* Frontend for login.php, proxy.php, validate.php and serviceValidate.php. It allows them to be called
* as cas.php/login, cas.php/validate and cas.php/serviceValidate and is meant for clients
* like phpCAS which expects one configured prefix which it appends login, validate and
* serviceValidate to.
* This version supports CAS proxying. As SSP controls the user session (TGT in CAS parlance)
* and the CASServer as a backend/proxy server is not aware of termination of the session the Proxy-
* Granting-Tickets (PGT) issued have a very short ttl - pt. 60 secs.
* ServiceTickets (SP) and ProxyTickets (PT) now have a 5 secs ttl.
* Proxyed services (targetService) shall be present in the legal_service_urls config.
$validFunctions = array(
'login' => 'login',
'proxy' => 'proxy',
'validate' => 'serviceValidate',
'serviceValidate' => 'serviceValidate',
'proxyValidate' => 'serviceValidate'
$function = substr($_SERVER['PATH_INFO'], 1);
if (!isset($validFunctions[$function])) {
throw new SimpleSAML_Error_NotFound('Not a valid function for cas.php.');