`autotest` module
This module provides an interface to do automatic testing of authentication sources.
To enable it, create a file named "`enable`" in `modules/autotest`.
It provides three webpages:
- `https://.../simplesaml/module.php/autotest/login.php`
- `https://.../simplesaml/module.php/autotest/logout.php`
- `https://.../simplesaml/module.php/autotest/attributes.php`
All the webpages have a mandatory paremeter 'SourceID', which is the name of the authentication source.
On success, the web pages print a single line with "OK".
The attributes page will also list all the attributes of the user.
On error they set the HTTP status code to 500 Internal Server Error, print a line with "ERROR" and then any information about the error.
Note that you still have to parse the login pages to extract the parameters in the login form.