Using the CAS authentication source with simpleSAMLphp
This is completely based on the original cas authentication,
the only diffrence is this is authentication module and not a script.
Setting up the CAS authentication module
The first thing you need to do is to enable the cas module:
touch modules/cas/enable
Adding a authentication source
example authsource.php
'example-cas' => array(
'cas' => array(
'login' => '',
'validate' => '',
'logout' => ''
'ldap' => array(
'servers' => 'ldaps://',
'enable_tls' => true,
'searchbase' => 'ou=people,dc=org,dc=com',
'searchattributes' => 'uid',
'attributes' => array('uid','cn'),
'priv_user_dn' => 'cn=simplesamlphp,ou=applications,dc=org,dc=com',
'priv_user_pw' => 'password',