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File: FrontEndScripts/libs/Nemiro/Utility.ts

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  Classes of Aleksey Nemiro   PHP Small Server Administrator   FrontEndScripts/libs/Nemiro/Utility.ts   Download  
File: FrontEndScripts/libs/Nemiro/Utility.ts
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: PHP Small Server Administrator
Web panel for small Debian and Ubuntu servers
Author: By
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Date: 8 years ago
Size: 12,405 bytes


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?/* * Copyright © Aleksey Nemiro, 2015. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ module Nemiro { /** * ??????????????? ??????????. * * ----------------------------------------------------- * Aleksey Nemiro, Arimsoft Ltd., 13.08.2015 * * */ export class Utility { /** ?????????, ???????? ????????? ???????? ?????? ??? ???. */ public static IsNumeric(value: any): boolean { return (!isNaN(parseFloat(value)) && isFinite(value)); } /** * ?????????? ????? ? ???? ??????. ????????: 3 ?????, 5 ??????. * * @para value ??????????. * @param word1 ???? ?????. * @param word234 ???? ?????. * @param wordmore ?????? ????. */ public static GetCountAsString(value: number, word1: string, word234: string, wordmore: string) { var decintpart = value; var intpart = decintpart; var endpart = (intpart % 100); if (endpart > 19) endpart = endpart % 10; switch (endpart) { case 1: return word1; case 2: case 3: case 4: return word234; default: return wordmore; } } /** ?????????? ??? ????.*/ public static CompareDates(a: any, b: any): number { return ( isFinite(a = Utility.ConvertToDate(a).valueOf()) && isFinite(b = Utility.ConvertToDate(b).valueOf()) ? <any>(a > b) - <any>(a < b) : NaN ); } /** ??????????? ????????? ???????? ? ????. */ public static ConvertToDate(d: any): Date { return <any>( d.constructor === Date ? new Date(d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth(), d.getDate()) : d.constructor === Array ? new Date(d[0], d[1], d[2]) : d.constructor === Number ? new Date(d) : d.constructor === String ? (/[0-9]{2}.[0-9]{2}.[0-9]{4}/.test(d) ? new Date(parseInt(d.split(".")[2], 10), parseInt(d.split(".")[1], 10) - 1, parseInt(d.split(".")[0], 10)) : new Date(d)) : typeof d === "object" ? new Date(d.year, d.month, : NaN ); } /** * ??????? (??????????) ????? ?? ????????? ????. * * @param datetime ????, ???? timeStamp. */ public static ExcludeTime(datetime: Date|number): Date { if (typeof datetime === 'number') { datetime = new Date(<number>datetime); } return new Date((<Date>datetime).getFullYear(),(<Date>datetime).getMonth(),(<Date>datetime).getDate()); } /** ??????????? ??????, ?????????? ???? ? ??????? ??.??.????, ? ????. */ public static GetDateFromString(dateString: string): Date { var dpg = $.fn.datepicker.DPGlobal; return dpg.parseDate(dateString, dpg.parseFormat('')); } /* * ?????????? ?????? ?????????????? ???? ? ????????? ???????. * * @param date ????, ??????? ??????? ????????????? ? ??????. * @param format ?????? ????. ?? ?????????: */ static DateToString(date: Date, format?: string): string { if (format == undefined || format == null || format == '') { format = ''; } var dpg = $.fn.datepicker.DPGlobal; return dpg.formatDate(date, dpg.parseFormat(format), 'ru'); } /** * ????????? ???????????? ????. * * @param value ????????, ??????? ??????? ?????????. */ public static IsValidDate(value: string): boolean { if (!value || value == undefined || value == '') { return false; } var arr = value.split('.'); if (arr.length < 3) { return false; } var y = parseInt(arr[2], 10), m = parseInt(arr[1], 10), d = parseInt(arr[0], 10); var dt = new Date(y, m - 1, d); if (isNaN(dt.getTime())) { return false; } return dt.getFullYear() == y && dt.getMonth() + 1 == m && dt.getDate() == d; } /** * ??????????? ????????? ??????. * @param value ??????, ? ??????? ??????? ???????? ?????????. * @param args ???????????, ??????? ??????? ???????? ? ??????. */ static Format(value: string, args: any): string { if (value === undefined || value === null || value === '') { console.log('Value is empty.'); return null; } if (args.length === 1 && args[0] !== null && typeof args[0] === 'object') { args = args[0]; } if (typeof args === 'string') { args = [args]; } return value.replace(/{([^}]*)}/g, function (match, key) { return (typeof args[key] !== "undefined" ? args[key] : match); }); } /* * ???????? ???????? ????? ????????? ?? ??????. * * @param str ??????, ? ??????? ??????? ?????????? ????? ? ??????. * @param find ??????? ?????????. * @param repl ?????????, ?? ??????? ??????? ???????? ????????? ??????????. */ static Replace(str, find, repl): string { return str.replace(new RegExp("(" + find + ")+", "g"), repl); } /** * ???????? ????????? HTML. * * @param value ??????, ? ??????? ??????? ???????????? ???????? HTML. */ static HtmlEncode(value: string): string { var r = new RegExp("\x22+", "g"); var div = document.createElement("div"); var text = document.createTextNode(value); div.appendChild(text); return div.innerHTML.replace(r, "&quot;"); } /** * ?????????? ????????? HTML. * * @param value ??????, ? ??????? ??????? ???????????? ???????? HTML. */ static HtmlDecode(value: string): string { var div = document.createElement("div"); div.innerHTML = value; return div.innerText; } /** * ?????? ????. * * @param name ??? ????. * @param value ????????. * @param days ???? ???????? (????). */ public static CreateCookies(name: string, value: string, days?: number) { var expires = ''; var date = new Date(); if (days !== undefined && days !== null) { date.setTime(date.getTime() + (days * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)); expires = '; expires=' + date.toUTCString(); } document.cookie = Utility.Format('{name}={value}{expires}; path=/', { name: name, value: value, expires: expires }); } /** * ?????????? ???? ?????, ? ??????????, ???? ?? ????? ???? ?? ????????? ?? ?????, ? ???? ? ????? ??????, ?????, ?????, ? ??????????. * * @param name ??? ????. */ public static ReadCookies(name: string): string { var ca = document.cookie.split(';'); name = name + '='; for (var i = 0; i < ca.length; i++) { var c = ca[i]; while (c.charAt(0) == ' ') c = c.substring(1, c.length); if (c.indexOf(name) == 0) return c.substring(name.length, c.length); } return null; } /** * ??????? ????. * * @param name ??? ????. */ public static EraseCookies(name: string) { Utility.CreateCookies(name, '', -1); } /** ?????????? ????? ??? ???? (#). */ public static GetUrlWithoutHash(url: string): string { if (url.indexOf('#') != -1) { url = url.substring(0, url.indexOf('#')); } return url; } /** ?????????? ????????? ???????? ?????????? url. */ public static GetUrlParameter(name: string, url: string): string { if (url == undefined || url == null) { url =; } return decodeURIComponent((new RegExp('[?|&]' + name + '=' + '([^&;]+?)(&|#|;|$)').exec(url) || [, ""])[1].replace(/\+/g, '%20')) || null; } /* * ?????????? ?????? ???????? ? ?????? ????? ? ????????. */ public static GetElementHeight(element: string|JQuery|HTMLElement): number { var $element = $(element); if ($element.css("display") == "none") { return 0; } var pd = 0; pd += ($element.css("padding-top") && $element.css("padding-top") != "auto" ? parseInt($element.css("padding-top")) : 0); pd += ($element.css("padding-bottom") && $element.css("padding-bottom") != "auto" ? parseInt($element.css("padding-bottom")) : 0); pd += ($element.css("margin-top") && $element.css("margin-top") != "auto" ? parseInt($element.css("margin-top")) : 0); pd += ($element.css("margin-bottom") && $element.css("margin-bottom") != "auto" ? parseInt($element.css("margin-bottom")) : 0); return $element.height() + pd; } /* * ?????????? ?????? ???????? ? ?????? ????? ? ????????. */ public static GetElementWidth(element: string|JQuery|HTMLElement): number { var $element = $(element); if ($element.css("display") == "none") { return 0; } var pd = 0; pd += ($element.css("padding-left") && $element.css("padding-left") != "auto" ? parseInt($element.css("padding-left")) : 0); pd += ($element.css("padding-right") && $element.css("padding-right") != "auto" ? parseInt($element.css("padding-right")) : 0); pd += ($element.css("margin-left") && $element.css("margin-left") != "auto" ? parseInt($element.css("margin-left")) : 0); pd += ($element.css("margin-right") && $element.css("margin-right") != "auto" ? parseInt($element.css("margin-right")) : 0); return $element.width() + pd; } /** * ?????????, ???????? ????????? ???????? ?????? ??? ???. * * @param value ????????, ??????? ????????? ?????????. */ public static IsNullOrEmpty(value: any): boolean { return value === undefined || value == null || value == ''; } /** * ?????????? ????????? ????? ? ???? ?????? ? ?? ?????, ??? ??? ?????. */ public static NumberTo2DigitString(value: number): string { if (value < 10 && value >= 0) { return '0' + value.toString(); } else { return value.toString(); } } public static NextInvalidField(form: string|JQuery|HTMLFormElement, cssClass?: string): boolean { if ((<HTMLFormElement>$(form)[0]).checkValidity()) { return false; } var element = $('input:invalid, textarea:invalid', form).first(); cssClass = cssClass || 'ng-invalid ng-invalid-required ng-touched'; element.addClass(cssClass); //console.log(element); element.focus(); return true; } /** * Return the directory name of a path. */ public static DirectoryName(path: string): string { var separator = '/'; if (path.indexOf('\\') != -1) { separator = '\\'; } var pathItems = path.split(separator); pathItems.pop(); return pathItems.join(separator); } } }