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File: js/scripts.js

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  Classes of Jesus Tovar   Simple Students CRUD   js/scripts.js   Download  
File: js/scripts.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Simple Students CRUD
Perform CRUD operations on a students MySQL table
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 8 years ago
Size: 6,537 bytes


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var studentUrl = "class/students.fn.php"; var student = { listStudents: function() { /** *action * 0 = list **/ var parametros = { "action": 0 }; $.ajax( { data: parametros, url: studentUrl, type: "post", success: function(response) { $("#tblStudent > tbody").empty(); $("#tblStudent > tbody").append(response); }, error: function(xhr, tStatus, err) { swal("", tStatus + " --- " + xhr.responseText, "error"); } }); $("#btnEdit").hide(); $("#btnDelete").hide(); }, add: function() { if (($("#InputName").val().length == 0) || ($("#InputAge").val().length == 0)) { return false; } var parametros = { "action": 1, "name": $("#InputName").val(), "age": $("#InputAge").val() }; $.ajax( { data: parametros, url: studentUrl, type: "post", dataType: "json", success: function(response) { if (response.error == 'true') { swal("Success!", "Student Added", "success"); } else { swal("Error!", 'Something wrong happen...', "error"); } }, error: function(xhr, tStatus, err) { swal("", tStatus + " --- " + xhr.responseText, "error"); } }); this.listStudents(); this.clearForm(); }, edit: function() { var msg = this.setMessage(2); var parametros = { "action": 2, "id": $("#InputId").val(), "name": $("#InputName").val(), "age": $("#InputAge").val() }; $.ajax( { data: parametros, url: studentUrl, type: "post", dataType: "json", success: function(response) { if (response.error == 'false') { swal("Success!", msg, "success"); } else { swal("Error!", 'Something wrong happen...', "error"); } }, error: function(xhr, tStatus, err) { swal("", tStatus + " --- " + xhr.responseText, "error"); } }); $("#btnEdit").hide(); $("#btnDelete").hide(); $("#btnAdd").show(); this.clearForm(); this.listStudents(); }, delete: function() { swal( { title: "Sure you want to DELETE Student " + $("#InputName").val() + " from database?", //text: "You will not be able to recover this imaginary file!", type: "warning", showCancelButton: true, confirmButtonClass: "btn-danger", confirmButtonText: "Yes, Delete it!", cancelButtonText: "No, Cancel this action!", closeOnConfirm: false, closeOnCancel: false }, function(isConfirm) { if (isConfirm) { var msg = student.setMessage(3); var parametros = { "action": 3, "id": $("#InputId").val() }; $.ajax( { data: parametros, url: studentUrl, type: "post", dataType: "json", success: function(response) { if (response.error == 'false') { swal("Success!", msg, "success"); } else { swal("Error!", 'Something wrong happen...' + response.errDesc, "error"); } student.clearForm(); student.listStudents(); }, error: function(xhr, tStatus, err) { swal("", tStatus + " --- " + xhr.responseText, "error"); } }); } else { swal("Canceled", "No student affected", "error"); this.clearForm(); } }); $("#btnEdit").hide(); $("#btnDelete").hide(); $("#btnAdd").show(); }, loadToEdit: function(id) { /** *action * 4 = listOne **/ var parametros = { "action": 4, "id": id }; $.ajax( { data: parametros, url: studentUrl, type: "post", dataType: "json", before: function() { this.clearForm(); }, success: function(response) { if (response.error != undefined) { alert(response.qry); } else { $.each(response, function(index, st) { $("#InputId").val(st.id_student); $("#InputName").val(st.student_name); $("#InputAge").val(st.student_age); }); $("#btnEdit").show(); $("#btnDelete").show(); $("#btnAdd").hide(); } }, error: function(xhr, tStatus, err) { swal("", tStatus + " --- " + xhr.responseText, "error"); } }); }, setMessage: function(action) { var msg = ""; switch (action) { case 2: msg = "Student Edited"; break; case 3: msg = "Student Deleted"; break; default: msg = "Student"; break; }; return msg; }, clearForm: function() { $("#InputId").val(""); $("#InputName").val(""); $("#InputAge").val(""); } }