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File: FrontEndScripts/libs/highcharts-ng.js

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  Classes of Aleksey Nemiro   PHP Small Server Administrator   FrontEndScripts/libs/highcharts-ng.js   Download  
File: FrontEndScripts/libs/highcharts-ng.js
Role: Auxiliary data
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Description: Auxiliary data
Class: PHP Small Server Administrator
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if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && typeof exports !== 'undefined' && module.exports === exports){ module.exports = 'highcharts-ng'; } (function () { 'use strict'; /*global angular: false, Highcharts: false */ angular.module('highcharts-ng', []) .provider('highchartsNG', highchartsNGProvider) .directive('highchart', ['highchartsNG', '$timeout', highchart]); function highchartsNGProvider(){ var modules = []; var basePath = false; var lazyLoad = false; return { HIGHCHART: 'highcharts.js', HIGHSTOCK: 'stock/highstock.js', basePath: function (p) { basePath = p; }, lazyLoad: function (list) { if (list === undefined) { modules = [this.HIGHCHART]; } else { modules = list; } lazyLoad = true; }, $get: ['$window', '$rootScope', function ($window, $rootScope) { if (!basePath) { basePath = (window.location.protocol === 'https:' ? 'https' : 'http') + '://'; } return highchartsNG($window, $rootScope, lazyLoad, basePath, modules); }] }; } function highchartsNG($window, $rootScope, lazyload, basePath, modules) { var readyQueue = []; var loading = false; return { lazyLoad:lazyload, ready: function (callback, thisArg) { if (typeof $window.Highcharts !== 'undefined' || !lazyload) { callback(); } else { readyQueue.push([callback, thisArg]); if (loading) { return; } loading = true; var self = this; if (typeof jQuery === 'undefined') { modules.unshift('adapters/standalone-framework.js'); } var doWork = function () { if (modules.length === 0) { loading = false; $rootScope.$apply(function () { angular.forEach(readyQueue, function (e) { // invoke callback passing 'thisArg' e[0].apply(e[1], []); }); }); } else { var s = modules.shift(); self.loadScript(s, doWork); } }; doWork(); } }, loadScript: function (path, callback) { var s = document.createElement('script'); s.type = 'text/javascript'; s.src = basePath + path; s.onload = callback; document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].appendChild(s); }, //IE8 support indexOf: function (arr, find, i /*opt*/) { if (i === undefined) i = 0; if (i < 0) i += arr.length; if (i < 0) i = 0; for (var n = arr.length; i < n; i++) if (i in arr && arr[i] === find) return i; return -1; }, prependMethod: function (obj, method, func) { var original = obj[method]; obj[method] = function () { var args =; func.apply(this, args); if (original) { return original.apply(this, args); } else { return; } }; }, deepExtend: function deepExtend(destination, source) { //Slightly strange behaviour in edge cases (e.g. passing in non objects) //But does the job for current use cases. if (angular.isArray(source)) { destination = angular.isArray(destination) ? destination : []; for (var i = 0; i < source.length; i++) { destination[i] = deepExtend(destination[i] || {}, source[i]); } } else if (angular.isObject(source)) { destination = angular.isObject(destination) ? destination : {}; for (var property in source) { destination[property] = deepExtend(destination[property] || {}, source[property]); } } else { destination = source; } return destination; } }; } function highchart(highchartsNGUtils, $timeout) { // acceptable shared state var seriesId = 0; var ensureIds = function (series) { var changed = false; angular.forEach(series, function(s) { if (!angular.isDefined( { = 'series-' + seriesId++; changed = true; } }); return changed; }; // immutable var axisNames = [ 'xAxis', 'yAxis' ]; var chartTypeMap = { 'stock': 'StockChart', 'map': 'Map', 'chart': 'Chart' }; var getMergedOptions = function (scope, element, config) { var mergedOptions = {}; var defaultOptions = { chart: { events: {} }, title: {}, subtitle: {}, series: [], credits: {}, plotOptions: {}, navigator: {enabled: false}, xAxis: { events: {} }, yAxis: { events: {} } }; if (config.options) { mergedOptions = highchartsNGUtils.deepExtend(defaultOptions, config.options); } else { mergedOptions = defaultOptions; } mergedOptions.chart.renderTo = element[0]; angular.forEach(axisNames, function(axisName) { if(angular.isDefined(config[axisName])) { mergedOptions[axisName] = highchartsNGUtils.deepExtend(mergedOptions[axisName] || {}, config[axisName]); if(angular.isDefined(config[axisName].currentMin) || angular.isDefined(config[axisName].currentMax)) { highchartsNGUtils.prependMethod(, 'selection', function(e){ var thisChart = this; if (e[axisName]) { scope.$apply(function () { scope.config[axisName].currentMin = e[axisName][0].min; scope.config[axisName].currentMax = e[axisName][0].max; }); } else { //handle reset button - zoom out to all scope.$apply(function () { scope.config[axisName].currentMin = thisChart[axisName][0].dataMin; scope.config[axisName].currentMax = thisChart[axisName][0].dataMax; }); } }); highchartsNGUtils.prependMethod(, 'addSeries', function(e){ scope.config[axisName].currentMin = this[axisName][0].min || scope.config[axisName].currentMin; scope.config[axisName].currentMax = this[axisName][0].max || scope.config[axisName].currentMax; }); highchartsNGUtils.prependMethod(mergedOptions[axisName].events, 'setExtremes', function (e) { if (e.trigger && e.trigger !== 'zoom') { // zoom trigger is handled by selection event $timeout(function () { scope.config[axisName].currentMin = e.min; scope.config[axisName].currentMax = e.max; scope.config[axisName].min = e.min; // set min and max to adjust scrollbar/navigator scope.config[axisName].max = e.max; }, 0); } }); } } }); if(config.title) { mergedOptions.title = config.title; } if (config.subtitle) { mergedOptions.subtitle = config.subtitle; } if (config.credits) { mergedOptions.credits = config.credits; } if(config.size) { if (config.size.width) { mergedOptions.chart.width = config.size.width; } if (config.size.height) { mergedOptions.chart.height = config.size.height; } } return mergedOptions; }; var updateZoom = function (axis, modelAxis) { var extremes = axis.getExtremes(); if(modelAxis.currentMin !== extremes.dataMin || modelAxis.currentMax !== extremes.dataMax) { if (axis.setExtremes) { axis.setExtremes(modelAxis.currentMin, modelAxis.currentMax, false); } else { axis.detachedsetExtremes(modelAxis.currentMin, modelAxis.currentMax, false); } } }; var processExtremes = function(chart, axis, axisName) { if(axis.currentMin || axis.currentMax) { chart[axisName][0].setExtremes(axis.currentMin, axis.currentMax, true); } }; var chartOptionsWithoutEasyOptions = function (options) { return angular.extend( highchartsNGUtils.deepExtend({}, options), { data: null, visible: null } ); }; var getChartType = function(scope) { if (scope.config === undefined) return 'Chart'; return chartTypeMap[('' + scope.config.chartType).toLowerCase()] || (scope.config.useHighStocks ? 'StockChart' : 'Chart'); }; var res = { restrict: 'EAC', replace: true, template: '<div></div>', scope: { config: '=', disableDataWatch: '=' }, link: function (scope, element, attrs) { // We keep some chart-specific variables here as a closure // instead of storing them on 'scope'. // prevSeriesOptions is maintained by processSeries var prevSeriesOptions = {}; var processSeries = function(series) { var i; var ids = []; if(series) { var setIds = ensureIds(series); if(setIds && !scope.disableDataWatch) { //If we have set some ids this will trigger another digest cycle. //In this scenario just return early and let the next cycle take care of changes return false; } //Find series to add or update angular.forEach(series, function(s) { ids.push(; var chartSeries = chart.get(; if (chartSeries) { if (!angular.equals(prevSeriesOptions[], chartOptionsWithoutEasyOptions(s))) { chartSeries.update(angular.copy(s), false); } else { if (s.visible !== undefined && chartSeries.visible !== s.visible) { chartSeries.setVisible(s.visible, false); } chartSeries.setData(angular.copy(, false); } } else { chart.addSeries(angular.copy(s), false); } prevSeriesOptions[] = chartOptionsWithoutEasyOptions(s); }); // Shows no data text if all series are empty if(scope.config.noData) { var chartContainsData = false; for(i = 0; i < series.length; i++) { if (series[i].data && series[i].data.length > 0) { chartContainsData = true; break; } } if (!chartContainsData) { chart.showLoading(scope.config.noData); } else { chart.hideLoading(); } } } //Now remove any missing series for(i = chart.series.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var s = chart.series[i]; if ( !== 'highcharts-navigator-series' && highchartsNGUtils.indexOf(ids, < 0) { s.remove(false); } } return true; }; // chart is maintained by initChart var chart = false; var initChart = function() { if (chart) chart.destroy(); prevSeriesOptions = {}; var config = scope.config || {}; var mergedOptions = getMergedOptions(scope, element, config); var func = config.func || undefined; var chartType = getChartType(scope); chart = new Highcharts[chartType](mergedOptions, func); for (var i = 0; i < axisNames.length; i++) { if (config[axisNames[i]]) { processExtremes(chart, config[axisNames[i]], axisNames[i]); } } if(config.loading) { chart.showLoading(); } config.getHighcharts = function() { return chart; }; }; initChart(); if(scope.disableDataWatch){ scope.$watchCollection('config.series', function (newSeries, oldSeries) { processSeries(newSeries); chart.redraw(); }); } else { scope.$watch('config.series', function (newSeries, oldSeries) { var needsRedraw = processSeries(newSeries); if(needsRedraw) { chart.redraw(); } }, true); } scope.$watch('config.title', function (newTitle) { chart.setTitle(newTitle, true); }, true); scope.$watch('config.subtitle', function (newSubtitle) { chart.setTitle(true, newSubtitle); }, true); scope.$watch('config.loading', function (loading) { if(loading) { chart.showLoading(loading === true ? null : loading); } else { chart.hideLoading(); } }); scope.$watch('config.noData', function (noData) { if(scope.config && scope.config.loading) { chart.showLoading(noData); } }, true); scope.$watch('config.credits.enabled', function (enabled) { if (enabled) {; } else if (chart.credits) { chart.credits.hide(); } }); scope.$watch(getChartType, function (chartType, oldChartType) { if (chartType === oldChartType) return; initChart(); }); angular.forEach(axisNames, function(axisName) { scope.$watch('config.' + axisName, function(newAxes, oldAxes) { if (newAxes === oldAxes || !newAxes) { return; } if (angular.isArray(newAxes)) { for (var axisIndex = 0; axisIndex < newAxes.length; axisIndex++) { var axis = newAxes[axisIndex]; if (axisIndex < chart[axisName].length) { chart[axisName][axisIndex].update(axis, false); updateZoom(chart[axisName][axisIndex], angular.copy(axis)); } } } else { // update single axis chart[axisName][0].update(newAxes, false); updateZoom(chart[axisName][0], angular.copy(newAxes)); } chart.redraw(); }, true); }); scope.$watch('config.options', function (newOptions, oldOptions, scope) { //do nothing when called on registration if (newOptions === oldOptions) return; initChart(); processSeries(scope.config.series); chart.redraw(); }, true); scope.$watch('config.size', function (newSize, oldSize) { if(newSize === oldSize) return; if(newSize) { chart.setSize(newSize.width || chart.chartWidth, newSize.height || chart.chartHeight); } }, true); scope.$on('highchartsng.reflow', function () { chart.reflow(); }); scope.$on('$destroy', function() { if (chart) { try{ chart.destroy(); }catch(ex){ // fail silently as highcharts will throw exception if element doesn't exist } $timeout(function(){ element.remove(); }, 0); } }); } }; // override link fn if lazy loading is enabled if(highchartsNGUtils.lazyLoad){ var oldLink =; = function(){ var args = arguments; highchartsNGUtils.ready(function(){ oldLink.apply(this, args); }, this); }; } return res; } }());