Download?# Contributing to SmallServerAdmin
Thanks for taking the time to contribute!
The following is a set of guidelines for contributing to SmallServerAdmin.
Code of Conduct
This project adheres to the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct.
By participating, you are expected to uphold this code.
Found an Issue?
If you find a bug in the source code, you can help us by submitting an issue
to our GitHub Repository.
Even better you can submit a Pull Request with a fix.
Want a new Module or Feature?
You can request a new module or feature by submitting an issue
to our GitHub Repository.
Please note:
Major Changes that you wish to contribute to the project should be discussed.
Small Changes can be crafted and submitted to the
GitHub Repository
as a Pull Request.
Code Contributions
The project welcomes new contributors.
To get started, fork the SmallServerAdmin on GitHub and check out your copy locally.
Make your changes, in accordance with our rules and recommendations.
Make sure that your changes are working properly.
Commit and Push your changes.
Send Pull Request.
Please, before writing code, pay attention to requests queue
and see SmallServerAdmin version in the dev branch.
Coding Rules
To ensure consistency throughout the source code and to work properly it is recommended to follow the rules:
All public classes, methods and properties must be documented;
Use two spaces for indentation;
Server-side code must be placed in the `SmallServerAdmin`;
- For server-side code use namespaces:
- for API: `Api` (examples: #1, #2);
- for Models: `Models` (examples: #1, #2);
- for pages: `ModuleName` (examples: #1, #2);
- Use `SSH` class ot the `/ssh/api.php` to work with SSH;
- For new modules, do not forget to create a README and CHANGELOG files;
- Each module should have a version number in the following format: _Major.Minor.Changes_. For example: `1.0.0`;
- Recommended to work with the API using client-side code;
- Watch out for encoding files. Use UTF-8 without BOM. This can be critical for PHP;
Client-side code must be placed in the `FrontEndScripts`;
- Use TypeScript;
- Recommended to use AngularJS;
- Compiled code must be placed in the folder `../SmallServerAdmin/Content` (files: `compiled.js` and `compiled.min.js`);
- For client-side code use namespaces:
- `SmallServerAdmin` - root namespace;
- `SmallServerAdmin.Controllers` - controllers;
- `SmallServerAdmin.Filters` - custom filters;
- `SmallServerAdmin.Models` - models;
- Recommended to use the camel style. The first word with capital letters.
For example: `TheNewBestName`;
- Use prefix:
- `I*` - for interfaces. For example: `ISelectPath`;
- Use suffix:
- `*Controller` - for controllers. For example: `UserListController`;
- Use `ApiRequest` class to work with WebAPI;
Structure of the project
The solution consists of two projects: SmallServerAdmin and FrontEndScripts.
SmallServerAdmin - the main project.
It contains client pages and classes to interact with a server.
FrontEndScripts - contains client-side code.
The project has a strict structure.
At the root folder located modules.
In the same folder can be only one module.
The module name is the name of the folder.
The following shows the structure of the project files:
-- Content - styles, fonts, images and client-side scripts
-- Controls - user controls of the SSA
-- Layouts - master pages (templates)
-- Libs - additional server-side libraries
-- servers - contains configuration files connected servers
-- .version - current version of the panel
-- api.php - the main file for API
-- config.php - config of the WebForms.PHP
-- global.json and global.*.json - localization resources
-- global.php - global handler (WebForms.PHP)
-- index.php and index.html.php - main page
-- ssa.config.php - config of SmallServerAdmin
-- any module
---- api.php - methods of API
---- index.php (+index.html.php) - main page of module
---- menu.php - view of the module in the navigation menu (optional)
---- widget.php - widget to display on the panel main page (optional)
---- any files and folders (optional)
Each module should have its own api.php file.
This file must contain the public API methods.
Call API methods through api.php file located in the root directory.
As a rule, work with the API is through the client-side code.
Client-side code written in TypeScript for AngularJS.
-- Controllers - controllers
-- Filters - custom filters for AngularJS
-- Interfaces - additional interfaces
-- libs - additional libraries
-- Models - models (yet in a heap)
-- typings - type definitions for TypeScript and Visual Studio
-- _app.ts - main application class
-- ApiRequest.ts - API request helper
-- bundleconfig.json - building rules (for VS2015)
-- compiled.js.bundle - building rules (for VS2013)
You can use any handy software.
It will be nice if you include your changes to
bundleconfig.json and
The project is written in Visual Studio 2015.
Visual Studio 2013 (Professional or Ultimate)
Visual Studio 2015
And also required TypeScript (v1.5-1.8) and
To manage nesting files recommended the extension File Nesting.
For PHP required php_ssh2.dll.
Download Win32 SSH2 PECL extension
and extract php_ssh2.dll to C:\Program Files (x86)\IIS Express\PHP\v5.5\ext ,
and libssh2.dll to C:\Program Files (x86)\IIS Express\PHP\v5.5 .
Open C:\Program Files (x86)\IIS Express\PHP\v5.5\php.ini and add:
extension=php_ssh2.dll to [ExtensionList] :
; ... other extinsions
_NOTE: Restart IIS, if is started._
_ATTENTION: At the time of this writing, SSH no problem to work with PHP 5.5.
In PHP 5.6 and PHP 7 had problems._
For more information please see PHP Manual.
To test it is recommended to use a virtual machines of
VirtualBox or
VMWare. |