/* Load simpleSAMLphp, configuration and metadata */
$config = SimpleSAML_Configuration::getInstance();
$session = SimpleSAML_Session::getSessionFromRequest();
$oauthconfig = SimpleSAML_Configuration::getOptionalConfig('module_oauth.php');
$store = new sspmod_core_Storage_SQLPermanentStorage('oauth');
//$authsource = $oauthconfig->getValue('auth', 'admin');
$authsource = "admin"; // force admin to authenticate as registry maintainer
$useridattr = $oauthconfig->getValue('useridattr', 'user');
//$useridattr = $oauthconfig->getValue('useridattr', 'uid');
if ($session->isValid($authsource)) {
$attributes = $session->getAttributes();
// Check if userid exists
if (!isset($attributes[$useridattr]))
throw new Exception('User ID is missing');
$userid = $attributes[$useridattr][0];
} else {
SimpleSAML_Auth_Default::initLogin($authsource, SimpleSAML_Utilities::selfURL());
function requireOwnership($entry, $userid) {
if (!isset($entry['owner']))
throw new Exception('OAuth Consumer has no owner. Which means no one is granted access, not even you.');
if ($entry['owner'] !== $userid)
throw new Exception('OAuth Consumer has an owner that is not equal to your userid, hence you are not granted access.');
if (array_key_exists('editkey', $_REQUEST)) {
$entryc = $store->get('consumers', $_REQUEST['editkey'], '');
$entry = $entryc['value'];
requireOwnership($entry, $userid);
} else {
$entry = array(
'owner' => $userid,
'key' => SimpleSAML_Utilities::generateID(),
'secret' => SimpleSAML_Utilities::generateID(),
$editor = new sspmod_oauth_Registry();
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
$entry = $editor->formToMeta($_POST, array(), array('owner' => $userid));
requireOwnership($entry, $userid);
# echo('<pre>Created: '); print_r($entry); exit;
$store->set('consumers', $entry['key'], '', $entry);
$template = new SimpleSAML_XHTML_Template($config, 'oauth:registry.saved.php');
$template->data['entry'] = $entry;
$form = $editor->metaToForm($entry);
$template = new SimpleSAML_XHTML_Template($config, 'oauth:registry.edit.tpl.php');
$template->data['form'] = $form;