// This example saves all images found in the 'sample.pdf' file, after having put the string
// "Hello world" in blue color, using the largest stock font
include ( '../../PdfToText.phpclass' ) ;
function output ( $message )
if ( php_sapi_name ( ) == 'cli' )
echo ( $message ) ;
echo ( nl2br ( $message ) ) ;
$file = 'sample' ;
$pdf = new PdfToText ( "$file.pdf", PdfToText::PDFOPT_DECODE_IMAGE_DATA ) ;
$image_count = count ( $pdf -> Images ) ;
if ( $image_count )
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $image_count ; $i ++ )
// Get next image and generate a filename for it (there will be a file named "sample.x.jpg"
// for each image found in file "sample.pdf")
$img = $pdf -> Images [$i] ; // This is an object of type PdfImage
$imgindex = sprintf ( "%02d", $i + 1 ) ;
$output_image = "$file.$imgindex.jpg" ;
// Allocate a color entry for "white". Note that the ImageResource property of every PdfImage object
// is a real image resource that can be specified to any of the image*() Php functions
$textcolor = imagecolorallocate ( $img -> ImageResource, 0, 0, 255 ) ;
// Put the string "Hello world" on top of the image.
imagestring ( $img -> ImageResource, 5, 0, 0, "Hello world #$imgindex", $textcolor ) ;
// Save the image (the default is IMG_JPG, but you can specify another IMG_* image type by specifying it
// as the second parameter)
$img -> SaveAs ( $output_image ) ;
output ( "Generated image file \"$output_image\"" ) ;
echo "No image was found in sample file \"$file.pdf\"" ;