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File: SmallServerAdmin/Libs/Nemiro/Nginx/
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NginxConf.PHP Latest Stable Version Total Downloads License

Classes for working with configuration files of the Nginx web server.

Code licensed under Apache License Version 2.0.


  • PHP5 >= 5.5, PHP7;
  • Nginx >= 1.9.

NOTE: Working with the earlier versions were not tested, but it is possible that everything is working.

How to use

Include Conf.php file and import the class `Nemiro\Nginx\Conf`.

# include the class file (use own path of the file location)
require_once 'Nginx/Conf.php';

# import class
use Nemiro\Nginx\Conf as NginxConf;

Load config from file

# create instance and load config from file
$conf = new NginxConf('/etc/nginx/sites-available/');
# or
# $conf = NginxConf::CreateFromFile('/etc/nginx/sites-available/');

# get values

if ($conf['server']->ContainsChild('listen'))


Load config from string

# config data
$str = 'server {
  # server name
  server_name  ;
  root                   /home/; # root path
  auth_basic             "Test server";
  auth_basic_user_file   /home/;

  # location #1
  location / {
    proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For  $remote_addr;
    proxy_set_header Host $host;

  # location #2
  location ~* \.(js|css|png|jpg|jpeg|gif|ico)$ {
    expires max;
    log_not_found off;


# parse string
$conf = NginxConf::CreateFromString($str);

# get values

# get first location
$location = $conf['server']['location'][0];

# get second location
$location2 = $conf['server']['location'][1];

Save to file

# load from file
$conf = NginxConf::CreateFromFile('/etc/nginx/sites-available/');

# set values
$conf['server']['server_name']->Parameters = array('', '');
$conf['server']['root']->Parameters = array('/home/');

# create a new directive
$new_location = NginxConf::CreateDirective('location');

# single name directives
$new_location->AddDirective('index', array('Default.aspx', 'default.aspx'));
$new_location->AddDirective('proxy_pass', array(''));

# directives with same name (group)
$proxy_set_header = NginxConf::CreateGroup('proxy_set_header');
$proxy_set_header->AddDirective(array('X-Real-IP', '$remote_addr'));
$proxy_set_header->AddDirective(array('X-Forwarded-For', '$remote_addr'));
$proxy_set_header->AddDirective(array('Host', '$host'));

# add the proxy_set_header to the new location

# add the new location to the server directive

# save

# or save as...
# $conf->Save('newFileName.conf');

Get string from current instance

# load from file
$conf = new NginxConf::CreateFromFile('/etc/nginx/sites-available/');

# set values
$conf['server']['server_name']->Parameters = array('', '');
$conf['server']['root']->Parameters = array('/home/');

# create a new directive
$new_location = NginxConf::CreateDirective('location');

# single name directives
$new_location->AddDirective('index', array('Default.aspx', 'default.aspx'));
$new_location->AddDirective('proxy_pass', array(''));

# directives with same name (group)
$proxy_set_header = NginxConf::CreateGroup('proxy_set_header');
$proxy_set_header->AddDirective(array('X-Real-IP', '$remote_addr'));
$proxy_set_header->AddDirective(array('X-Forwarded-For', '$remote_addr'));
$proxy_set_header->AddDirective(array('Host', '$host'));

# add the proxy_set_header to the new location

# add the new location to the server directive

# get as string
$string = $conf->GetAsString();

# show string

Create a new config

# create an instance
$conf = new NginxConf();

# create and add server directive

# add directives to server directive
$conf['server']->AddDirective('server_name', array('', ''));
$conf['server']->AddDirective('root', array('/home/'));

# create a new location directive
$location = NginxConf::CreateDirective('location');

# add sub-directives
$location->AddDirective('index', array('index.php', 'index.html', 'index.htm'));

# add the location to the server directive

# save

# get as string
$string = $conf->GetAsString();

# show string

# or save
# $conf->Save('newFileName.conf');