iObj.option.delimiter);
//method to draw a pattern dynamically
setPattern: function(pattern) {
var iObj = objectHolder[this.token],
option = iObj.option,
matrix = option.matrix,
margin = option.margin,
radius = option.radius;
//allow to set password manually only when enable set pattern option is true
if (!option.enableSetPattern) return;
iObj.wrapLeft = 0;
iObj.wrapTop = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < pattern.length; i++) {
var idx = pattern[i] - 1,
x = idx % matrix[1],
y = Math.floor(idx / matrix[1]),
pageX = x * (2 * margin + 2 * radius) + 2 * margin + radius,
pageY = y * (2 * margin + 2 * radius) + 2 * margin + radius;
moveHandler.call(null, {
pageX: pageX,
pageY: pageY,
preventDefault: nullFunc,
originalEvent: {
touches: [{
pageX: pageX,
pageY: pageY
}, this);
//to temprory enable disable plugin
enable: function() {
var iObj = objectHolder[this.token];
iObj.disabled = false;
disable: function() {
var iObj = objectHolder[this.token];
iObj.disabled = true;
//reset pattern lock
reset: function() {
var iObj = objectHolder[this.token];
//to remove lines
iObj.pattCircle.removeClass('hovered dir s n w e s-w s-e n-w n-e');
//add/reset a array which capture pattern
iObj.patternAry = [];
//remove last Obj
iObj.lastPosObj = null;
//remove error class if added
//to display error if pattern is not drawn correct
error: function() {
//to check the drawn pattern against given pattern
checkForPattern: function(pattern, success, error) {
var iObj = objectHolder[this.token];
iObj.rightPattern = pattern;
iObj.onSuccess = success || nullFunc;
iObj.onError = error || nullFunc;
PatternLock.defaults = {
matrix: [3, 3],
margin: 20,
radius: 25,
patternVisible: true,
lineOnMove: true,
delimiter: "", // a delimeter between the pattern
enableSetPattern: false
window.PatternLock = PatternLock;
}(jQuery, window, document));