//create and array with the following format Indexes, Value
$assessment_type = array("1" => "Option 1", "2" => "Option 2");
//Create a new object of DropDown();
$typedrop_down = &new DropDown();
//SEt the name of the <select> in this case this will be <select name="bnames">
$typedrop_down->Dd_name = "Astype";////default its select
//Set params to the select like javascript or styles
//$typedrop_down->Params = "onchange='javascript: switchSec(document.frmAnalysis.Astype[document.frmAnalysis.Astype.selectedIndex].value);'";//optional
//Set the name of the first option that will apear in thi case <select name="Astype"><option>Select Something<option>
$typedrop_down->Dd_select_option = "Select Something";
//Set the value to select
//$typedrop_down->Cache_value = $cached_value;//optional
//Send the array and method to the class
$output = $typedrop_down->Dd_src($assessment_type,"AR");
//print result.
echo $output;