# is an example of a site configuration file for apache
# rename and place this file in the folder "/etc/apache2/sites-available"
# and make the necessary changes
# to enable site, use the following command:
# sudo a2ensite yourConfigFileName
<VirtualHost *>
# default path, but you can use own
DocumentRoot /usr/share/ssa-webpanel/www
# your domain here
ServerName panel.example.org
<Location />
AllowOverride All
Order Allow,Deny
Allow from all
DirectoryIndex index.html index.htm index.php
# be sure to restrict access to your panel
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Control panel"
AuthUserFile /usr/share/ssa-webpanel/.htpasswd
Require valid-user
# Require all granted
# to create .htpasswd use the following command:
# sudo htpasswd -dcb /usr/share/ssa-webpanel/.htpasswd usersnameToAccess userPassword
# note: use arguments -db (without c) to add new users to existing file:
# sudo htpasswd -db /usr/share/ssa-webpanel/.htpasswd otherUser password