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File: formcat.class.php

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File: formcat.class.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: formcat 1.01 lite version
Class: Formcat
Smarty plug-in for client side form validation
Author: By
Last change: lite version.
Date: 19 years ago
Size: 26,804 bytes


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<? /** * Project: Formcat, form client-side validate class. * File: formcat.class.php * * (c) 2004-2005 Propagator Team * Author: Joey Wong [][] * Website: * Released under both BSD and GNU Lesser GPL library license. * This means you can use it in proprietary products. * * For questions, help, comments, discussion, etc.,please contact * * * The latest version of Formcat can be obtained from: * or * * @link or * @copyright 2004,2005 Joey Wong. * @author Joey <> [] **/ class formcat{ var $validationList; //validation list var $formList; //form list var $defaultErrMsg = "%s is invalid,Please check again"; //Default error message ,when message attribute is empty,it will be replacement. var $customJs = array(); //Customizing Javascript. var $validatorPath = "validators/"; //Validators path (pro version only) var $version = "1.0.1 Lite"; /** * Constructor for the class * sets the data source, initializes the data container * @param string $form formname which in validation **/ function formcat(){ $this->formList = &$_SESSION['catformList']; } /** * formcat output fitler * Performs the generation of Javascript and replace the source of smarty output * * @param string $source Source being filtered * @param Smarty $smarty Smarty object filtering the content * @return string filtered source **/ function fcOutputFilter($source,&$smarty){ $this->genJsCode(); $replace = "<script language=Javascript type=text/javascript>". "\n//--------------------------------------------------------------------------//\n". "//This javascript is generated by PIGCAT FREAMWORK(FORMCAT PLUGIN ".$this->version.")\n". "//Author:\n". "//Special Thanks: Charlotte Chan \n". "//2005 COPYRIGHT BY JUSTTO INC. DO NOT REMOVE THIS LICENSE NOTES!\n". "//--------------------------------------------------------------------------//\n". $this->jsStr. "</script>\n"; //place the javascript to html if(preg_match('/<(form|FORM|Form)[^>]*>/',$source, $regs)){ $formTags = $regs[0]; $source = str_replace($formTags,$replace.$formTags,$source); } return $source; } /** * Javascript function header generator * generate the Javascript function header * * @return string JS function header **/ function genJsFuncHeader($formName){ $str = "function pigcatFCValidate_".$formName."(fc){\n"; return $str; } /** * Javascript function footer generator * generate the Javascript function footer * * @return string JS function footer **/ function genJsFuncFooter(){ $str = "\n\n}\n\n"; return $str; } /** * Javascript function body generator * generate the Javascript function body * * @return string JS function body **/ function genJsCode(){ foreach($this->formList as $formKey=>$formName){ $validationList = $_SESSION['catform_'.$formName]; //generate the validation javascript foreach($validationList as $fcKey=>$fcValidation){ $validator = "js_validator_".$fcValidation['check']; $ret = $this->$validator(array_change_key_case($fcValidation)); $jsStr.=$ret; } $this->jsStr.= $this->genJsFuncHeader($formName).$jsStr; if($this->customJs[$formName]!='') $this->jsStr.= $this->customJs[$formName]; $this->jsStr.= $this->genJsFuncFooter(); //clear the session and js string for next round session_unregister('catform_'.$formName); $jsStr = ''; } session_unregister('catformList'); //clear the cat form list } /** * Add customized javascript to the validating function * * @return void **/ function addCustomJs($formName,$jsStr){ $this->customJs[$formName] = "\n//Custom JS \n".$jsStr; } //////////// js validator //////////////////// /** * Javascript validator for "notEmpty" check * Perform the validation of "notEmpty" check * @param array $params params set including following parameters: * string $field Field to test * string $message Error message used in place of the default one * bool $focus If error whether focus on the input element (optional) * @return string JS function body **/ function js_validator_notEmpty($params){ extract($params); $message = (empty($message))?sprintf($this->defaultErrMsg,$field):$message; $focusStr = ($focus===false || $focus=='false' || $focus=='FALSE') ?'':'fc.'.$field.".focus();\n"; if(!empty($field)){ $str = "\n\n// checks if ".$field." has been filled\n\n". "if(fc['$field'].value==''){\nalert('$message');\n". $focusStr."return false;\n}\n"; return $str; } } /** * Javascript validator for "isRange" check * Perform the validation of "isRange" check * @param array $params params set including following parameters: * string $field Field to test * int $min Min value * int $max Max value * bool $focus If error whether focus on the input element (optional) * @return string JS function body **/ function js_validator_isRange($params){ extract($params); $message = (empty($message))?sprintf($this->defaultErrMsg,$field):$message; $focusStr = ($focus===false || $focus=='false' || $focus=='FALSE') ?'':'fc.'.$field.".focus();\n"; $str = "\n\n //checks value whether in the setting range.\n"; if($min!="" && $max!=""){ $str.= "if(!(fc['".$field."'].value>=".$min." && fc['".$field."'].value<=".$max.")){\n". "alert('$message');\n". $focusStr."return false;\n". "}\n"; return $str; } } /** * Javascript validator for "isLength" check * Perform the validation of "isLength" check * @param array $params params set including following parameters: * string $field Field to test * int $min Min value * int $max Max value * bool $focus If error whether focus on the input element (optional) * @return string JS function body **/ function js_validator_isLength($params){ extract($params); $message = (empty($message))?sprintf($this->defaultErrMsg,$field):$message; $focusStr = ($focus===false || $focus=='false' || $focus=='FALSE') ?'':'fc.'.$field.".focus();\n"; $str = "\n\n //checks input value's length whether in the setting length.\n"; if($min!="" && $max!=""){ $str.= "if(!(fc['".$field."'].value.length>=".$min." && fc['".$field."'].value.length<=".$max.")){\n". "alert('$message');\n". $focusStr."return false;\n". "}\n"; return $str; } } /** * Javascript validator for "cboxChecked" check * Perform the validation of "cboxChecked"(Check box is checked)check * @param array $params params set including following parameters: * string $field Field to test * string $message Error message used in place of the default one * bool $focus If error whether focus on the input element (optional) * @return string JS function body **/ function js_validator_cboxChecked($params){ extract($params); $fieldMark = str_replace(array('[',']'),'',$field); $message = (empty($message))?sprintf($this->defaultErrMsg,$field):$message; if(!empty($field)){ $str = "\n\n// checks if ".$field." is checked\n\n"; $str.= "var ".$fieldMark."_checked = false;\n" . "var count = fc['$field'].length;\n" . "if(count){\n" . " for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {\n" . " if (fc['$field'][i].checked) {\n" . " ".$fieldMark."_checked = true;\n" . " }\n" . " }\n" . "} else {\n" . " if (fc['$field'].checked) {\n" . " ".$fieldMark."_checked = true;\n" . " }\n" . "}\n" . "\n"; $str.="if (!".$fieldMark."_checked) {\n" . "alert('$message');\n" . "return false;\n" . "}\n\n"; return $str; } } /** * Javascript validator for "radioChecked" check * Perform the validation of "radioChecked"(Check box is checked)check * @param array $params params set including following parameters: * string $field Field to test * string $message Error message used in place of the default one * bool $focus If error whether focus on the input element (optional) * @return string JS function body **/ function js_validator_radioChecked($params){ extract($params); $fieldMark = str_replace(array('[',']'),'',$field); $message = (empty($message))?sprintf($this->defaultErrMsg,$field):$message; if(!empty($field)){ $str = "\n\n// checks if ".$field." is checked\n\n"; $str.= "var ".$fieldMark."_checked = false;\n" . "for (var i = 0, count = fc['$field'].length; i < count; i++) {\n" . "if (fc['$field'][i].checked) {\n" . " ".$fieldMark."_checked = true;\n" . " }\n" . "}\n"; $str.="if (!".$fieldMark."_checked) {\n" . "alert('$message');\n" . "return false;\n" . "}\n\n"; return $str; } } /** * Javascript validator for "isSelected" check * Perform the validation of "isSelected" check * @param array $params params set including following parameters: * string $field Field to test * int $index Default Index * @return string JS function body **/ function js_validator_isSelected($params){ extract($params); $message = (empty($message))?sprintf($this->defaultErrMsg,$field):$message; $focusStr = ($focus===false || $focus=='false' || $focus=='FALSE') ?'':'fc.'.$field.".focus();\n"; if(empty($index)) $index = 0; if(!empty($field)){ $str = "\n\n //checks the listmenu whether selected .\n"; $str.= "if(fc['".$field."'].selectedIndex <= ".$index."){\n". "alert('$message');\n". $focusStr."return false;\n". "}\n"; return $str; } } /** * Javascript validator for "isEmail" check * Perform the validation of "isEmail" check * @param array $params params set including following parameters: * string $field Field to test * string $message Error message used in place of the default one * bool $focus If error whether focus on the input element (optional) * @return string JS function body **/ function js_validator_isEmail($params){ extract($params); $message = (empty($message))?sprintf($this->defaultErrMsg,$field):$message; $focusStr = ($focus===false || $focus=='false' || $focus=='FALSE') ?'':'fc.'.$field.".focus();\n"; if(!empty($field)){ $str = "\n\n// checks if ".$field." is valid email address\n"; $str.= "var regu = \"^(([0-9a-zA-Z]+)|([0-9a-zA-Z]+[_.0-9a-zA-Z-]*[0-9a-zA-Z]+))@([a-zA-Z0-9-]+[.])+([a-zA-Z]{2}|net|NET|com|COM|gov|GOV|mil|MIL|org|ORG|edu|EDU|int|INT)$\";\n". "var re = new RegExp(regu);\n". "if (fc['$field'] == -1) {\n". " alert('$message');\n". $focusStr." return false;\n". "}\n\n"; return $str; } } /** * Javascript validator for "isInt" check * Perform the validation of "isInt" check * @param array $params params set including following parameters: * string $field Field to test * string $message Error message used in place of the default one * bool $focus If error whether focus on the input element (optional) * @return string JS function body **/ function js_validator_isInt($params){ extract($params); $message = (empty($message))?sprintf($this->defaultErrMsg,$field):$message; $focusStr = ($focus===false || $focus=='false' || $focus=='FALSE') ?'':'fc.'.$field.".focus();\n"; if(!empty($field)){ $str = "\n\n// checks if ".$field." is interger\n"; $str.= "var validChar = '0123456789';\n". "var i;\n". "for (i = 0; i < fc['".$field."'].value.length; i++){\n". "var c = fc['".$field."'].value.charAt(i);\n". "if (validChar.indexOf(c) == -1) {\n". "alert('$message');\n". $focusStr."return false;\n". "}\n}\n"; return $str; } } /** * Javascript validator for "isFloat" check * Perform the validation of "isFloat" check * @param array $params params set including following parameters: * string $field Field to test * string $message Error message used in place of the default one * bool $focus If error whether focus on the input element (optional) * @return string JS function body **/ function js_validator_isFloat($params){ extract($params); $message = (empty($message))?sprintf($this->defaultErrMsg,$field):$message; $focusStr = ($focus===false || $focus=='false' || $focus=='FALSE') ?'':'fc.'.$field.".focus();\n"; if(!empty($field)){ $str = "\n\n// checks if ".$field." is interger\n"; $str.= "var validChar = '0123456789.+-';\n". "var i;\n". "for (i = 0; i < fc['".$field."'].value.length; i++){\n". "var c = fc['".$field."'].value.charAt(i);\n". "if (validChar.indexOf(c) == -1) {\n". "alert('$message');\n". $focusStr."return false;\n". "}\n}\n"; return $str; } } /** * Javascript validator for "isDate" check * Perform the validation of "isDate" check * @param array $params params set including following parameters: * int $year Year Field to test * int $month Month field to check * int $day Day field to check * @return string JS function body **/ function js_validator_isDate($params){ extract($params); $message = (empty($message))?sprintf($this->defaultErrMsg,"The inputed DATE"):$message; if($year!='' && $month!='' && $day!=''){ $str = "\n\n// checks if ".$field." is date\n"; $str.= "var year = fc['".$year."'].value;\n". "var month = fc['".$month."'].value;\n". "var day = fc['".$day."'].value;\n". "var tempDate = new Date(year,month,day);\n". "var realyr = tempDate.getYear();\n". "var realm = tempDate.getMonth();\n". "var reald = tempDate.getDate();\n". "if (year!=realyr || month!=realm || day!=reald){\n". "alert('$message');\n". "return false;\n". "}\n"; return $str; } } /** * Javascript validator for "isURL" check * Perform the validation of "isURL" check * @param array $params params set including following parameters: * string $field Field to test * string $message Error message used in place of the default one * bool $focus If error whether focus on the input element (optional) * @return string JS function body **/ function js_validator_isURL($params){ extract($params); $message = (empty($message))?sprintf($this->defaultErrMsg,$field):$message; $focusStr = ($focus===false || $focus=='false' || $focus=='FALSE') ?'':'fc.'.$field.".focus();\n"; if(!empty($field)){ $str = "\n\n// checks if ".$field." is URL string\n"; $str.= "var objRegExp = /^(((https?)|(ftp)):\/\/([\-\w]+\.)+\w{2,3}(\/[%\-\w]+(\.\w{2,})?)*(([\w\-\.\?\\/+@&#;`~=%!]*)(\.\w{2,})?)*\/?)/\n". "if (!objRegExp.test(fc['".$field."'].value)){\n". "alert('$message');\n". $focusStr."return false;\n". "}\n"; return $str; } } /** * Javascript validator for "isEqual" check * Perform the validation of "isEqual" check * @param array $params params set including following parameters: * string $field Field to test * string $field2 Field2 to test * string $message Error message used in place of the default one * bool $focus If error whether focus on the input element (optional) * @return string JS function body **/ function js_validator_isEqual($params){ extract($params); $message = (empty($message))?sprintf($this->defaultErrMsg,$field):$message; $focusStr = ($focus===false || $focus=='false' || $focus=='FALSE') ?'':'fc.'.$field2.".focus();\n"; if($field!='' && $field2!=''){ $str = "\n\n //checks if two fields are equal in value. field2 attribute required.\n"; $str.= "if(fc['".$field."'].value != fc['".$field2."'].value){\n". "alert('$message');\n". $focusStr."return false;\n". "}\n"; return $str; } } /** * Javascript validator for "isFileSize" check * Perform the validation of "isFileSize" check * @param array $params params set including following parameters: * string $field Field to test * string $min minimum size * string $max maximum size * bool $focus If error whether focus on the input element (optional) * @return string JS function body **/ function js_validator_isFileSize($params){ extract($params); $message = (empty($message))?sprintf($this->defaultErrMsg,$field):$message; $focusStr = ($focus===false || $focus=='false' || $focus=='FALSE') ?'':'fc.'.$field.".focus();\n"; if(!empty($field)){ $str = "\n\n //checks file size.\n". "var oas=new ActiveXObject(\"Scripting.FileSystemObject\");\n". "var fname=fc['".$field."'].value;\n". "var fh=oas.getFile(fname);\n". "var fsize=fh.size/1024;\n"; if(!empty($min)){ $str.= "if(fsize>".$min."){\n". "alert('$message');\n". $focusStr."return false;\n". "}\n"; } if(!empty($max)){ $str.= "if(fsize<".$max."){\n". "alert('$message');\n". $focusStr."return false;\n". "}\n"; } return $str; } } /** * Javascript validator for "isFileType" check * Perform the validation of "isFileType" check * @param array $params params set including following parameters: * string $field Field to test * string $type Type to check (,devide) * bool $focus If error whether focus on the input element (optional) * @return string JS function body **/ function js_validator_isFileType($params){ extract($params); $message = (empty($message))?sprintf($this->defaultErrMsg,$field):$message; $focusStr = ($focus===false || $focus=='false' || $focus=='FALSE') ?'':'fc.'.$field.".focus();\n"; if($field!='' && $type!=''){ $str = "\n\n //checks file type.\n"; if(!empty($type)) $type = str_replace(',','|',$type); $str.= "var reg = new RegExp('(".$type.")');\n". "if((fc['".$field."'].value!='') && (!reg.test(fc['".$field."'].value))){\n". "alert('$message');\n". $focusStr."return false;\n". "}\n"; return $str; } } /** * Javascript validator for "dateCompare" check * Perform the validation of "dateCompare" check * @param array $params params set including following parameters: * string $after_year $after_month $after_day after date * string $before_year $before_month $before_day before date * boolean $dateEqual if set TRUE,then if the "after_date" must be the same as the "before_date" * boolean $compToday if set TRUE,then it will ignore the "before_date" replace with TODAY * @return string JS function body **/ function js_validator_dateCompare($params){ extract($params); $message = (empty($message))?sprintf($this->defaultErrMsg,$field):$message; $focusStr = ($focus===false || $focus=='false' || $focus=='FALSE') ?'':'fc.'.$field.".focus();\n"; if($after_year!='' && $after_month!='' && $after_day!='' && $before_year!='' && $before_month!='' && $before_day!='') { $str = "\n\n //compare two input dates.\n"; $str.= "var date1 = fc['".$after_year."'].value+'/'+fc['".$after_month."'].value+'/'+fc['".$after_day."'].value;\n". "var date2 = fc['".$before_year."'].value+'/'+fc['".$before_month."'].value+'/'+fc['".$before_day."'].value;\n". "var d1 = new Date(date1);\n"; //if "compToday" set TRUE,then it will ignore the "before_date" replace with TODAY if($compToday!='') $str.= "var d2 = new Date();\n"; else $str.= "var d2 = new Date(date2);\n"; $str.= "if(d1=='NaN' || d2=='NaN'){\n". "alert('$message');\nreturn false;\n". "}\n". "var difference = d1.getTime() - d2.getTime();\n". "var elapsedDays = difference/1000/60/60/24;\n"; //if "dateEqual" set TRUE,then if the "after_date" must be the same as the "before_date" if($dateEqual!='') $str.= "if(elapsedDays!=0){\n"; else $str.= "if(elapsedDays<0){\n"; $str.= "alert('$message');\n". "return false;\n". "}\n"; return $str; } } /** * Javascript validator for "isRestrict" check * Perform the validation of "isRestrict" check * @param array $params params set including following parameters: * string $field Field to test * string $restrict restrict letter * bool $focus If error whether focus on the input element (optional) * @return string JS function body **/ function js_validator_isRestrict($params){ extract($params); $message = (empty($message))?sprintf($this->defaultErrMsg,$field):$message; $focusStr = ($focus===false || $focus=='false' || $focus=='FALSE') ?'':'fc.'.$field.".focus();\n"; if(strtolower($restrict)=='notab') $restrict = "\\t\\n\\r"; if(strtolower($restrict)=='specialchars') $restrict = "><,[]{}?/+=|\\\'\\\":;~!@#*$%^&()`"; if($field!='' && $restrict!=''){ $str = "\n //check restrict letter\n". "var badChar = \"".$restrict."\";\n". "var i;\n". "for (i = 0; i < fc['".$field."'].value.length; i++){\n". "var c = fc['".$field."'].value.charAt(i);\n". "if (badChar.indexOf(c)>=0) {\n". "alert('$message');\n". $focusStr."return false;\n". "}\n}\n"; return $str; } } /** * Javascript validator for "isRegExp" check * Perform the validation of "isRegExp" check * @param array $params params set including following parameters: * string $field Field to test * string $expression regular expression * bool $reverse reverse operation * bool $focus If error whether focus on the input element (optional) * @return string JS function body **/ function js_validator_isRegExp($params){ extract($params); $message = (empty($message))?sprintf($this->defaultErrMsg,$field):$message; $focusStr = ($focus===false || $focus=='false' || $focus=='FALSE') ?'':'fc.'.$field.".focus();\n"; if($reverse!='') $reverse = true; if($field!='' && $expression!=''){ $str = "\n//check the field by regex\n". "var myregexp = new RegExp(\"".$expression."\");\n". "var match = myregexp.exec(fc['".$field."'].value);\n"; if($reverse) $str.="if(match==null){\n"; else $str.="if(match!=null){\n"; $str.= "alert('$message');\n". $focusStr."return false;\n". "}\n"; return $str; } } } ?>