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File: FrontEndScripts/libs/Nemiro/AppContext.ts

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File: FrontEndScripts/libs/Nemiro/AppContext.ts
Role: Auxiliary data
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Description: Auxiliary data
Class: PHP Small Server Administrator
Web panel for small Debian and Ubuntu servers
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Date: 8 years ago
Size: 6,596 bytes


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?/* * Copyright © Aleksey Nemiro, 2015-2016. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ module Nemiro { /** * Represents contex of the application. */ export class AppContext { public Angular: ng.IModule; private Namespace: string; /** The list of registered controllers. */ public RegisteredControllerList: Array<RegisteredController<any>> = new Array<RegisteredController<any>>(); /** The application init handler. */ public Initialize: Nemiro.EventHandlers<any> = null; /** The application controller registered handler. */ public ControllerRegistered: Nemiro.EventHandlers<RegisteredController<any>> = null; /** The application filter registered handler. */ public FilterRegistered: Nemiro.EventHandlers<IFilter> = null; constructor(namespace: string, app?: string|ng.IModule, requires?: Array<string>) { var $this = this; $this.Namespace = namespace; if (typeof app == 'undefined') { $this.Angular = angular.module('app', requires || []); } else if (typeof app == 'string') { $this.Angular = angular.module(app.toString() || 'app', requires || []); } else { $this.Angular = <ng.IModule>app; } // init handlers $this.Initialize = new Nemiro.EventHandlers('Initialize', $this); $this.FilterRegistered = new Nemiro.EventHandlers('FilterRegistered', $this); $this.ControllerRegistered = new Nemiro.EventHandlers('ControllerRegistered', $this); // init angular $this.InitAngularDirectives(); $this.InitAngularFilters(); $this.InitAngularControllers(); $this.Initialize.Trigger(); } /** Performs registration of directives. */ private InitAngularDirectives(): void { var $this = this; // strong numbers $this.Angular.directive('convertToNumber',() => { return { require: 'ngModel', link: (scope, element, attrs, ngModel) => { ngModel.$parsers.push((val) => { return parseInt(val, 10); }); ngModel.$formatters.push((val) => { return '' + val; }); } }; }); // compare $this.Angular.directive('compareTo',() => { return { require: "ngModel", scope: { otherModelValue: "=compareTo" }, link: (scope, element, attributes, ngModel) => { ngModel.$validators.compareTo = (modelValue) => { return modelValue == (<any>scope).otherModelValue; }; scope.$watch("otherModelValue", () => { ngModel.$validate(); }); } }; }); } /** Performs registration of filters. */ private InitAngularFilters(): void { var $this = this; if (window[$this.Namespace] === undefined || window[$this.Namespace]['Filters'] === undefined) { return; } for (var filterName in window[$this.Namespace]['Filters']) { console.log('InitAngularFilters', filterName); if (typeof filterName === 'undefined') { continue; } if (typeof window[$this.Namespace]['Filters'][filterName] !== 'function') { console.error('Filter <' + $this.Namespace + '.Filters.' + filterName + '> not found.'); continue; } $this.RegisterFilter(filterName); } } private RegisterFilter(filterName: string): void { console.log('RegisterFilter', filterName); var $this = this; $this.Angular.filter(filterName, ['$filter', ($filter) => { // create filter instance var filter = <IFilter>Object.create(window[$this.Namespace]['Filters'][filterName].prototype); filter.constructor.apply(filter, [$filter]); filter.Name = filterName; // call handler $this.FilterRegistered.Trigger(filter); // return filter return (input: any, args: any) => { return filter.Execution(input, args); } }]); } /** Initializes controllers Angular. */ private InitAngularControllers(): void { var $this = this; // add controller $('[ng-controller]').each((i, element) => { // TODO: I do not like this... var name = $(element).attr('ng-controller'); if (window[$this.Namespace] !== undefined && window[$this.Namespace]['Controllers'] !== undefined && typeof window[$this.Namespace]['Controllers'][name] === 'function') { console.log('Registered controller <' + $this.Namespace + '.Controllers.' + name + '>.'); $this.Angular.controller(name, ['$scope', '$filter', '$http', '$window', '$location', '$timeout', '$compile', '$anchorScroll', ($scope, $filter, $http, $window, $location, $timeout, $compile, $anchorScroll) => { var controller = Object.create(window[$this.Namespace]['Controllers'][name].prototype); controller.constructor.apply(controller, [new AngularContext($scope, $filter, $http, $window, $location, $timeout, $compile, $anchorScroll, element)]); // add controller to list var newRegisteredController = new RegisteredController(name, controller); $this.RegisteredControllerList.push(newRegisteredController); // call handler $this.ControllerRegistered.Trigger(newRegisteredController); return controller; }]); } else { console.error('Controller <' + $this.Namespace + '.Controllers.' + name + '> not found.'); } }); } /** * Searches contoller by name and returns a found controller. * * @param name The controller name to search. */ public GetRegisteredController<T>(name: string): RegisteredController<T> { this.RegisteredControllerList.forEach((item: RegisteredController<T>) => { if (item.Name == name) { return item; } }); return null; } } }