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File: tests/FormatterNamedTest.php

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  Classes of Marcin Sztolcman   String Formatter   tests/FormatterNamedTest.php   Download  
File: tests/FormatterNamedTest.php
Role: Unit test script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Unit test script
Class: String Formatter
Template engine to format text strings
Author: By
Last change: added tests for non-mutability of transformer
Date: 7 years ago
Size: 6,549 bytes


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 * This file is part of m36/stringformatter.
 * (c) 36monkeys <>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view
 * the LICENSE file that was distributed with this source code.
 * @version 0.6.0

namespace m36\StringFormatter\Tests;


FormatterNamedTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
     * @test
public function simple()
$format = '{welcome} {name}!';
$fmt = new FormatterNamed($format);
$res = $fmt->compile(array('welcome' => 'Hello', 'name' => 'world'));
$this->assertEquals('Hello world!', (string) $res);

     * @test
public function alignLeft()
$format = '{welcome} "{name:<20}"';
$fmt = new FormatterNamed($format);
$res = $fmt->compile(array('welcome' => 'Hello', 'name' => 'world'));
$this->assertEquals('Hello "world "', (string) $res);

     * @test
public function alignRight()
$format = '{welcome} "{name:>20}"';
$fmt = new FormatterNamed($format);
$res = $fmt->compile(array('welcome' => 'Hello', 'name' => 'world'));
$this->assertEquals('Hello " world"', (string) $res);

     * @test
public function alignCenter()
$format = '{welcome} "{name:^20}"';
$fmt = new FormatterNamed($format);
$res = $fmt->compile(array('welcome' => 'Hello', 'name' => 'world'));
$this->assertEquals('Hello " world "', (string) $res);

     * @test
public function alignCenterWithCharacter()
$format = '{welcome} "{name:*^20}"';
$fmt = new FormatterNamed($format);
$res = $fmt->compile(array('welcome' => 'Hello', 'name' => 'world'));
$this->assertEquals('Hello "*******world********"', (string) $res);

     * @test
public function sprintfLike()
$format = 'Test: {data%%.3f}';
$fmt = new FormatterNamed($format);
$res = $fmt->compile(array('data' => 2.1234567));
$this->assertEquals('Test: 2.123', (string) $res);

$format = 'Test 2: {data%%c}';
$fmt = new FormatterNamed($format);
$res = $fmt->compile(array('data' => 97));
$this->assertEquals('Test 2: a', (string) $res);

     * @test
public function objectProperty()
$format = 'Test: {data->property}';
$fmt = new FormatterNamed($format);
$res = $fmt->compile(array('data' => new TestNamedStringFormatter()));
$this->assertEquals('Test: test property', (string) $res);

     * @test
public function objectMethod()
$format = 'Test: {data->method}';
$fmt = new FormatterNamed($format);
$res = $fmt->compile(array('data' => new TestNamedStringFormatter()));
$this->assertEquals('Test: test method', (string) $res);

     * @test
public function convertInteger()
$format = 'Test: 10: {data#d}, 16: {data#x}, 2: {data#b}';
$fmt = new FormatterNamed($format);
$res = $fmt->compile(array('data' => 11));
$this->assertEquals('Test: 10: 11, 16: b, 2: 1011', (string) $res);

$format = 'Test: 10: {data#10}, 16: {data#16}, 2: {data#2}, 7: {data#7}';
$fmt = new FormatterNamed($format);
$res = $fmt->compile(array('data' => 11));
$this->assertEquals('Test: 10: 11, 16: b, 2: 1011, 7: 14', (string) $res);

     * @test
public function arrayIndex()
$format = 'Test: test1: {data[test1]}, test2: {data[test2]}';
$fmt = new FormatterNamed($format);
$res = $fmt->compile(array('data' => array('test1' => 'Hello', 'test2' => 'world')));
$this->assertEquals('Test: test1: Hello, test2: world', (string) $res);

     * @test
public function paramsInConstructor()
$format = '{welcome} {name}!';
$fmt = new FormatterNamed($format, array('welcome' => 'Hello', 'name' => 'world'));
$res = $fmt->compile();
$this->assertEquals('Hello world!', (string) $res);

$format = '{welcome} {name}!';
$fmt = new FormatterNamed($format, array('welcome' => 'Hello', 'name' => 'world'));
$res = $fmt->compile(array('name' => 'earth'));
$this->assertEquals('Hello earth!', (string) $res);

$format = '{welcome} {name}!';
$fmt = new FormatterNamed($format, array('welcome' => 'Hello', 'name' => 'world'));
$res = $fmt->compile(array('welcome' => 'Hi', 'name' => 'earth'));
$this->assertEquals('Hi earth!', (string) $res);

     * @test
public function functionalCall()
$format = 'Some {adj} method{char}';
$adj = 'glorious';
$char = '!';
$expected = "Some {$adj} method{$char}";

$res = StringFormatter\nformat($format, array('adj' => $adj, 'char' => $char));
$this->assertEquals($expected, (string) $res);

     * @test
public function compiledTwiceChangedProperty()
$format = 'Some {data->property}, some {data->method}';
$data = new TestNamedStringFormatter();
$expected = "Some {$data->property}, some {$data->method()}";

$res = StringFormatter\nformat($format, array('data' => $data));

$res2 = $res->unfold();
$this->assertEquals($expected, (string) $res2);

$data->property = 'changed property';

$res2 = $res->unfold();
$this->assertEquals($expected, (string) $res2);

     * @test
public function compiledTwiceChangedModifiers()
$format = 'Some {data->property}, some {data->method}';
$data = new TestNamedStringFormatter();
$expected = "Some {$data->property}, some {$data->method()}";

$res = StringFormatter\nformat($format, array('data' => $data));

$res2 = $res->eol()->unfold();
$this->assertEquals($expected . PHP_EOL, (string) $res2);

$data->property = 'changed property';

$res2 = $res->lower()->unfold();
$this->assertEquals(mb_strtolower($expected), (string) $res2);

$property = 'test property';

    public function
'test method';