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File: FrontEndScripts/Controllers/MonitoringController.ts

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File: FrontEndScripts/Controllers/MonitoringController.ts
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: PHP Small Server Administrator
Web panel for small Debian and Ubuntu servers
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Date: 8 years ago
Size: 19,230 bytes


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?/* * Copyright © Aleksey Nemiro, 2016. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ module SmallServerAdmin.Controllers { /** * Represents server monitoring controller. */ export class MonitoringController implements Nemiro.IController { public Scope: any; public Context: Nemiro.AngularContext; /** The list of processes. */ public get Processes(): Array<Models.Process> { return this.Scope.Processes; } public set Processes(value: Array<Models.Process>) { this.Scope.Processes = value; } /** Search string. */ public get SearchString(): string { return this.Scope.SearchString; } public set SearchString(value: string) { this.Scope.SearchString = value; } public get SearchStringInput(): string { return this.Scope.SearchStringInput; } public set SearchStringInput(value: string) { this.Scope.SearchStringInput = value; } /** Info loading indicator. */ public get InfoLoading(): boolean { return this.Scope.InfoLoading; } public set InfoLoading(value: boolean) { this.Scope.InfoLoading = value; } /** Loading indicator. */ public get Loading(): boolean { return this.Scope.Loading; } public set Loading(value: boolean) { this.Scope.Loading = value; } public get DynamicsCPU(): Array<number> { return this.Scope.DynamicsCPU; } public set DynamicsCPU(value: Array<number>) { this.Scope.DynamicsCPU = value; } public get MemoryTotal(): number { return this.Scope.MemoryTotal; } public set MemoryTotal(value: number) { this.Scope.MemoryTotal = value; } public get MemoryFree(): number { return this.Scope.MemoryFree; } public set MemoryFree(value: number) { this.Scope.MemoryFree = value; } public get MemoryFreePercent(): number { return this.Scope.MemoryFreePercent; } public set MemoryFreePercent(value: number) { this.Scope.MemoryFreePercent = value; } public get DynamicsMemoryTotal(): Array<number> { return this.Scope.DynamicsMemoryTotal; } public set DynamicsMemoryTotal(value: Array<number>) { this.Scope.DynamicsMemoryTotal = value; } public get DynamicsMemoryUsage(): Array<number> { return this.Scope.DynamicsMemoryUsage; } public set DynamicsMemoryUsage(value: Array<number>) { this.Scope.DynamicsMemoryUsage = value; } public get DynamicsHDDTotal(): Array<number> { return this.Scope.DynamicsHDDTotal; } public set DynamicsHDDTotal(value: Array<number>) { this.Scope.DynamicsHDDTotal = value; } public get DynamicsHDDUsage(): Array<number> { return this.Scope.DynamicsHDDUsage; } public set DynamicsHDDUsage(value: Array<number>) { this.Scope.DynamicsHDDUsage = value; } public get HDDTotal(): number { return this.Scope.HDDTotal; } public set HDDTotal(value: number) { this.Scope.HDDTotal = value; } public get HDDFree(): number { return this.Scope.HDDFree; } public set HDDFree(value: number) { this.Scope.HDDFree = value; } public get SelectedProcessToKill(): Models.Process { return this.Scope.SelectedProcessToKill; } public set SelectedProcessToKill(value: Models.Process) { this.Scope.SelectedProcessToKill = value; } public get SortField(): string { return this.Scope.SortField; } public set SortField(value: string) { this.Scope.SortField = value; } public get SortReverse(): boolean { return this.Scope.SortReverse; } public set SortReverse(value: boolean) { this.Scope.SortReverse = value; } public get CPU(): Array<number> { return this.Scope.CPU; } public set CPU(value: Array<number>) { this.Scope.CPU = value; } public get IndicatorsRefreshInterval(): number { return this.Scope.IndicatorsRefreshInterval; } public set IndicatorsRefreshInterval(value: number) { this.Scope.IndicatorsRefreshInterval = value; } public get ProcessesRefreshInterval(): number { return this.Scope.ProcessesRefreshInterval; } public set ProcessesRefreshInterval(value: number) { this.Scope.ProcessesRefreshInterval = value; } public get RefreshDisabled(): boolean { return this.Scope.RefreshDisabled; } public set RefreshDisabled(value: boolean) { this.Scope.RefreshDisabled = value; } public get KillSignal(): string { return this.Scope.KillSignal; } public set KillSignal(value: string) { this.Scope.KillSignal = value; } private ConfirmToKillProcess: Nemiro.UI.Dialog; constructor(context: Nemiro.AngularContext) { var $this = this; $this.Context = context; $this.Scope = $this.Context.Scope; var settings = {}; if ($this.Context.Window.localStorage['Monitoring'] !== undefined && $this.Context.Window.localStorage['Monitoring'] != null && $this.Context.Window.localStorage['Monitoring'] != '') { settings = $.parseJSON($this.Context.Window.localStorage['Monitoring']); } $this.DynamicsCPU = new Array<number>(); $this.DynamicsMemoryUsage = new Array<number>(); $this.DynamicsMemoryTotal = new Array<number>(); $this.DynamicsHDDTotal = new Array<number>(); $this.DynamicsHDDUsage = new Array<number>(); $this.CPU = new Array<number>(); $this.SortField = 'Name'; $this.SortReverse = false; $this.IndicatorsRefreshInterval = (settings['IndicatorsRefreshInterval'] || 3); $this.ProcessesRefreshInterval = (settings['ProcessesRefreshInterval'] || 30); $this.SearchString = $this.SearchStringInput = $['search']; $this.ConfirmToKillProcess = Nemiro.UI.Dialog.CreateFromElement($('#confirmToKillProcess')); $this.Scope.SetIndicatorsRefreshInterval = (interval: number) => { $this.Context.Window.localStorage['Monitoring'] = $.toJSON({ IndicatorsRefreshInterval: interval, ProcessesRefreshInterval: $this.ProcessesRefreshInterval}); $this.IndicatorsRefreshInterval = interval; if (interval > 0) { $this.Context.Timeout(() => { $this.GetInfo($this, false); }, interval * 1000); } } $this.Scope.SetProcessesRefreshInterval = (interval: number) => { $this.Context.Window.localStorage['Monitoring'] = $.toJSON({ IndicatorsRefreshInterval: $this.IndicatorsRefreshInterval, ProcessesRefreshInterval: interval }); $this.ProcessesRefreshInterval = interval; if (interval > 0) { $this.Context.Timeout(() => { $this.Load($this); }, interval * 1000); } } $this.Scope.Load = () => { $this.Load($this); } $this.Scope.Refresh = () => { $this.RefreshDisabled = true; $this.Context.Timeout(() => { $this.RefreshDisabled = false; }, 1000); $this.GetInfo($this, false); $this.Load($this); } $this.Scope.Search = () => { $this.SearchString = $this.SearchStringInput; $'search', $this.SearchString); $this.Load($this); } $this.Scope.ResetSearch = () => { $this.SearchString = $this.SearchStringInput = ''; $'search', null); $this.Load($this); } $this.Scope.GetProcessStatusCss = $this.GetProcessStatusCss; $this.Scope.ConfirmKill = (process: Models.Process) => { $this.KillSignal = 'SIGTERM'; $this.SelectedProcessToKill = process; $this.ConfirmToKillProcess.Show(); } $this.Scope.KillProcess = () => { $this.KillProcess($this); } // charts $this.InitCPUChart($this); $this.InitMemoryChart($this); $this.InitHDDChart($this); $this.GetInfo($this, true); } private InitCPUChart($this: MonitoringController): void { $this.Scope.ChartCPU = { options: { chart: { type: 'area', backgroundColor: null, borderWidth: 0, margin: [2, 0, 2, 0] }, legend: { enabled: false }, credits: { enabled: false }, exporting: { enabled: false }, tooltip: { backgroundColor: null, borderWidth: 0, shadow: false, useHTML: true, hideDelay: 0, shared: true, padding: 0, positioner: (w, h, point) => { return { x: point.plotX - w / 2, y: point.plotY - h }; }, //valueSuffix: '%' formatter: () => { var y = eval('this').y; return '<div class="chart-tooltip">' + y + '%</div>'; } }, plotOptions: { series: { marker: { enabled: false } } } }, series: [{ data: $this.DynamicsCPU }], title: { text: '' }, loading: false, yAxis: { min: 0, max: 100, labels: { enabled: false }, title: { text: null }, startOnTick: false, endOnTick: false, tickPositions: [] }, useHighStocks: false /*size: { width: 120, height: 35 }*/ }; } private InitMemoryChart($this: MonitoringController): void { $this.Scope.ChartMemory = { options: { chart: { type: 'area', backgroundColor: null, borderWidth: 0, margin: [2, 0, 2, 0] }, legend: { enabled: false }, credits: { enabled: false }, exporting: { enabled: false }, tooltip: { backgroundColor: null, borderWidth: 0, shadow: false, useHTML: true, hideDelay: 0, shared: true, padding: 0, positioner: (w, h, point) => { return { x: point.plotX - w / 2, y: point.plotY - h }; }, //valueSuffix: ' Mb', formatter: () => { var points = eval('this').points; return '<div class="chart-tooltip">' + '<strong>' + App.Resources.Total + ':</strong> ' + points[0].y + ' ' + App.Resources.Mb + '<br />' + (points.length > 1 ? '<strong>' + App.Resources.InUse + ':</strong> ' + points[1].y + ' ' + App.Resources.Mb + '' : '') + '</div>'; } }, plotOptions: { series: { marker: { enabled: false } } } }, series: [{ name: 'Total', data: $this.DynamicsMemoryTotal, color: '#90ed7d' }, { name: 'In Use', data: $this.DynamicsMemoryUsage, color: '#c0453c' }], title: { text: '' }, loading: false, yAxis: { min: 0, max: $this.MemoryTotal, labels: { enabled: false }, title: { text: null }, startOnTick: false, endOnTick: false, tickPositions: [] }, useHighStocks: false /*size: { width: 120, height: 35 }*/ }; } private InitHDDChart($this: MonitoringController): void { $this.Scope.ChartHDD = { options: { chart: { type: 'area', backgroundColor: null, borderWidth: 0, margin: [2, 0, 2, 0] }, legend: { enabled: false }, credits: { enabled: false }, exporting: { enabled: false }, tooltip: { backgroundColor: null, borderWidth: 0, shadow: false, useHTML: true, hideDelay: 0, shared: true, padding: 0, positioner: (w, h, point) => { return { x: point.plotX - w / 2, y: point.plotY - h }; }, //valueSuffix: ' Mb', formatter: () => { var points = eval('this').points; return '<div class="chart-tooltip">' + '<strong>' + App.Resources.Total + ':</strong> ' + points[0].y + ' ' + App.Resources.Gb + '<br />' + (points.length > 1 ? '<strong>' + App.Resources.InUse + ':</strong> ' + points[1].y + ' ' + App.Resources.Gb : '') + '</div>'; } }, plotOptions: { series: { marker: { enabled: false } } } }, series: [{ name: 'Total', data: $this.DynamicsHDDTotal, color: '#90ed7d' }, { name: 'In Use', data: $this.DynamicsHDDUsage, color: '#c0453c' }], title: { text: '' }, loading: false, yAxis: { min: 0, max: $this.MemoryTotal, labels: { enabled: false }, title: { text: null }, startOnTick: false, endOnTick: false, tickPositions: [] }, useHighStocks: false /*size: { width: 120, height: 35 }*/ }; } private GetInfo($this: MonitoringController, getProcessList: boolean): void { $this = $this || this; if ($this.InfoLoading) { return; } $this.InfoLoading = true; // create request var apiRequest = new ApiRequest<Models.ServerInfo>($this.Context, 'Monitoring.GetInfo'); // handler successful response to a request to api apiRequest.SuccessCallback = (response) => { //$this.Processes =; $this.CPU =; $this.DynamicsCPU.push([0]); $this.MemoryTotal = Math.round(( / 1024 / 1024) * 100) / 100; //.toFixed(2) $this.MemoryFree = Math.round(( / 1024 / 1024) * 100) / 100; $this.MemoryFreePercent = (( * 100) /; $this.DynamicsMemoryUsage.push(Math.round((( - / 1024 / 1024) * 100) / 100); //console.log('Memory', / 1024 / 1024, / 1024 / 1024, Math.round((( - / 1024 / 1024) * 100) / 100); $this.DynamicsMemoryTotal.push(Math.round(( / 1024 / 1024) * 100) / 100); var hddTotal = 0, hddAvailable = 0; angular.forEach(,(item: Models.HDDInfo) => { hddTotal += item.Total; hddAvailable += item.Available; }); $this.DynamicsHDDTotal.push(Math.round((hddTotal / 1024 / 1024) * 100) / 100); $this.DynamicsHDDUsage.push(Math.round(((hddTotal - hddAvailable) / 1024 / 1024) * 100) / 100); $this.HDDTotal = Math.round((hddTotal / 1024 / 1024) * 100) / 100; $this.HDDFree = Math.round((hddAvailable / 1024 / 1024) * 100) / 100; if ($this.DynamicsCPU.length > 100) { $this.DynamicsCPU.shift(); } if ($this.DynamicsMemoryUsage.length > 100) { $this.DynamicsMemoryUsage.shift(); } if ($this.DynamicsMemoryTotal.length > 100) { $this.DynamicsMemoryTotal.shift(); } if ($this.DynamicsHDDTotal.length > 100) { $this.DynamicsHDDTotal.shift(); } if ($this.DynamicsHDDUsage.length > 100) { $this.DynamicsHDDUsage.shift(); } if (getProcessList) { $this.Load($this); } }; apiRequest.CompleteCallback = () => { $this.InfoLoading = false; if ($this.IndicatorsRefreshInterval > 0) { $this.Context.Timeout(() => { $this.GetInfo($this, false); }, $this.IndicatorsRefreshInterval * 1000); } }; // execute apiRequest.Execute(); } private Load($this: MonitoringController): void { $this = $this || this; if ($this.Loading) { return; } $this.Loading = true; // create request var apiRequest = new ApiRequest<Array<Models.Process>>($this.Context, 'Monitoring.GetProcesses', { search: $this.SearchString }); // handler successful response to a request to api apiRequest.SuccessCallback = (response) => { $this.Processes =; }; apiRequest.CompleteCallback = () => { $this.Loading = false; if ($this.ProcessesRefreshInterval > 0) { $this.Context.Timeout(() => { $this.Load($this); }, $this.ProcessesRefreshInterval * 1000); } }; // execute apiRequest.Execute(); } private GetProcessStatusCss(status: string): string { if (status == null || status == '') { return ''; } var result = ''; if (status == 'R') { return 'process-status-running'; } if (status == 'T') { return 'process-status-stopped'; } if (status == 'S+') { return 'process-status-top'; } if (status[0] == 'S') { return 'process-status-s'; } return ''; } private KillProcess($this: MonitoringController): void { $this.SelectedProcessToKill.Loading = true; $this.ConfirmToKillProcess.Close(); var apiRequest = new ApiRequest<Array<Models.Process>>($this.Context, 'Monitoring.KillProcess', { pid: $this.SelectedProcessToKill.PID, signal: $this.KillSignal }); apiRequest.SuccessCallback = (response) => { $this.Load($this); }; apiRequest.CompleteCallback = () => { if ($this.SelectedProcessToKill != null) { $this.SelectedProcessToKill.Loading = false; } }; // execute apiRequest.Execute(); } } }