<title> swemc 1.0 Sample</title>
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<h1 align="center">This sample-file shows how swemc works</h1>
// create the object
$db = new swemc;
// show mysql-errors if they occur
$db->bDebug = TRUE;
// change to your tablename
$tablename = "sample_table";
// build a querystring -> we know, SELECT * should not be used
// -> but is's only a sample ;-)
$query = "SELECT * FROM $tablename where 1";
// execute the query
// show some output
echo "<div align='center'>";
echo "<br><br><h2>The function tab_out without CSS with table-head</h2>";
// with thead, without CSS
echo "<br><br><h2>The function tab_out with CSS and table-head</h2>";
// with thead and CSS
echo "<br><br><h2>now with another CSS-class and table-head</h2>";
// with thead and CSS
echo "<br><br><h2>the same CSS-class, without table-head</h2>";
// with CSS, without thead
// now, lets try the function td_with
// cause i dont know your "sample_table", i use percent
// the result depends on the number of columns in your table
$nf = $db->iFields; // the number of fields in your table
$w_arr = array(); // keeps the width-values
// we build the "width-array"
for ( $i=0; $i < $nf; $i++)
if ( $i % 2)
$w_arr[] = "15%";
$w_arr[] = "5%";
// define the <td> - width
// and show the table
echo "<br><br><h2>The table with different width's<br> with CSS without table-head</h2>";
// print some single records with function single_out in a table
// left column without CSS, right column with CSS
echo "<br><br><h2>Here you see the function single_out</h2>";
echo "<table>";
echo "<tr><td>without CSS</td><td>with CSS</td></tr>";
// the number of records in your result
$nr = $db->iRecs;
// limit the counter to 5 or the number of records in your table
$max = ( $nr < 5)? $nr : 5;
// now we print the single records
for ($i=0; $i < $max; $i++)
echo "<tr><td align='center'>";
echo "</td><td align='center'>";
echo "</td></tr>";
echo "</table>";
echo "</div>"; // end of div align="center"
// the usage of fetch_field
echo "<br><br><h2>the function fetch_field</h2>";
$nf = $db->iFields; // the number of columns
// limit the counter to 5 or the number of columns in your table
$fmax = ( $nf < 10)? $nf : 10;
// we fetch the data and show them
for ( $i=0; $i < $max; $i++) // $max as set above
echo "<br><br>record $i";
for ( $j=0; $j < $fmax; $j++)
$data = $db->fetch_field($i,$j);
echo"<br>column $j: ";
print (strlen($data))? $data : "empty";
// finally the usage of fetch_field
echo "<br><br><h2>And finally the function fetch_record</h2>";
// default arr-type MYSQL_BOTH
$arr = $db->fetch_record(0);
echo "<br>assoc+num array: the record shown with print_r<br>";
// arr-type numeric
$arr = $db->fetch_record(0,MYSQL_NUM);
echo "<br><br>num array: the record shown with print_r<br>";
// arr-type assoc
$arr = $db->fetch_record(0,MYSQL_ASSOC);
echo "<br><br>assoc array: the record shown with print_r<br>";
echo '<br><br>I hope, swemc is useful. Comments and suggestions are welcome';