Using the Consent and ConsentAdmin modules
When the Consent module is active, the end user must give his consent when attributes are sent to an SP.
The Consent module can be configured to save the given consents to a database.
The user is then given the option to store the consent for later. Then the next time the attributes will be sent right away.
When the Consent module is using persistent storage, you can activate the optional ConsentAdmin module.
With this, the user can view and remove his consents for various SP's.
Installing the Consent module
The Consent module is part of the simplesamlphp standard sources.
It consists of the following files
Create the Consent database.
Activate Consent module on IdP.
Edit metadata/saml20-idp-hosted.php and set
to true
Configuring persistent storage of the Consent module.
Create a database with the Consent schema and necessary user rights.
For now, the examples assume you are using the MySQL database.
Consult the database documentation to see how you grant permission to the database user which the Consent module must use.
The database schema is shown in the lib/SimpleSAML/Consent/ConsentStorage.php file:
* The Consent Storage class is used for storing Attribute Release consents.
* CREATE TABLE consent (
* hashed_user_id varchar(128) NOT NULL,
* service_id varchar(128) NOT NULL,
* attribute varchar(128) NOT NULL,
* consent_date datetime NOT NULL,
* usage_date datetime NOT NULL,
* PRIMARY KEY USING BTREE (hashed_user_id, service_id)
* );
Edit the Consent section of config/config.php and set the database and user information.
Remember to activate persistent Consent storage by setting the
attribute to true
* Configuration of Consent storage used for attribute consent.
* connect, user and passwd is used with PDO (in example Mysql)
'consent_usestorage' => true,
'consent_userid' => 'eduPersonPrincipalName',
'consent_salt' => 'sdkfjhsidu87werwe8r79w8e7r',
'consent_pdo_connect' => ';dbname=simplesamlconsent',
'consent_pdo_user' => 'simplesamluser',
'consent_pdo_passwd' => 'xxxx',
Installing the ConsentAdmin module
The ConsentAdmin module adds a user interface to SimpleSaml which allows the end user to edit his/her consents for all the Service Providers.
The ConsentAdmin module consists of the following files in the SimpleSaml directory structure:
As you can see in the Consent file listing, the consent module uses two of its own dictionaries for translations, consent.php and consentadmin.php.
The dictionaries are work-in-progress!
Additionally, it uses the attributes.php dictionary for showing localised attribute names.
From the ConsentAdmin source files, you can copy these manually to the right places.
If you received the ConsentAdmin as a .tgz archive you can untar them directly into the SimpleSaml source files with these commands
$ cd <your simplesaml source root>
$ tar -wkzxvf <ConsentAdmin.tgz>
Configuring the Idp
The ConsentAdmin module uses the IdP's list of remote SP's (configured in metadata/saml20-sp-remote.php). It uses the attributes 'name' and 'description'.
Both these attributes must specify an array for language translations.
Example:' => array(
'AssertionConsumerService' => '',
'SingleLogoutService' => '',
'name' => array(
'en' => 'Saml2 SP english',
'no' => 'Saml2 SP bokmål',
'nn' => 'Saml2 SP nynorsk',
'da' => 'Saml2 SP dansk',
'es' => 'Saml2 SP español',
'fr' => 'Saml2 SP français',
'de' => 'Saml2 SP deutsch',
'nl' => 'Saml2 SP dutch',
'lu' => 'Saml2 SP Luxembourgish',
'sl' => 'Saml2 SP Slovenščina',
'description' => array(
'en' => 'Saml2 SP description english',
'no' => 'Saml2 SP description bokmål',
'nn' => 'Saml2 SP description nynorsk',
'da' => 'Saml2 SP description dansk',
'es' => 'Saml2 SP description español',
'fr' => 'Saml2 SP description français',
'de' => 'Saml2 SP description deutsch',
'nl' => 'Saml2 SP description dutch',
'lu' => 'Saml2 SP description Luxembourgish',
'sl' => 'Saml2 SP description Slovenščina',