* Script : Database functions for PhpSimpleXlsGen Class
* Project : PHP SimpleXlsGen
* Author : Erol Ozcan <eozcan@superonline.com>
* Version : 0.1
* Copyright : GNU LGPL
* URL : http://psxlsgen.sourceforge.net
* Last modified : 17 May 2001
if( !defined( "DB_SIMPLE_XLS_GEN" ) ) {
define( "DB_SIMPLE_XLS_GEN", 1 );
Class Db_SXlsGen extends PhpSimpleXlsGen {
var $db_host = "localhost";
var $db_user = "mysql";
var $db_passwd = "";
var $db_name = "mysql";
var $db_type = "mysql";
var $db_con_id = "";
var $db_query = "";
var $db_stmt = "";
var $db_ncols = 0;
var $db_nrows = 0;
var $db_fetchrow = array();
var $col_aliases = array();
// default constructor
function CDb_SXlsGen()
function InsertColNames( $cmd_colname )
$this->totalcol = $this->db_ncols;
for( $i = 0; $i < $this->db_ncols; $i++ ) {
// variable function is used
$col = $cmd_colname( $this->db_stmt, $i );
if ( $this->col_aliases["$col"] != "" ) {
$colname = $this->col_aliases[$col];
} else {
$colname = $col;
$this->InsertText( $colname );
function InsertRows( $cmd_rowfetch )
$row = array();
for( $i = 0; $i < $this->db_nrows; $i++ ) {
if ( $this->db_type == "pgsql" ) {
$row = $cmd_rowfetch( $this->db_stmt, $i );
} else {
$row = $cmd_rowfetch( $this->db_stmt );
for ( $j = 0; $j < $this->db_ncols; $j++ ) {
$this->InsertText( $row[$j] );
function FetchData()
switch ( $this->db_type ) {
case "mysql":
$this->db_con_id = mysql_connect( $this->db_host, $this->db_user, $this->db_passwd );
$this->db_stmt = mysql_db_query( $this->db_name, $this->db_query, $this->db_con_id );
$this->db_ncols = mysql_num_fields( $this->db_stmt );
$this->InsertColNames( "mysql_field_name" );
$this->db_nrows = mysql_num_rows( $this->db_stmt );
$this->InsertRows( "mysql_fetch_array" );
mysql_free_result ( $this->db_stmt );
mysql_close( $this->db_con_id );
case "pgsql":
$this->db_con_id = pg_connect( "host=".$this->db_host." dbname=".$this->db_name." user=".$this->db_user." password=".$this->db_passwd );
$this->db_stmt = pg_exec( $this->db_con_id, $this->db_query );
$this->db_ncols = pg_numfields( $this->db_stmt );
$this->InsertColNames( "pg_fieldname" );
$this->db_nrows = pg_numrows( $this->db_stmt );
$this->InsertRows( "pg_fetch_row" );
pg_freeresult( $this->db_stmt );
pg_close( $this->db_con_id );
case "oci8":
$this->db_con_id = OCILogon( $this->db_user, $this->db_passwd, $this->db_name );
$this->db_stmt = OCIParse( $this->db_con_id, $this->db_query );
OCIExecute( $this->db_stmt );
$this->db_ncols = OCINumCols( $this->db_stmt );
// fetching column names and rows are differents in OCI8.
$tmparr = array();
$this->db_nrows = OCIFetchStatement( $this->stmt, &$results );
$this->totalcol = $this->db_ncols;
while ( list($key, $val ) = each( $results ) ) {
if ( $this->col_aliases[$key] != "" ) {
$colname = $this->col_aliases[$key];
} else {
$colname = $key;
$this->InserText( $colname );
for ( $i = 0; $i < $nrows; $i++ ) {
reset( $results );
while ( $column = each( $results ) ) {
$data = $column['value'];
$this->InsertText( $data[$i] );
OCIFreeStatement( $this->db_stmt );
OCILogoff( $this->db_con_id );
function GetXlsFromQuery( $query )
$this->db_query = $query;
} // end of class CDb_SXlsGen
// end of ifdef DB_SIMPLE_XLS_GEN