<title>Pergamus publication manager - open source, web-based and free (as in freeware, as in freedom)</title>
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<img src="http://www.pergamus.javart.net/img/title.jpg">
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<h1> Pergamus home</h1>
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<td><h2>Start page</h2>
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<b>This is the start page of the Pergamus Publication Manager package.<br><br>
• From <a href="pages/p_publications.php">here</a> you can go to the publications list.<br><br>
• To log in please <a href="pages/p_login.php">clic here</a>. <br>
Rember that the initial username is 'test' and it's password is also 'test'.</b>
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<?php include 'pages/p_banner.php'?>
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