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File: FrontEndScripts/libs/Nemiro/UI/Dialog.ts

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  Classes of Aleksey Nemiro   PHP Small Server Administrator   FrontEndScripts/libs/Nemiro/UI/Dialog.ts   Download  
File: FrontEndScripts/libs/Nemiro/UI/Dialog.ts
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: PHP Small Server Administrator
Web panel for small Debian and Ubuntu servers
Author: By
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Date: 8 years ago
Size: 13,179 bytes


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?/* * Copyright © Aleksey Nemiro, 2015. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ module Nemiro.UI { /** * Provides a dialog box. */ export class Dialog { /** Dialog template. */ private static ModalTemplate: string = '<div class="modal" role="dialog"><div class="modal-dialog"><div class="modal-content"><div class="modal-header"><button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">&times;</button></div><div class="modal-body" style="overflow:auto;"></div><div class="modal-footer"></div></div></div></div>'; /** The jQuery modal. */ public $modal: JQuery = null; private _Title: string|JQuery|Element; /** The dialog title. */ public get Title(): string|JQuery|Element { return this._Title; } public set Title(value: string|JQuery|Element) { var oldValue = this._Title; this._Title = value; if (oldValue != value) { if (this.$modal != null) { $('.modal-header', this.$modal).empty().append(value); if (value != null && value != '') { $('.modal-header', this.$modal).show(); } else { $('.modal-header', this.$modal).hide(); } } } } /** The dialog content. */ public Content: string|JQuery|Element; /** The footer content. */ public Footer: string|JQuery|Element; /** Dialog width. */ public Width: string = null; /** Dialog height. */ public Height: string = null; /** Show the close button in the header (default true - yes). */ public DisplayCloseButton: boolean = true; /** * Prevent dialog closing when click on the background * (default false - are allowed to close the dialog when click on the background). */ public get DisableOverlayClose(): boolean { return this.$'bs.modal').options.backdrop == 'static'; } public set DisableOverlayClose(value: boolean) { this.$'bs.modal').options.backdrop = (value ? 'static' : 'true'); } /** Do not restore the dialog box after the show other windows. */ public get DontRestore(): boolean { if (this.$modal.attr('data-not-restore') == undefined) { return false; } else { return this.$modal.attr('data-not-restore').toLowerCase() == 'true'; } } public set DontRestore(value: boolean) { if (value) { this.$modal.attr('data-not-restore', 'true'); } else { if (this.$modal.attr('data-not-restore') != undefined) { this.$modal.removeAttr('data-not-restore'); } } } /** Gets or sets the visibility status of the dialog. */ public get Visible(): boolean { return $(this.$modal).css('display') != 'none'; } public set Visible(value: boolean) { if (value) { this.Show(); } else { this.Close(); } } private _HiddenCallback: { (dialog: Dialog): void; }; public get HiddenCallback(): { (dialog: Dialog): void; } { return this._HiddenCallback; } public set HiddenCallback(value: { (dialog: Dialog): void; }) { this._HiddenCallback = value; } // NOTE: I think it will be possible to do more features, but it will increase the file size. /** * Creates a new modal window. * * @param title The dialog title. Allowed html. * @param content The content. * @param footer The footer content. * @param width The dialog width. * @param height The dialog height. * @param displayCloseButton Show the close button in the header (default true - yes). * @param disableOverlayClose Prevent dialog closing when click on the background (default false - are allowed to close the dialog when click on the background). * @param dontRestore Do not restore the dialog box after the show other windows. */ constructor(title: string|JQuery|Element, content: string|JQuery|Element|boolean, footer?: string|JQuery|Element, width?: string, height?: string, displayCloseButton?: boolean, disableOverlayClose?: boolean, dontRestore?: boolean) { if (typeof this.Init === 'undefined') { return; } if (displayCloseButton === undefined || displayCloseButton == null) { displayCloseButton = true; } if (disableOverlayClose === undefined || disableOverlayClose == null) { disableOverlayClose = false; } if (typeof content == 'boolean') { // creates an instance of the class of an existing dialog this.$modal = $(title); this.$modal.modal({ backdrop: (disableOverlayClose ? 'static' : 'true'), show: false }); } else { // creates a new modal window. this.$modal = $(Dialog.ModalTemplate); this.$modal.modal({ backdrop: (disableOverlayClose ? 'static' : 'true'), show: false }); this._Title = title; this.Content = <any>content; this.Footer = footer; this.Width = width; this.Height = height; this.DisplayCloseButton = displayCloseButton; this.DontRestore = dontRestore; this.Init(); } } /* * Initializes a modal window in accordance with the specified parameters. */ private Init(): void { // console.log('Dialog.Init'); // console.log(this.$modal); var $this = this; if ($this.Width !== undefined && $this.Width) { $this.$modal.width($this.Width); } else { $this.$modal.width(null); } if ($this.Height !== undefined && $this.Height) { $('.modal-body', $this.$modal).height($this.Height); } else { $('.modal-body', $this.$modal).height(null); } if ($this.Title !== undefined && $this.Title) { $('.modal-header', $this.$modal).append($this.Title); $('.modal-header', $this.$modal).show(); if (!$this.DisplayCloseButton) { $('.modal-header button.close:first', $this.$modal).hide(); } } else { $('.modal-header', $this.$modal).hide(); } $('.modal-body', $this.$modal).append($this.Content); if ($this.Footer !== undefined && $this.Footer) { $('.modal-footer', $this.$modal).append($this.Footer); $('.modal-footer', $this.$modal).show(); } else { $('.modal-footer', $this.$modal).hide(); } if ($this.DontRestore) { $this.$modal.attr('data-not-restore', 'true'); } $this.$modal.on('', () => { $(this).remove(); }); $this.$modal.modal({ backdrop: ($this.DisableOverlayClose ? 'static' : 'true'), show: false }); //, keyboard: false } /** * Displays the dialog box. */ public Show(): void { // this.Init(); this.$''); if (this.HiddenCallback !== undefined && this.HiddenCallback != null && typeof this.HiddenCallback === 'function') { this.$modal.on('',() => { this.HiddenCallback(this); }); } this.$modal.modal('show'); } /** * Closes the dialog box. */ public Close(): void { this.$modal.modal('hide'); } /** * creates a new window from an existing element. * * @param element The element from which to create a window (Dialog). */ public static CreateFromElement(element: string|JQuery|Element): Dialog { if (element === undefined || element == null) { throw new Error('?????????? ??????? ???????, ?? ???????? ??????? ??????? ?????????? ????.'); } return new Dialog($(element), true); } /** * Creates and shows the dialog. * * @param title The dialog title. Allowed html. * @param content The content. * @param footer The footer content. * @param width The dialog width. * @param height The dialog height. * @param displayCloseButton Show the close button in the header (default true - yes). * @param disableOverlayClose Prevent dialog closing when click on the background (default false - are allowed to close the dialog when click on the background). * @param dontRestore Do not restore the dialog box after the show other windows. */ public static ShowDialog(title: string|JQuery|Element, content: string|JQuery|Element, footer?: string|JQuery|Element, width?: string, height?: string, displayCloseButton?: boolean, disableOverlayClose?: boolean, dontRestore?: boolean): Dialog { var modal = new Dialog(title, content, footer, width, height, displayCloseButton, disableOverlayClose, dontRestore); modal.Show(); return modal; } /** * Shows alert. * * @param title The dialog title. Only text, without html. * @param message The message. Allowed html. * @param buttonTitle The Ok button title. Default: Ok. * @param hiddenCallback Callback function. */ public static Alert(message: string|JQuery|Element, title?: string, buttonTitle?: string, hiddenCallback?: { (dialog: Dialog): void; }): Dialog { // remember all open modal windows var restoreModal = new Array(); $('.modal').each((i, e) => { if ($(e).css('display') != 'none') { if ($(e).attr('data-not-restore') === undefined || $(e).attr('data-not-restore') != 'true') { restoreModal[restoreModal.length] = e; } $(e).modal('hide'); } }); if (title !== undefined && title && title.length > 0) { title = '<h3>' + title + '</h3>'; } var footer = null; if (buttonTitle === undefined || !buttonTitle || buttonTitle.length <= 0) { buttonTitle = 'Ok'; } footer = '<a href="#" class="btn btn-primary" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">' + buttonTitle + '</a>'; var dialog = new Dialog(title, message, footer, null, null, true, false, false); dialog.HiddenCallback = (sender: Dialog) => { if (restoreModal.length > 0) { // restore windows $(restoreModal).each((i, e) => { $(e).modal('show'); }); } if (hiddenCallback !== undefined && hiddenCallback && typeof hiddenCallback == 'function') { hiddenCallback(dialog); } $(sender.$modal).remove(); } /*$(alrt).on('shown', function () { $(this).css("top", ($(window).height() - $(this).height()) / 2).css("left", ($(window).width() - $(this).width()) / 2); return this; });*/ dialog.Show(); return dialog; } public static Confirm(message: string|JQuery|Element, title?: string, buttonAcceptTitle?: string, buttonCancelTitle?: string, resultCallback?: { (dialog: Dialog, result: boolean): void; }): Dialog { // remember all open modal windows var restoreModal = new Array(); $('.modal').each((i, e) => { if ($(e).css('display') != 'none') { if ($(e).attr('data-not-restore') === undefined || $(e).attr('data-not-restore') != 'true') { restoreModal[restoreModal.length] = this; } $(e).modal('hide'); } }); if (title !== undefined && title && title.length > 0) { title = '<h3>' + title + '</h3>'; } var footer = null; if (buttonAcceptTitle === undefined || !buttonAcceptTitle || buttonAcceptTitle.length <= 0) { buttonAcceptTitle = 'Ok'; } if (buttonCancelTitle === undefined || !buttonCancelTitle || buttonCancelTitle.length <= 0) { buttonCancelTitle = 'Cancel'; } footer = $ ( '<a href="#" class="btn btn-primary" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">' + buttonAcceptTitle + '</a>' + '<a href="#" class="btn btn-danger" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">' + buttonCancelTitle + '</a>' ); if (resultCallback !== undefined && resultCallback && typeof resultCallback == 'function') { $('a:first', footer).click(() => { resultCallback(dialog, true); }); $('a:last', footer).click(() => { resultCallback(dialog, false); }); } var dialog = new Dialog(title, message, footer, null, null, true, false, false); dialog.HiddenCallback = (sender: Dialog) => { if (restoreModal.length > 0) { // restore windows $(restoreModal).each((i, e) => { $(e).modal('show'); }); } $(sender.$modal).remove(); } dialog.Show(); return dialog; } } }