/* Example use of the click_api - makeing use of the XML library */
# Include the XML library
# Should we use a session or include the username and password in each message
# Sessions will allow us to check our username and password are OK before we start
# In this example, yes.
# Define the username, password and XML API id
define("CLICK_USERNAME", "test");
define("CLICK_PASSWORD", "abc123");
define("CLICK_API_ID", "123456");
# Create a new instance of the XML API. All API's are prefixed with the API type, with _click_api on the end
$click = &new xml_click_api(CLICK_USERNAME, CLICK_PASSWORD, CLICK_API_ID);
if ($click->session_auth() === CLICK_ERROR) {
die("OOOPS - Session authentication failed. password problems");
# If we get here, all messages added from this point use the session
} else {
# If you don't create a session or messages added before the session creation, all use the username and password
# Lets added a sample message using the add_msg() function
# Function accepts a to, message and from argument
# From is optional, but returns an error if a default from address has not been set using the set_from() function
$click->add_msg("4477700123456", "A sample message from the establishment", "4477700123456");
# Returns an error, no from address or default given
@$click->add_msg("4477701123456", "A sample message from the establishment");
# Lets set one and try again
@$click->add_msg("4477745123456", "A sample message from the establishment");
# Keep a log
$log[] = "Sending ".$click->counter_msg." message(s)";
# Send them
$err =& $click->send();
# Check for errors
if ($click->is_result_error($err)) {
$log[] = sprintf("Error occured (%s):\n %s", $err->errno, $err->errmsg);
} else {
$log[] = "Messages sent OK";